贫Al带,aluminum-depleted area
1)aluminum-depleted area贫Al带
1.But,aluminum-depleted area was found in the bond coat next to TGO which was more narrow and change largely with concentration range after long time oxidation.但长时间氧化后,在与TGO毗邻的金属黏结层中产生了范围较窄但浓度变化较大的贫Al带,TGO层出现保护性Al2O3向非保护性混合氧化物转变的现象,导致致密Al2O3层的连续性被破坏,TGO厚度快速增加。
2)poverty belt贫困带
1.Through analysis the location, historical vicissitudes,regime reasons about poverty belt of Beijing Economic Cycle,proposed the suggestion of foothold long-term formulation and implementation poverty-alleviation policy,borrowing the strength of Beijing Economic Cycle integration solution the poverty surround Beijing, established perfect ecology compensation mechanism.文章通过对首都经济圈贫困带的区位、历史变迁、体制三方面贫困成因分析,提出立足长远制定和实施扶贫政策、借"首都经济圈一体化"之力解决"环首都贫困"、建立健全生态补偿机制的建议。

1.The Reasons Poverty Belt of Beijing Economic Cycle and the Suggestion of Against Poverty首都经济圈的贫困带成因与消除贫困的建议
2.Study on the Dual Inhibitory Effect of Ecological Poverty in Our Country--Based on Analysis of Poverty Belt Around Jing-Jin-Ji;我国生态性贫困的双重抑制效应研究——基于环京津贫困带的分析
3.The Poverty-stricken Strip around Beijing and Tianjin and Developing Strategies;环京津贫困带生态环境现状及发展对策
4.Rights and Obligations to Poverty Belt around Jing-Jin Cities;环京津贫困带的环境权利与义务问题研究
5.Study on Eco-economic Cooperation Mechanism to Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and Povertybelt Issues around Beijing and Tianjin;京津冀生态—经济合作机制与环京津贫困带问题研究
6.The depression brought intense poverty to the South.大萧条给南方带来了极大的贫困。
7.The state has driven forward the solution of poverty in the rural poverty-stricken areas across the country through concentrated and effective aid to the impoverished counties.通过对贫困县的集中有效扶持,带动了全国农村贫困问题的解决。
8.A Case Study of Poverty and Antipoverty in Hotan;和田地区贫困与反贫困研究——一个干旱绿洲荒漠交错带的典型分析
9.Poverty is stranger to industry .贫困不勤劳,勤劳不贫困。
10.The Poverty-stricken Undergraduate: from Material Poverty to Spiritual Poverty;高校贫困生:从物质贫困到精神贫困
11.The countries in which the rainforests are located are all quite poor and overpopulated.地处热带雨林的国家都相当贫困,人口过剩。
12.They live in a squalid hut in the poorest part of the village.他们居住在村里最贫困地带的污秽小屋中。
13.Research on Development of the Poverty Areas Neighboring Beijing;关于带动北京周边贫困地区发展问题研究
14.Being in need;impoverished.贫穷的贫困的,极穷的
15.absolute impoverishment【政经】绝对贫困化
16.res angusta domi[-AN5^QstEdEu5mai]家境贫困
17.They saw the effects of alcoholism, obesity and poverty-related illness.他们看到了酒精中毒,过度肥胖和与贫困相关的疾病所带来的后果。
18.But Mother Teresa toiled a lifetime to bring a ray of sunshine in the lives of the destitute.而特蕾莎修女辛劳一生,为的是给贫困者带去了一缕阳光。

poverty belt贫困带
1.Through analysis the location, historical vicissitudes,regime reasons about poverty belt of Beijing Economic Cycle,proposed the suggestion of foothold long-term formulation and implementation poverty-alleviation policy,borrowing the strength of Beijing Economic Cycle integration solution the poverty surround Beijing, established perfect ecology compensation mechanism.文章通过对首都经济圈贫困带的区位、历史变迁、体制三方面贫困成因分析,提出立足长远制定和实施扶贫政策、借"首都经济圈一体化"之力解决"环首都贫困"、建立健全生态补偿机制的建议。
3)Al Cu Si ribbon solde r带状Al-Cu-Si钎料
4)Zn-Al alloy stripZn-Al合金带材
1.A new method of using Zn-Al alloy strip to manufacture Zn-Al-Mg-RE cored wire was introduced.在前期研发出Zn-Al-Mg-RE粉芯丝材制备新型防腐涂层技术的基础上,提出了采用Zn-Al合金带材包覆复合粉末的新工艺制造Zn-Al-Mg-RE粉芯丝材,设计制造了Al质量分数分别为2%,5%,8%的系列Zn-Al合金带材,测试了带材的硬度、拉伸强度和伸长率等力学性能指标,并和国外新近研制的Zn-Al合金带材(A220)展开对比;研究粉芯丝材的制造工艺。
5)poverty belt around Jing-Jin-Ji环京津贫困带
1.The article says that the poverty belt around Jing-Jin-Ji has the typical characteristics of ecological poverty.本文运用经典的反贫困理论对环京津贫困带现象进行了分析,认为经典的反贫困理论无法充分解释环京津贫困带现象。
6)Yueya poor belt"月牙形"贫困带
