转弯困难,difficulty in turning
1)difficulty in turning转弯困难
1.The reason for difficulty in turning is found to be that the buffer displacement is too great when the tail landing gear is subjected to weight loading,so that the axle incline angle is very large even when the wheel fork is turning a small angle.将某型飞机与它同类型飞机尾起落架的转弯情况进行了比较,发现某型飞机尾起落架转弯困难的原因是:在停机载荷下,缓冲器压缩量较大,轮叉转动较小的角度就可以导致轮轴与地面之间产生较大的倾角。
2)circulation difficulty周转困难

1.He purchased an interest in the manufacturing company which is embarrassed and did it with his eyes open.他明明知道那家制造厂周转困难,他还是买进了它的股票。
2.The only difficulty is that I am having a cash flow problem at the moment.目前唯一的困难是我周转不灵。
3.You know we have a cash flow problem and we prefer cash.你知道的,我们现金周转有困难,所以我们要现金。
4.Mr. Powell owns a lot of property, but he is land-poor.鲍威尔先生拥有大笔资产,但这些资产却集中在无利可图的土地之上周转不灵而使他经济困难。
5.You'll find it difficult to control your emotions.天蝎座:本周控制自己的情绪有些困难。
6.The fourth year of the war is going to be a most difficult one.抗战的第四周年将是最困难的一年。
7.The Experimental Research on Central and Peripheral Feedback of Alexithymics;述情困难中枢和外周反应的实验研究
8.It is hard work to control the workings of inclination and turn the bent of nature.要控制癖好,扭转天性,是困难的。
9.It is difficult to execute turns with rudder control alone.单靠操纵方向舵转弯是困难的。
10.The first of the three changes encountered great difficulties.三个转变中,第一个转变曾经遇到很大的困难。
11.Comrade Zhou Enlai was in a very difficult position at the time of the 1971 National Conference on Education.一九七一年全教会时,周恩来同志处境很困难。
12.I'm up a gum tree.I've no money, and I have to pay the rent by next Friday.我很困难,没有钱,因此我只得到下周五付房租。
13.You may have difficulties finishing projects you start.天秤座:本周天秤在完成所开展的项目上有困难。
14.Things at home may be somewhat rocky.巨蟹座:本周巨蟹的家庭事务会有些困难。
15.That journey will be in limbo for at least a few more weeks.这次执教至少在接下去的几周内仍会相当困难。
16.The teacher has called to know if the students who were absent for the week have any difficulties.教师来过,问起上周缺课的同学有没有困难。
17.uncountable difficulties无数的难题[困难]
18.financial distress财政困难,资金困难

circulation difficulty周转困难
3)transformation of difficult students转化困难生
1.The Reasons and Disposement of Distal Locking Difficulty Occured in the Treatment of Low Extremities Fracture with Interlocking Nail;交锁髓内钉治疗下肢骨折出现远端锁钉困难的原因及处理
2.Clinical Trial to Solve the Difficulty of Inserting Stomach Vessel;胃管插入困难的临床探索
3.Clinical analysis and experience of tracheal intubation difficulty(25 cases);气管插管困难25例临床分析及体会
1.Clinical observation of McCoy laryngoscope in difficult endotracheal intubation;McCoy喉镜用于困难气管插管的临床观察
2.The macro analyze on the difficulties private enterprises face to absorb the funds;民营企业融资困难的宏观分析
1.The difficulties and countermeasures for clinical nurses;当前临床护理队伍面临的困难与对策
2.Thoughts on Difficulties and Measures of Bilingual Teaching;双语教学面临的困难与对策
3.Analysis of the difficulties in English intonation learning and teaching methods;浅析英语语调学习的困难及教学对策

发散困难  用场论来计算有明确物理含义的物理量时,所遇到的计算结果为无穷大的困难。    在量子场论中用微扰理论处理一些物理过程时,最低次近似往往就可得到与实验一致的结果。但如果作更精确的理论计算,即作更高次的微扰计算时,得到的结果却常常是无穷大。无穷大的结果当然是没有物理意义的,这就是量子场论的发散困难。    在经典场论中已经遇到过发散困难。如在经典电动力学中,伴随任何电荷都存在电磁场,这些电磁场所具有的能量称为该电荷的自能。理论计算任何点电荷的自能都是无穷大。在量子电动力学(QED)中,计算电子自能时,仍遇到发散困难,并且有电荷发散的困难(这在经典理论中是没有的)。这些发散困难的根源在于场有无穷多的自由度,因而是带有基本性质的困难。从数学上讲,这些发散是由于在计算高次微扰矩阵元时对动量积分的上限趋于无穷大造成的,换句话说,是由于大动量的光子的贡献造成的,因而又称为紫外发散。量子电动力学中还存在另外一种发散,即所谓红外发散。它来源于低能量光子的贡献,数学上看是由于在计算高次微扰矩阵之时对动量的积分的下限趋于零造成的。这种发散不是来自场的无穷多自由度,而是由于所用的数学方法不适于处理低能光子,因而它不是基本性质的困难。    除量子电动力学外,其他相对论性量子场论绝大多数都有类似的发散困难。目前还没有处理发散困难的根本办法。但用重正化手续可以暂时绕过这一困难。重正化的基本思想是把理论中出现的无穷大归并到理论中有限个物理参量(如质量、电荷等)中去,并且假定归并后的参量正是物理实验中观测到的量。要从根本上消除发散困难可能需要了解更深一层次的物质结构和新的动力学。