防腐检查,corrosion checking
1)corrosion checking防腐检查
2)anticorrosive detection防腐检测
1.The principle,methods and characteristics of the comprehensive anticorrosive detection technology used for detection and assessment of cathodic protection system and detection of pipeline anticorrosive layer defect in urban gas network are introduced.介绍了综合防腐检测技术在城市燃气管网中阴极保护系统检测与评价、管道防腐层缺陷检测等方面的原理、方法与特点。
3)Exit-Entry Frontier Inspection边防检查
1.A Discussion on Administrative Normative Files of Exit-Entry Frontier Inspection;论出入境边防检查中的行政规范性文件

1.On the Entry-exit Inspection and Security during Olympic Games Period in China;做好奥运出入境边防检查工作之管见
2.A Study on Administrative Law Enforcement of the Active Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection现役制出入境边防检查行政执法研究
3.On Cause and Prevention of Crime by Taking Advantage of Duty of Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection Staff出入境边防检查人员职务犯罪成因与预防研究
4."After the card is filled, hand it together with the passport to the Frontier Defence Inspection Station for examination."此卡填妥后随同护照一并交边防检查站查验。
5.Frontier Inspection Station Should Have the Criminal Detective Power over the Case of Running a Blockade in the Port论边防检查站应有对口岸偷渡案件刑事侦查权
6.Non-motor vehicles and caravans entering or leaving the country shall submit to inspection by the Frontier Inspection Station.进出国境的非机动车辆和马帮等,必须接受边防检查站的检查。
7.On the Process Supervision during the Execution of Frontier Defence Inspection Work;试论出入境边防检查行政执法工作的过程监督
8.A Discussion on Administrative Normative Files of Exit-Entry Frontier Inspection;论出入境边防检查中的行政规范性文件
9.On Free Judgment for Administrative Punishment of Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection;出入境边防检查之行政处罚自由裁量权初探
10.Empirical Study on Performance Evaluation of Rudimental Exit-Entry Frontier Inspection Station in Guangzhou广州基层出入境边防检查站绩效考评实证研究
11.Study on Administrative Discretion of Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection出入境边防检查行政自由裁量权若干问题研究
12.With respect to those who come under one of the following circumstances, the local frontier posts have the power to forbid them to enter or leave the country:有下列情形之一的,边防检查站有权阻止出境、入境:
13.The frontier inspection offices shall have the power to stop persons belonging to any of the following categories from leaving the country and to deal with them according to law:有下列情形之一的,边防检查机关有权阻止出境,并依法处理:
14.On exit, the applicant shall declare at the Customs, and surrender the carrying-transport permit to the local border inspection office.出境时,向海关申报,将携运证交出境地边防检查站。
15.Our Country Entering and Leaving Country Border Defense Inspection System Human Resources Management Question Research;我国出入境边防检查系统人力资源管理问题研究
16.Study on the Impact and Measures of the‘11th Five-Year Plan’for the Development of Exit-Entry Frontier Inspection in Shanghai;上海“十一五”口岸发展对出入境边防检查工作的影响及对策
17.On the Control of Administrative Rational Principle over Administrative Discretion of Exit-and-entry Border Inspection;论行政合理性原则对出入境边防检查行政自由裁量权的控制
18.Study on Influence and Countermeasure of Administrative Permission Law for Exit-Entry Frontier Inspection;行政许可法定原则对边防检查行政许可的影响及其对策

anticorrosive detection防腐检测
1.The principle,methods and characteristics of the comprehensive anticorrosive detection technology used for detection and assessment of cathodic protection system and detection of pipeline anticorrosive layer defect in urban gas network are introduced.介绍了综合防腐检测技术在城市燃气管网中阴极保护系统检测与评价、管道防腐层缺陷检测等方面的原理、方法与特点。
3)Exit-Entry Frontier Inspection边防检查
1.A Discussion on Administrative Normative Files of Exit-Entry Frontier Inspection;论出入境边防检查中的行政规范性文件
4)frontier inspection边防检查
1.Stick to the Policy of Stability Overwhelming and Practically Implement the Exit - Entry Frontier Inspection Work;坚持稳定压倒一切的方针 切实做好出入境边防检查工作
2.Exit and entry frontier inspection is a kind of administration.出入境边防检查是国家通过设在对外开放口岸的出入境边防检查机关依法对出入境人员、交通运输工具及其携带、载运的行李物品、货物等实施检查、监督的一种行政管理活动①。
3.Insist on Improving with Times and Make Great Efforts to Innovate Frontier Inspection;为适应新时期口岸形势发展的需要,出入境边防检查工作必须与时俱进、改革创新,通过开创队伍管理二个新局面,实现执勤工作三个转变,全面提高边防检查工作综合能力,圆满完成日趋繁重的执勤任务。
5)make burglary prevention inspections防盗检查
6)fire inspection防火检查
1.The infrared technique and its application in fire protection were introduced in this paper, the latter including electric fire inspection, fire detection, fire reconnaissance, fire protection and succor.介绍红外技术及其在消防领域中的应用 ,其应用主要包括电气防火检查、火灾探测、火情侦察和灭火救援等方面。

防腐防腐  1防腐、用药品谬,日脚‘一’ ,‘,云多胭‘