故障归零,failure turn zero
1)failure turn zero故障归零
3)zeroing fault回零故障
4)failed part故障零件

1.Do not use appliances with defective parts.不要使用具有故障零件的电气用具。
2.part failure rate零部件故障率零件故障率
3.As its engine and some other vitals had been damaged,由于其引擎和其他一些重 要零件出了故障,
4.Failure Regularity Analysis and Forecast on Wagon Bogie Parts;货车转向架零部件的故障规律分析及预测
5.technical hitchph.1. 技术故障,机件故障
6."four steps"to zero failure故障趋于零的“四个阶段”
7.five measures to zero failure故障为零的五项措施
8."All our electric motors are guaranteed for one year; in the event of mechanical failure, the makers will replace any faulty part free."我们的全部电机都包换1年;如出现机械故障,任何有故障的零部件均由制造厂无偿更换。
9.In the guarantee period, repairs, adjustments for defects due to workmanship and replacement of parts will be done free of charge upon presentation of this qualification card.在保证期间,如零件损坏或因制作技术的原因发生故障,可凭此证来厂免费修理或调换零件。
10.Typical defects are damaged lines, liquid-fuel and vapor leaks, and missing parts.典型的故障是管路损坏,燃油和蒸气泄漏,以及零件丢失。
11.Sets the number of degrees that any heated component can drop below iits assigned set-point temperature before an under temperature fault occurs.严格限定受热零部件温度的降低幅度,以防设备因过冷而出现故障。
12.Dynamic Analysis and Failure Mechanism Research of the Reciprocating Machinery Parts with Wearing往复式机械设备零部件磨损的动力学特性及故障机理研究
13.crease the Cognition, Set up an new Management to Acquire No Breakdown to Management Equipment;提高认识 创新管理 实现设备零故障
14.Causes and Prevention of Zero Line Break in TN-C Power Supply SystemTN-C系统零线断线故障成因及预防
15.Set the number of degrees that any heated component can exceed its assigned set-point temperature before an over temperature fault occurs.严格限定所有受热零部件温度高于所设定最高运行温度的度数,以防设备过热而出现故障。
16.If fumes reach the charging units serious corrosion of metal parts can be expected and this can cause trouble.如果酸雾触及充电器,金属零件将发生严重腐蚀,并可能引起故障发生。
17.MES hardware error移动地面站硬件故障
18.The date be lose due to a software malfunction .由于软件故障,数据丢失。

3)zeroing fault回零故障
4)failed part故障零件
5)zero line fault零线故障
1.In order to ensure the continuity of power supply as much as possible and reduce the time span of ship power failure to the least degree,this article,based on a real case of zero line fault and by employing the principles of circuit,analyzes the cause mechanism and damages brought by zero line fault.船舶电力系统中采用的三相四线制交流配电网中零线故障时有发生,为了保证船舶电力系统的供电连续性及最大可能地缩短船舶停电时间,本文结合一起零线故障的实际情况,运用电路理论分析了零线故障产生的机理及其危害性,指出三相四线制交流配电网零线接地的重要性,并提出了防止此类事故的基本措施和具体方法。
6)Zero-failure experiment零故障试验
