操作员工作量,operator workload
human operator人工操作员
1.A class of fuzzy controller with experiences from human operator;一类带有人工操作员经验的模糊控制器(英文)
3)BACnet operator workstationBACnet操作员工作站
1.Using BACnet gateway,host computer of private controlling system can communicate with BACnet operator workstation.利用BACnet网关,实现了专有控制系统主机和BACnet操作员工作站的通信。
4)operator workstation操作员工作站
1.This article describes the functions of BACnet system operator workstation,then introduces the design of architecture of BACnet system operator workstation in detail,and at last, introduces the implementation of the functions of BACnet system operator workstation and prospects the application of the system software.描述了BACnet操作员工作站的功能,详细介绍了基于Java技术的操作员工作站系统体系结构设计,以及BACnet操作员工作站各项功能的具体实现,并对系统进行了展望。
5)first-line workers一线操作员工
1.With the whole open of domestic petroleum products markets in 2006, as a service business, satisfaction degree of first-line workers at petroleum products retail business directly decides the standard of their work, realization of enterprise s promise to social, best service for society whether or not, economic benefit and social effect of it.一线操作员工对S公司满意度只能理解为是员工流失的一个导火索,员工的流动已经成为当今社会的一种自然现象,是社会发展和人员物质需求和精神需求不断提高的产物,说明因操作人员匮乏,企业人力资源成本的提高已经是社会发展的必然。
6)Photogrammetric Operators摄影测量操作员
