自主控制等级,autonomous control level
1)autonomous control level自主控制等级
2)autonomous control levels自主控制层级
3)autonomy levels自主等级
1.In order to evaluate the autonomy levels of unmanned systems dealing with the mission,a model of evaluating the autonomy levels is constructed.为了评价无人系统在处理任务时的自主等级,本文构造了一个自主等级评定模型。
4)grade monarchy等级君主制
1.Angles, Saxons and Jutes invaded Britain about 5 BC for more than 170 0 years before"grade monarchy" taking shape.在其"等级君主制"形成前的1700多年里大致经历了公元前5世纪盎格鲁人,撒克逊人和朱特人入侵不列颠;公元10世纪统一国家的形成;1066年位于欧洲大陆诺曼底的公爵威廉率军入侵;从威廉二世到亨利二世统治时期的社会改革;1295年英国议会形成等历史阶段,从而使英国政体从"贵族民主制"演变为"等级君主制"。

1.Great Britain: from"Aristocratic Democratic System" to"Grade Monarchy System;从"贵族民主制"到"等级君主制"的英国
2.This applies to the absolute monarchy of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, which balances the nobility and the bourgeoisie against one another;17世纪和18世纪的专制君主制,就是这样,它使贵族和市民等级彼此保持平衡;
3.an absolute monarch专制君主 [帝尸]
4.Belief in or advocacy of monarchy.君主主义信仰或拥护君主制
5.a constitutional ruler,ie one controlled or limited by a constitution立宪君主(受宪法控制或限制的君主)
6.The system or principles of monarchy.君主制君主的体系或原则
7.a belief in and advocacy of monarchy as a political system.相信和主张君主制度的。
8.Democracy and Monarchy in France法国的民主和君主制
9.In polity,He is in favor of constitutionalism and take constitutional monarchy as ideal political system.在政治体制上 ,他主张宪政主义 ,把资产阶级的君主立宪制作为理想的政治制度
10.The people were against autocratic monarchy.人民反对君主专制。
11.the despotic rule of Eastern potentates东方君主的专制统治
12.So the government system is not autocratic monarchy or absolute monarchy.所以 ,王国已不是“君主专制”或“绝对君主制”。
13.Used as a form of address by a sovereign in addressing another sovereign or a high-ranking member of the nobility.国王对高级贵族或别国君主的称呼
14.A democracy can be monarchicalor presidential.民主政体可分为君主制和总统制。
15."It's a pretty bare bones operation," said Monarchist League of Canada Chairman John Aimers.“君主制运作十分精简,”加拿大君主主义者联盟主席约翰-爱默斯说。
16.finally,the author orientates it as mediation theory of the ruling class , points out its monarch-based essence, which belongsto ideological system of the despotism.最后将其定位为统治阶级的调和理论,指出其实质为君本位思想,属于专制主义思想体系。
17.Guan Zi s theory on autocratic monarchy expounded in his Degree of Seriousness;论《管子》轻重篇的君主专制主义思想
18.Its political system is constitutional monarchy.它的政治制度是君主立宪制。

autonomous control levels自主控制层级
3)autonomy levels自主等级
1.In order to evaluate the autonomy levels of unmanned systems dealing with the mission,a model of evaluating the autonomy levels is constructed.为了评价无人系统在处理任务时的自主等级,本文构造了一个自主等级评定模型。
4)grade monarchy等级君主制
1.Angles, Saxons and Jutes invaded Britain about 5 BC for more than 170 0 years before"grade monarchy" taking shape.在其"等级君主制"形成前的1700多年里大致经历了公元前5世纪盎格鲁人,撒克逊人和朱特人入侵不列颠;公元10世纪统一国家的形成;1066年位于欧洲大陆诺曼底的公爵威廉率军入侵;从威廉二世到亨利二世统治时期的社会改革;1295年英国议会形成等历史阶段,从而使英国政体从"贵族民主制"演变为"等级君主制"。
5)monarch hierarchy君主等级制
6)Autonomous control自主控制
1.Technology of autonomous control and forrnation networking of modernmicro-satellite;微小卫星自主控制与编队组网技术
2.Survey of autonomous control for attack unmanned aerial vehicles;攻击型无人飞行器自主控制技术研究综述
3.Survey of Autonomous Control for UAVs and Autonomous Landing Control System Design;无人机自主控制综述及自主着陆控制系统设计
