调配保障,dispatch supportability
1)dispatch supportability调配保障
1.The good organized dispatch supportability in the wartime can effectively keep sortie generation of operational aircraft and enhances the whole combat capability of combat troops.组织良好的战时调配保障能有效保持作战飞机出动强度,从而提高参战部队整体作战能力。

1.Application Study of Logistics Theory in Material Allocate Support in Wartime;物流理论在战时装备调配保障中的应用研究
2.Demand Models of Operational Aircraft Dispatch Supportability Based on Mission and Damage基于任务和战损的作战飞机调配保障需求模型
4.Optimization of Construction Land Increase Supply;优化建设用地增量配置 保障区域社会经济协调发展
5.On the Coordination Mechanism of the Legal Protection of Resource Security with its Relative Laws;中国资源安全法律保障与现行关联法律配合协调的现实性
6.Enlightenment for China from Britain's Social Security System Regulating Redistribution of National Income英国社会保障制度调节国民收入再分配对我国的启示
7.The form of marriage functions in carrying on the ancestral line, raising the young and supporting the old, adjusting the sex balance in the family, and guaranteeing the access of the poor to marriage.欧贵婚姻具有传宗接代、养老抚幼、调济家庭男女余缺、保障穷人婚配等功能。
8.To Administer a Country According to Law and Safeguard the Human Rights must Ensure the Lawyer s Rights for Investigation and Acquiring Evidence;依法治国保障人权必需保障律师调查取证权
9.fitted with or secured by a key.配有键的或有键控安全保障的。
10.Deepen the reform of the income distribution system and improve the social security system.深化分配制度改革,健全社会保障体系
11.Distribution Justice in the System of Social Security of China;我国社会保障制度分配正义问题研究
12.The Study on Allocation of Intergovernmental Responsibility and Power in Provision of Social Security;社会保障供给中政府间责权配置研究
13.Justice in Distribution and Reform of the Chinese Social Security System;分配正义与中国社会保障制度的改革
14.Deepening the Reformation of Distribution System,Strengthening the Guarantee System of the Whole Society;深化分配制度改革 健全社会保障体系
15.Evaluation System of Achievements and Effects is the Guarantee for Reform of Distribution System;绩效评价体系——分配制度改革的保障
16.Discuss on a Fair Degree of China's Health Care Resource Allocation我国医疗保障资源配置的公平度探讨
17.Optimum Configuration of Equipment in Maintenance机务准备中的保障装备配置优化分析
18."Special Investigation Team [Social Security Branch, SWD]"特别调查组〔社会福利署社会保障科〕

material allocate support装备调配保障
1.The good organized material allocate support play an importance role on ensuring a complete set of troops and using material rational along with improving fighting capacity of our military.组织良好的装备调配保障对保证军队齐装配套、合理使用装备以及提高我军战斗力具有重要作用。
3)Coordination Security协调保障
4)Social security redistribution社会保障再分配
5)Safeguard air conditioning target保障空调指标
6)Social security coordination社会保障协调
