飞机总体,designation of fighter
1)designation of fighter飞机总体
1.One is the precision of weapon aiming system which is required by the designation of fighter.目前,投弹误差存在两种描述方法:飞机总体要求的武器火控系统精度和空中靶试要求的弹着点圆概率误差。

1.The Development and Application of Database Used for Conceptual Aircraft Design飞机总体设计用数据库的开发与应用
2.Research on Flight Control Law Model Design and Application Method for Conceptual Aircraft Design;飞机总体设计中的飞行控制律模型设计与应用方法研究
3.There are a large number of fuzzy factors in aircraft preliminary configuration design(APCD).飞机总体外形设计中存在着大量的模糊因素。
4.Optimization Method for Aircraft Conceptual Design Under Uncertainty考虑不确定性的飞机总体参数优化方法
5.Preferred Selection Method for Multiobjective Concepts in Aircraft Conceptual Design Optimization飞机总体设计优化中的多目标方案优选方法
6.Application of Intelligent Optimization Algorithm on Aircraft Configuration Design智能优化算法在飞机总体设计中的应用
7.Application of Collaborative Optimization Based on Neural Network to Aircraft Preliminary Design基于神经网络的协作优化方法在飞机总体设计中的应用
8."Plane" is the general name for military and civil aircraft.飞机是对军用飞机和民用飞机的总称。
9.When the aeroplane begins to take off, the air hostess will tell all the passengers that they must fasten their seat belts.飞机起飞时,空中小姐总要告诉全体旅客必顺要系紧座位安全带。
10.The pilot will always check his plane over before take-off.飞行员在起飞前总会检查他的飞机。
11.It's so noisy with planes coming over all the time.飞机总在头上飞来飞去,噪音太大了。
12.crashing aircraft and parts or articles falling from aircraft and other flying objects;飞机坠毁、飞机部件或飞行物体坠落;
13.The Customs Service is responsible for stopping these flights.海关总署是负责阻止这些飞机飞行的。
14.Research on Airframe/Engine Integration Issues and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Methods for Airbreathing Hypersonic Vehicle;高超声速飞行器机体/发动机一体化及总体多学科设计优化方法研究
15.airframe aerodynamics飞机机体空气动力学
16.aircraft-engine integration飞机-发动机整体化
17.He used his walkie talkie to radio headquarters and call in an air strike.他用对讲机请总部派飞机进行空袭。
18.Mr. Johnson was sworn in as President on the presidential airplane.在总统的飞机上,约翰逊宣誓就任新一届总统。

aircraft conceptual design飞机总体设计
1.According to studying the concept of Control-Configured-Vehicle (CCV) and the theory of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO), a thought that the integration of flight control disciplinary in an aircraft conceptual design process is given.为此,本文进行了飞机总体设计中的飞行控制律模型设计与应用方法研究。
2.The Aircraft Conceptual Design is a whole design process.飞机总体设计是指从概念设计到初步设计阶段,进行飞机总体方案设计的全过程,其最终的目标是给定最优的飞机总体方案。
3)aircraft preliminary configuration飞机总体外形
1.In this paper, artificial neural networks (ANNs) are applied to the intelligent CAD of aircraft preliminary configuration designs.将人工神经网络应用于飞机总体外形智能CAD中,针对现有方法的局限性,研究了参数神经网络,提出了一种综合考虑影响神经网络学习3个主要因素(权值、激励函数和拓扑结构)的WAFS学习算法,并研究了隶属函数的神经网络表达和基于神经网络的并行推理,给出了有关应用实例。
4)Aircraft primary parameters飞机总体参数
5)flying stock飞机总数
6)aircraft preliminary configuration design飞机总体外形设计(APCD)

陈列总体设计  任务是:确定陈列内容设计、陈列艺术设计的指导思想和原则;审定陈列内容设计和艺术设计方案;审定陈列文字、布局和重点;掌握陈列设备加工工艺的质量,从全局出发,协调内容与形式、建筑与设备、局部与整体、重点与一般的关系。    总体设计一般在主持博物馆业务的馆长或具有高级专业技术职务的博物馆专家的领导下,由内容总设计师、艺术总设计师和制作施工的负责人共同完成。