侧向风,lateral wind
Layer Sending wind by Side侧向进风
3)random lateral wind随机侧向风
1.Based on analysis of the modeling on pressure center and lateral wind force,as well as data collected from real vehicle test,the time-history curves by cubic interpolation were gotten, which described the location of pressure center and the force of stable and random lateral wind in a certain speed.在分析风压中心及侧向风作用力模拟的基础上,通过采集大量实车数据,经三次样条插值建立了一定车速下风压中心位置、稳态和随机侧向风作用力大小随时间变化的连续曲线模型。
4)lateral wind effect侧向风载效应
5)sharp-edged crosswind gust侧向突发阵风
1.A safety analysis of high-sided road vehicles running on a long span bridge when the road vehicle enters a sharp-edged crosswind gust while the bridge is oscillating under fluctuating winds is presented.建立了风环境下行驶于振荡桥梁上的车辆受到侧向突发阵风时的车辆安全性分析方法。
6)beam wind吹向船侧的风

靡然向风1.亦作"靡然乡风"。亦作"靡然向风"。 2.谓群起效尤而成风气。