重着陆,hard landing
1)hard landing重着陆
1.In the flight operational quality assurance of airways,the hard landing diagosis method is insufficient and not satisfyed by pilots and aircraft crew.针对飞行品质监控工作中发现的国内航空公司对于重着陆的判断方法存在很多不足,一线飞行员和机务人员对此满意度不高,研究从造成重着陆的相关因素入手,利用QAR记录的多个飞行参数的信息,采用人工神经网络建立重着陆的诊断模型;以航空公司的B737机型的实际数据为样本对模型进行训练和验证,结果显示基于神经网络的模型能够准确判断重着陆事件,为重着陆的诊断提供了一条行之有效的途径,具有较强的工程实用价值和通用性。
2.Due to lots of deficiencies existing in the hard landing diagnosis method of domestic airlines,an intelligent diagnosis model was established based on support vector machine for the first time.针对国内航空公司对于重着陆的判断方法存在的不足,提出采用支持向量机(SVM)建立重着陆的智能诊断模型;分析对重着陆产生影响的相关因素,在力学基础上揭示了重着陆的产生原理;利用快速存取记录器中记录的多个飞行参数的信息,采用B737机型的实际样本数据进行训练和验证。

1.Intelligent Diagnosis for Hard Landing of Aircraft Based on SVM基于支持向量机(SVM)的民用飞机重着陆智能诊断研究
2.an undercarriage that supports the weight of the plane when it is on the ground.当飞机着陆时支撑它的重量的下架。
3.triplex autolanding三重操纵系统自动进场着陆
4.duplex autolanding双重操纵系统自动进场着陆
5.At last he touched down on the mainland.最后他在大陆上着陆了。
6.To land an aircraft on its underside without aid of landing gear.机腹着陆不用着陆档而以机腹进行着陆
7.soft-heartedness (soft landing landing of a spacecraft ,eg on the moon)软着陆(航天器着陆而不受损,如着陆于月球时).
8.Touchdown Stability Simulation of Landing Gear System for Lunar Lander月球着陆器软着陆机构着陆稳定性仿真分析
9.The Eagle has landed.“老鹰已经着陆了。”
10.To cause(an aircraft)to make a pancake landing.使(飞机)平坠着陆
11.After successful landings upon the earth, these huge bodies are renamed meteorites.这些巨大的天体成功着陆后便被重新命名为陨石。
12.The families of the first people who came from the U.S. mainland own the important banks and companies.第一批来自美国大陆的家族经营着这里最重要的银行和公司。
13.It took them great effort to assemble after landing on the ground.着陆后,这些小伙子花费了很多周折才重新聚集起来。
14.Inflation will climb higher and financial imbalances will widen, running the risk of a hard landing.届时通胀率攀升,财政失衡更加严重,将会面临硬着陆的危险。
15.With the development of the society, terrestrial and marine ecosystems are destroyed seriously.随着社会的发展,陆地和海洋生态系统受到严重破坏。
16.Statistical Analysis on Landing Success Rate of the Top Player of World Female Aerials;世界女子自由式滑雪空中技巧重点选手着陆成功率统计分析
17.On the Hysteresis,Multiple Equilibria and Reverse Soft-landing:China's Experience of Demand Management滞后效应、多重均衡与反向软着陆:中国需求管理经验
18.To land an aircraft short of(a landing area).使飞机着陆未达(着陆区域)

landing gross weight着陆重量
3)maximum landing weight最大着陆重量
1.Model Study of Modern Fighter During Landing in Ground Motion;现代军机着陆数学模型研究
2.Dynamic model of seat-buffer landing system for manned spacecraft;航天飞船座椅着陆缓冲系统的力学模型
3.The Effects of Deck Obstruction on Carrier Plane Landing Performance;甲板障碍对舰载机着陆性能影响仿真研究
5)Landing lamp着陆灯
6)Landing bounce着陆跳跃

全裸裸重唇重 俗名: 冷水鱼 产地及产期: 分布于伊洛瓦底江上游的大盈江。 介绍: 体长,侧扁。头锥形。口大,亚下位,弧形。下颌前缘无锐利角质。唇狭窄,下唇分两叶,唇后沟不连续。口角具须1对,极细小。除臀鳞外,全身裸露。背鳍刺软,无锯齿,起点显著在腹鳍之前。   是高山冷水中生活的小型鱼类。