冲突避让,conflict avoiding
1)conflict avoiding冲突避让
2)Conflicting/avoiding model冲突/避让模型
3)collision arbitration冲突退避
4)collision avoidance冲突避免
1.Analysis on reservation-based multi-channel multiple access protocol with collision avoidance in WLAN;无线局域网中多信道预约冲突避免接入协议研究
2.A novel multiple access protocol, namely channel selection collision avoidance (CSCA) protocol, was proposed for efficient channel sharing in wireless ad hoc networks.为了有效利用无线Ad Hoc网络中的信道资源,提出了一种多址接入协议,即信道选择冲突避免(CSCA)协议。
3.Aiming at the problem of data consistency in collaborative design,the paper analyzes the available strategies of subsequent collision avoidance,puts forward one collision avoidance strategy of alterable granularity lock by combining with the particularity of CATIA.针对协同设计过程中的数据一致性问题,分析了已有的并发冲突避免策略,结合CATIA的特殊性提出了一套可变粒度锁的冲突避免策略,设计了总体框架及核心算法。

1.The Research on Collision Avoidance Strategy for LR-WPAN/IEEE802.15.4LR-WPAN/IEEE802.15.4冲突避免机制的研究
2.Restoration algorithm with wavelength reservation collision avoidance in ASONASON中波长预留冲突避免恢复算法
3.Collision avoidance mechanism for path restoration in automatic switched optical networks智能光网络中基于冲突避免的通道恢复机制
4.Throughput Enhancement in WiMAX Mesh Networks Using Collision-Avoid Mechanism;基于冲突避免机制提高无线城域网状网络吞吐量的研究
5.We should avoid confrontation as much as possible.我们应该尽量避免正面冲突。
6.Think before you act if you wish to avoid friction.如果想避免冲突就最好三思而后行。
7.any political orientation favoring compromise to avoid conflict.偏爱避免冲突而妥协的政治倾向。
8.Treaty on Avoidance or Prevention of Conflicts between American States美洲国家间避免或防止冲突条约
9."He will avoid a direct confrontation," he reasoned.“他想避免直接冲突,”他推想。
10.The clash of arguments between them is unavoidable.他们议论的冲突是无可避免的。
11.We should learn to respect others so as to avoid attrition and confliction.我们应该学会尊重对方,避免摩擦和冲突。
12.The Legal Mechanism of Avoiding Disputes and Conflicts among Nationalities in Russia;俄罗斯避免民族纠纷与冲突的法律机制
13.Ice from freezing rain delayed the inevitable clash.冰冷的雨水落在地面上冻结成冰,也延迟了无可避免的冲突。
14.That said, conflicts of interest will become inevitableespecially with privacy那即是说,利益的冲突是不可避免的——尤其是在隐私方面。
15.The arcades are lighted with downlights, so illuminated advertisements won` t be affected in a negative way.柱廊设置向下的射灯,以便避免与广告灯光的冲突。
16.Always avoid the acute angle.最后我要告诉你,戴尔,永远避免正面的冲突,那才是对的。
17.His election made conflict with Francis I virtually inevitable.皇帝的选举使他与弗兰西斯一世的冲突几乎不可避免。
18.Psychologists say the number one reason why people lie is to avoid confrontation.心理学家说,人们说谎话的首要原因是要避免与别人发生冲突。

Conflicting/avoiding model冲突/避让模型
3)collision arbitration冲突退避
4)collision avoidance冲突避免
1.Analysis on reservation-based multi-channel multiple access protocol with collision avoidance in WLAN;无线局域网中多信道预约冲突避免接入协议研究
2.A novel multiple access protocol, namely channel selection collision avoidance (CSCA) protocol, was proposed for efficient channel sharing in wireless ad hoc networks.为了有效利用无线Ad Hoc网络中的信道资源,提出了一种多址接入协议,即信道选择冲突避免(CSCA)协议。
3.Aiming at the problem of data consistency in collaborative design,the paper analyzes the available strategies of subsequent collision avoidance,puts forward one collision avoidance strategy of alterable granularity lock by combining with the particularity of CATIA.针对协同设计过程中的数据一致性问题,分析了已有的并发冲突避免策略,结合CATIA的特殊性提出了一套可变粒度锁的冲突避免策略,设计了总体框架及核心算法。
5)Not In My Back Yard邻避冲突
1.The Conflict Caused by"Not In My Back Yard"and its Solution:Analysis Based on Urban Collective Protest;“邻避冲突”及其解决:基于一次城市集体抗争的分析
6)conflict avoidance回避冲突
1.After being provided with a critical incident, each of the fifty supervisors and the thirty-five employees chosen as subjects was investigated in terms of motivation, behavioral strategies and consequence of conflict avoidance the interviewees experienced in the incident.该研究用关键事件调查法对冲突前双方的关系、回避冲突的动机、行为策略和效果多个层次进行评估,并在每个层次探索多维变量结构。
