学习意志,Studying will
1)Studying will学习意志

1.Compiling an Initial Questionnaire for College Students' Volition in English Learning大学生英语学习意志调查问卷的初步编制
2.The Policy of CCP and Its Theoretical Basis: The Case Study of Study Magazine Incident in 1952;1952年《学习》杂志事件的政策与理论意蕴
3.how to train students study interest and will in English teaching;怎样在英语教学中培养学生的学习兴趣和意志
4.The process of learning English is the process of building willpower.学习英语的过程就是锻造意志的过程!而意志是一个人最大的财富。
5.Cultivation of Learning Motivation and Will Ouality in P.E. Teaching;体育教学中学习动机和意志品质的培养
6.One kind of New Angle of View: Carefully Examines the Multimedia Learning from the Volitional Angle;一种新视角:从意志的角度审视多媒体学习
7.Will can conquer habit.意志力可以克服习惯。
8.To have or adopt German customs or attitudes.德意志化具有或接受德意志的习惯或态度
9.Implement Quality Education and Foster the Student’s Great Determination;实施素质教育 培养坚强意志——学习陶行知教育思想理论随感
10.What Does Theoretical Innovation Mean? ──Some thoughts concerning President JIANG Ze-min s July 1st" speech;理论创新意味着什么?──学习江泽民同志“七一”讲话的一点体会
11.He is bound up in his studies.他专心致志于学习。
12.He is intent on his studies.他专心致志地学习。
13.Study to be what you wish to seem .要遂凌云志,必须苦学习。
14.After the match, fully satisfied, Chilavert said:"Burgers should learn well how a goalkeeper keeps concentrated during a match.赛后志得意满的奇拉维特说:“博格斯应该好好学习学习,守门员在场上应如何全神贯注。”
15.On the All-round Develompent of Individuals──A Study of "German Idedogy" and "An outline of Critisism of Political Economics;谈谈“人的全面发展”──学习《德意志意识形态》、《政治经济学批判大纲》的体会
16.He sent me to Emanuel College in Cambridge at fourteen years old, where I resided three years, and applied myself close to my studies.我十四岁那年,他把我送到剑桥大学的意曼纽尔学院。我在那儿住了三年,一直是专心致志的学习。
17.an arbitrary sign (written or printed) that has acquired a conventional significance.一个具有习惯意义的标志(书写或印刷)。
18.How to Establish and Run Learners Self-Access Facilities by Learning Journals;谈如何运用学习日志培养学生的自主学习

Leaning willpower学习意志力
3)Quality of studying will学习意志品质
4)habit and volition习惯与意志
5)Learning Log学习日志
1.Research on Application of Learning Log Tool in Network Course;学习日志工具在网络课程中的应用研究
2.The dialogue instruction employing learning log as medium is the organic combination of both understanding dialogue and speech dialogue.以学习日志为媒介的对话教学是理解型对话教学和言语型对话教学的有机结合,是对传统的课堂中的言语型对话教学模式的突破,它可以有效地解决我国当前由于班级规模过大和社会文化原因造成的不利于对话教学的状况。
6)the study magazine《学习》杂志
1.In 1952, when the“Three opposition”movement and“Five opposition”movement were launching to hit the bourgeois, the study magazine criticized the bourgeois severely, whose viewpoint went against the policy of the CCP.1952年初期,在抵制资产阶级腐蚀的“三反”运动逐渐走向高潮,打击资产阶级不法行径的“五反”运动逐步展开的时候,《学习》杂志(时为中宣部理论刊物)违背党的政策而发表了对资产阶级过激批判的文章,在社会上造成不良影响,因此遭到党中央的批评并为此作了检讨。

部分学习与整体学习部分学习与整体学习part learning and whole learning  部分学习与整体学习(part learningand whole learning)在运动学习和记忆学习中,根据对学习内容的处理方式可以分成部分学习和整体学习。部分学习就是将材料分成几个部分,每次学习一个部分:整体学习就是每次学习整个材料。一般来讲,整体学习的效果优于部分学习。但是,课题复杂彼此没有意义联系的材料,用部分学习的效果好:课题简短或具有意义联系的材料,用整体学习的效果好。在进行学习时,可以将部分学习与整体学习结合起来,先进行整体学习再进行部分学习,或者相反。这种相互结合的学习方式叫做综合学习,效果更好些。 (周国帕撰成立夫审)