交通方式选择,traffic mode choice
1)traffic mode choice交通方式选择

1.The determination of the choice of travel mode is known as modal split.交通方式选择的确定就叫做交通方式划分。
2.The Public Cost Research Based on the Traffic Mode Choice of Urban Passenger Transportation;基于城市客运交通方式选择的公共成本研究
3.Applying Analytic Hierarchy Process Optimizes the Choice for Tourism Transportation Modes;应用层次分析法优化旅游交通方式选择
4.Research on the Mode Choice of Bicycle Based on the Behavior Analysis;基于行为分析的自行车交通方式选择机理研究
5.A Bi-Level Model and Solution Algorithm for Airport Access Mode Choice机场旅客进出场交通方式选择的双层规划模型
6.Trips may be made by differing methods or modes of travel and the determination of the choice of travel mode is known as modal split.行程可以采用各式各样的方法或不同的交通方式,交通方式选择的确定就叫做方式划分。
7.Research on the Disaggregate Model of Urban Public Transit Mode Choice and Sensitivity Analysis;基于非集计的城市公共交通方式选择模型及灵敏度分析研究
8.Chance Constrained Programming Model with Fuzzy Parameters for Passenger Traffic Mode Choice Behavior;旅客交通方式选择行为的模糊机会约束规划模型
9.Study on the Application of "Level by Level Analysis Method" in Choosing Traffic and Transportation Means;层次分析法在交通运输方式选择中的应用研究
10.Evolutionary Game Analysis of the Travel Mode Choice for Urban Travelers城市交通出行方式选择的演化博弈分析
11.A study on urban railway connection mode selections in Beijing轨道交通衔接方式选择行为研究——以北京市轨道交通为例
12.Review of error structure extension of discrete choice models in travel mode choice;交通出行方式离散选择模型的效用随机项结构研究综述
13.The Choice of Urban Traffic Sustatinable Mode for Shanghai-Public Transportation Mode;上海城市交通可持续发展模式的选择
14.Government Interest System: Transaction Expense & Choice of Raising Money;官利制度:交易费用与筹资方式的选择
15.Study on Commuting Choice in Suburban Multi-modal Traffic Network;市域多模式交通网络通勤出行选择研究
16.Study on the Choice of Market Transaction Mode and Market Transaction Legislation市场交易方式的选择与市场交易立法的思考
17.The Study of Embedded GIS for the Optimal Path Choice of City Transport;面向城市交通最佳路径选择的嵌入式GIS研究
18.Study on the Relationship of Transportation Mode and Energy Consumption and Exhaust Pollution;交通模式选择与能耗及尾气污染关系研究

transport mode choice交通方式选择
1.t is very important for rational and economical transportation organization to know the decisions of citizens in transport mode choice.文章对内地主要城市与香港间的客源潜力进行了研究,包括居民的赴港愿望、交通方式选择,以及上述决策与收入、职业、费用、旅行时间、安全舒适性等因子的关系。
3)travel mode choice交通方式选择
1.This paper traces the history of methods for travel mode choice and travel demand forecasting.在对国内外研究现状分析的基础上,研究立足于影响公交乘客意愿和出行选择的公交服务水平因素分析,应用期望偏好(SP)调查方法得到国内2个城市出行选择行为特征数据,分析国内城市出行者意愿和交通方式选择行为的特征和规律,在此基础上应用慈溪市的数据建立了考虑个人特性和出行时间及成本等选择特性因素的交通方式选择模型,对公交出行需求进行了预测,并结合交通方式选择行为特征调查数据和出行比例预测结果,提出了相应的公交优先发展策略。
4)modal choice model交通方式选择模型
5)Method Selection方式选择
1.The stages are including transportation method selection,structure configuration and connection of different transportation method.在对通道进行分段的基础上,采用运输方式选择、各运输方式结构配置及不同运输方式间衔接的三阶段法可实现通道内运输方式的合理布局。
2.In this paper, combined Quality Function Development with optimization method, the decision model of new product development method selection was built.针对企业面对一项具体的新产品开发项目,难以在合作开发与独立开发中做出决策的问题,从技术创新角度出发,应用质量功能展开优化方法,构建了新产品开发方式选择的决策模型。
3.Superficial View of the Method Selection of China MSW Treatment;介绍了我国城市生活垃圾常用的处理方式填埋、堆肥和焚烧以及厌氧发酵和热分解2种前沿技术,重点进行了优缺点的比较,进而提出了城市生活垃圾处理技术方式选择的定性化依据———因地制宜、因时制宜、因技术制宜和因财力状况制宜。
6)mode choice方式选择
1.Disaggregate modeling of traffic mode choice and its application;交通方式选择的非集计模型及其应用
2.were selected as a alternative set,and characteristic variables affecting mode choice and the method of getting its values were determined,then a Multinomial Logit Model(MNL) was developed finally.基于非集计离散选择模型的基本理论与建模方法,结合2003年北京居民出行调查数据,对影响居民出行方式选择的因素进行了分析,选择包括公交车、出租车、私人小汽车等在内的5种日常生活中较为常用的交通方式作为居民出行的方式选择肢,确定了影响居民出行方式选择的特性变量及相应的取值方法,建立了交通方式选择MNL模型。
3.This article has analyzed the microcosmic factors that influence the choice of bicycle transportation,which are defined as "the influencing factors of bicycle transportation based on individual mode choice",by classifying them into three categories-the individual characteristics,the trip information and the subjective perception on.分析了影响自行车交通方式选择的微观影响因素,并定义其为"基于个体出行方式选择的自行车交通影响因素"。
