职业特性,Occupational Characteristics
1)Occupational Characteristics职业特性
1.Construction of the Image of Police Language: To Analyze the Occupational Characteristics and its Enlightenment;警察语言形象建设——警察语言的职业特性分析及启示

1.Professional status, methods, character, or standards.职业水准,职业特性职业地位、作风、特性或标准
2.Study on the Initial Controller Training Based on Occupational Characteristics基于职业特性的管制员初始培训探索
3.Professional Features of Architecture Professional Curriculumof Higher Vocational Education高职建筑类专业课程体系的职业性特点
4.Features of Occupational Trauma in a Founding Processing Enterprise某铸造热加工企业职业性外伤的特点
5.The Research on Characteristics of Vocational Gender Stereotype高职生职业性别刻板印象特点的调查研究
6.On Particularity of Ideological and Political Education in Vocational Education;论职业教育中思想政治教育的特殊性
7.A Game Analysis of Employee s Special On-Job-Training;企业员工特殊性在职培训的博弈分析
8.Analysis on Testing Factors of Profession Personality Feature of Police;警察职业人格特征的验证性因素分析
9.On the Cultural Properties of Quality in Higher Vocational Education;高等职业技术教育质量文化特性探讨
10.Variety being the Key Features of Vocational Technology Education;论多样性是职业技术教育的最大特点
11.The Particularity of the Labour of Professional Armymen and Its Cost Compensation;职业军人劳动的特殊性及其成本补偿
12.Personality characteristics study on professional divers职业潜水员个性品质特点调查与分析
13.Vocation Misunderstanding of the Higher Vocational Education --Also Formulate the Esscential Characteristic of the Higher Vocational Education;高职教育的“职业性”误区——兼论高职教育的本质特征
14.On basic characteristics and typical features of vocational colleges--Development and inspiration of Shantou Polytechnic;高职院校的基本特征与个性特色——汕头职业技术学院的发展及启示
15.On vocational humanistic education--An analysis of the peculiarity of humanistic education in higher vocational colleges;职业人文教育论——高等职业院校人文教育的特殊性分析
16.Quality education and the cultivation of professional quality --On the features of higher professional education;素质教育与职业素质的培养——再谈高等职业教育的特性
17.Research about the Relations between Occupational Stress Personal Feature and Burnout of the Nurses in Changsha Municipal Hospital长沙市市级医院护士职业压力、个性特征与职业倦怠关系研究
18.Analysis of the Characteristics of Recessive Sports Curriculum Development in Vocational School;浅析职业技术院校隐性体育课程开发的特性

professional particularity职业特殊性
3)Vocational characteristics职业性特色
4)professional characteristics职业特点
1.This paper discusses the common professional characteristics shared by college journal editors and other editors, and analyses college journal editors special professional characteristics which are decided by the special features of college journals.该文探讨了高校学报编辑与其他编辑的职业特点的共性 ,同时分析了由于高校学报自身的特点决定的学报编辑的职业特点的个
2.The paper analyzes professional characteristics of college teachers and the four major problems in the management of college teachers.文章分析了高校教师的职业特点、新时期高校教师管理工作中存在的四大问题,并在此基础上提出了加强高校教师思想政治建设的五点思路。
3.In past time, however, studies were mostly focused on its effect and status in marriage system, its literature value and professional characteristics need more concern.以往的学者们对媒妁的研究多局限于其在古代婚姻制度中的地位和影响,没有给它一个独立的地位,对它自身的文学价值和职业特点注意不够。
5)professional characteristic职业特点
6)Professional feature职业特征
1.Beginning with the professional features,the article analyses the relationship between speciality and profession,and points out vocational education and training can make the development of curriculum,teaching process and quality evaluation show the distinctive feature of running school in vocational education,only when we take professional prin ciple s as foundation.本文从职业特征入手分析了专业与职业的关系,并指出职业教育与培训只有以职业性原则为根基,才能使课程开发、教学过程和质量评估真正体现职业教育专业办学的特色。

3D特性翻译为:AlphaBlending(α混合)  简单地说这是一种让3D物件产生透明感的技术。屏幕上显示的3D物件,每个像素中有红、绿、蓝三组数值。若3D环境中允许像素能拥有一组α值,我们就称它拥有一个α通道。α值的内容,是记载像素的透明度。这样一来使得每一个物件都可以拥有不同的透明程度。比如说,玻璃会拥有很高的透明度,而一块木头可能就没什么透明度可言。α混合这个功能,就是处理两个物件在萤幕画面上叠加的时候,还会将α值列入考虑,使其呈现接近真实物件的效果。