目标树-成功树,goal tree-success tree(GTST)
1)goal tree-success tree(GTST)目标树-成功树
2)GTST(Goal-Tree Success-Tree)目标树成功树
4)Goal Tree目标树
1.Objective This paper was aimed to explore the assessing model for the hospital infection management through the establishment of the Goal Tree and groups of indices.目的试图从确立医院感染管理指标体系及目标树入手,建立医院感染管理的评价模式。
2.The key data structure-goal tree-is adopted for the DIDS s pattern matching and intrusion predicting is provided too.分布式入侵检测系统在对攻击事件检测和报警时采用分散 -集中方式 ,所采用的数据结构——目标树 ,被用来进行入侵预测。

1.Target-Tree Method and Establishment of Knowledge Structure of Business Oral English目标树图法与商务口语知识结构的建立
2.Rubber tree breeding:Objectives and development strategies in China我国橡胶树育种目标及发展策略探讨
3.Have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted.人生应该树立目标,否则会白白浪费精力。
4.Have an aim in life, or your emergies will all be wasted.人生应该树立目标,或则你的精力会白白浪费。
5.People in every field of endeavour should set a clear-cut strategic goal and reach it.每一行都树立一个明确的战略目标,一定要打赢。
6.He could follow his own leads and set up his own goals.他可以按照自己的意思行事,树立自己的目标。
7.You can set long-range goals so that you do not have to have instant gratification.你会树立长期的目标,所以不需要瞬间的快感。
8.Octree Structure Based Technique for Fast Analyzing Shadowing Relationship of Complex Target基于树型结构的复杂目标快速遮挡识别技术
9.Density-guided Tree-structured Kernel for Image Object Classification基于密度导向的树型结构核的图像目标分类
10.Discussion on establishing health benefit view and applying health objective management树立健康效益观 实行健康目标管理的探讨
11.New NSGA-Ⅱ on Multi-Objective Minimum Spanning Tree problem求解多目标最小生成树的一种新的遗传算法
12.Main Skeleton Generation Algorithm of Area Object Based on Binary Tree Structure基于二叉树结构的面状目标主骨架生成算法
13.Application of decision tree model on screening target population of health education决策树模型在健康教育目标人群筛选中的应用
14.A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Minimum Spanning Tree一种基于最小生成树的多目标进化算法
15.An Approach to Constructing Multi-Objective Pareto Optimal Solutions Using Pseudo Binary Tree's Rule用伪二叉树法则构造多目标Pareto最优解集的方法
16.Target Point;Target Line;Target Area (circle);Target Area (rectangle)目标点;目标线;目标区(圆);目标区(矩形)
17.Have the confidence to know you will be successful and achieve what you've set out to do.要树立自己一定会成功、一定会达到目标的自信心。
18.Have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted --Peters, American jurist人生应该树立目标,否则你的精力会白白浪费。--美国法学家波得斯,

GTST(Goal-Tree Success-Tree)目标树成功树
4)Goal Tree目标树
1.Objective This paper was aimed to explore the assessing model for the hospital infection management through the establishment of the Goal Tree and groups of indices.目的试图从确立医院感染管理指标体系及目标树入手,建立医院感染管理的评价模式。
2.The key data structure-goal tree-is adopted for the DIDS s pattern matching and intrusion predicting is provided too.分布式入侵检测系统在对攻击事件检测和报警时采用分散 -集中方式 ,所采用的数据结构——目标树 ,被用来进行入侵预测。
1.The prototype employ Bayesian Network to do information fusion and goal-tree to analyze intensions of coordinated attacks and quantify the security risk of system.该原型系统采用贝叶斯网络作为多传感器融合的工具 ,用目标树的方法来分析协同攻击的攻击企图 ,并最终量化系统的受威胁程度 。
6)setting up the goal树立目标

上树咳【通用名称】上树咳【其他名称】上树咳 (《广西中药志》) 【异名】瓜核草。 【来源】为水龙骨科植物骨牌蕨的全草。 【植物形态】骨牌蕨 多年生草本。根茎细长如铁丝,横走,淡绿色,疏被鳞片,基部鳞片圆形,向上部为钻状披针形,有粗齿。叶一型,近肉质,有极短柄或几无柄,叶片卵状披针形,长6~10厘米,中部宽为1.5~2.5厘米,先端尖,基部短楔形,叶脉网状。孢子囊群生于叶片中部以上,近主脉,圆形,黄棕色,径2~3毫米,幼时有盾状隔丝覆盖。 生于阴湿的石壁或树上。分布云南、贵州及华南等地。 【性味】微苦甘,性子,无毒。 【归经】入肺、小肠二经。 【功用主治】清热利水,除烦清肺气。治淋沥癃闭,热咳,心烦。 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,5~8钱。 【宜忌】寒症忌用。