异步委托,asynchronous delegate
1)asynchronous delegate异步委托
1.The techniques of multi-thread and applying the asynchronous delegate and callb ack method to the application are studied by the example of a Window s-based application that uses the Windows form to perform a Web pages search operation.结合在Windows窗体中开发网页搜索应用程序的例子,对多线程技术和如何使用异步编程中的异步委托及回调技术进行了研究。
2)asynchronous delegate calls异步委托调用
3)delegation step委托步
1.Life period model of delegation step is described, arithmetics of constructing contexts of delegation steps and delegation units are presented, and dynamic management of delegatio.鉴于现有网格虚拟组织访问控制模型没有对网格工作流授权提供有力的支持,该文提出一种网格工作流访问控制模型GWACM,定义了委托步和委托结构体以及它们之间的依赖关系,形式化地描述了流程任务间的内在约束关系,阐述了委托步的生命周期模型。
2.A delegation step consisting of a delegation certification and an enabled certification set is gra.提出委托凭证以细粒度地表示授权决策结果,定义了委托步和委托结构体以及它们之间的依赖关系以形式化地描述流程任务之间的内在约束关系。
1.Study on delegation-based access control model for virtual-organization workflow;基于委托的虚拟组织工作流访问控制模型研究
2.Grid Authentication and Delegation Based on NTRUSign;基于NTRUSign的网格认证与委托
3.Study on Attribute-based Revocation in Delegation;基于属性的委托撤销研究

1.per procuration代理委托书凭委托
2.letter of delegation代理委托收款委托
3.authorization to purchase (A/P)采购委托书,委托购买证
4.To give over or entrust for safekeeping.托付,寄存委托保管,托付
5."The "remitting Bank"which is the Bank to which the principal has entrusted the handling of a collection;"托收行,即委托委托办理托收的银行;
6."Application for collection, Bank of China"中国银行托收委托
7.advice for collection of documentary bill跟单汇票托收委托
8."I, the undersigned:XXX, male,Attorney:XXX, female"委托人:×××,男,受托人:×××,女
9.A person to whom property is bailed.受托人财产的被委托
10.relegate a question to a committec把问题委托委员会处理
11.exact payment(from a client)逼迫(委托人)付款
12.put or confide something in a person or thing.把……委托于人或物。
13.An attorney carrying out his duties to a client.一个律师执行一个委托人的委托
14.rogatory letters调查调查委托书,代询证人委托
15.The letter of attorney must list the items of trust and the limit of powers.授权委托书必须记明委托事项和权限。
16.To assign(authority or duties) to another; delegate.委派,委托(把权力或职责)委派给别人;委派
17.Should the auctioneer accept a trust, he or she shall sign a written contract on trust auction with the trustee.拍卖人接受委托的,应当与委托人签订书面委托拍卖合同。
18."The agent and the principal shall conclude and sign an agency agreement, in which the rights and obligations of Both parties should be specified."委托方与被委托方应当签订委托合同,双方的权利义务由合同约定。

asynchronous delegate calls异步委托调用
3)delegation step委托步
1.Life period model of delegation step is described, arithmetics of constructing contexts of delegation steps and delegation units are presented, and dynamic management of delegatio.鉴于现有网格虚拟组织访问控制模型没有对网格工作流授权提供有力的支持,该文提出一种网格工作流访问控制模型GWACM,定义了委托步和委托结构体以及它们之间的依赖关系,形式化地描述了流程任务间的内在约束关系,阐述了委托步的生命周期模型。
2.A delegation step consisting of a delegation certification and an enabled certification set is gra.提出委托凭证以细粒度地表示授权决策结果,定义了委托步和委托结构体以及它们之间的依赖关系以形式化地描述流程任务之间的内在约束关系。
1.Study on delegation-based access control model for virtual-organization workflow;基于委托的虚拟组织工作流访问控制模型研究
2.Grid Authentication and Delegation Based on NTRUSign;基于NTRUSign的网格认证与委托
3.Study on Attribute-based Revocation in Delegation;基于属性的委托撤销研究
1.Principal-Agent Theory:An Explanation of Central Bank Independence;委托—代理理论——中央银行独立性(CBI)的一种解说
2.Probing the way to bring the distortion of accounting information under control from the principal-agent relationship;从委托代理关系探寻治理会计信息失真的途径
3.The countermeasures are to reduce principal-agent cost,and then to improve the efficiency of weapon equipment mobilization system.减少委托代理成本,提高激励水平,是提高武器装备动员体系的效率的有效途径。
1.Through the case study on the bidding of campus planning,the three bid models——the competitive bid model,the single-company commissioned model and the multi-company inviting bid model are concluded.通过对现有招标个案的分析,总结校园规划出现的招标模式有竞赛模式、单家委托模式、多家邀标模式3种,并通过对3种模式形式的罗列和内涵的分析,对高校在选择招标模式方面提出了合理的建议。
2.It is assigned by means of commission and justifies the whole translation process.目的来自翻译委托并决定整个翻译行为的过程。
3.the commission described in 2 nd item of Article 382 of Criminal Law in 1997 should not include engagement but contracting in and tenancy; it is different with civil or administrative commission ; administration and management in the item accord with the judging standards of being engaged in public affairs,so.关于贪污罪的构成特征尤其是贪污罪主体的范围一直是我国刑法理论界及司法上争论的热点,我国现行《刑法》第382条第2款规定的委托应只包括对国有资产的“承包”与“租赁”两种形式,不包括“聘用形式;刑法意义上的“委托”既不同于民事委托,也不同于行政委托;该款中的管理、经营符合从事“公务”的两个判断标准,因此其具有从事公务的法律性质;对国有资产的承包、租赁可按承包与租赁者人数划分为四种类型,“受委托”人员的范围在不同类型中,其确定的原则也不尽相同;“受委托人员不属于我国《刑法》第93条规定的国家工作人员的范畴。

传真委托、函电委托 传真委托、函电委托——  传真委托、函电委托是指委托人填写委托内容后,将委托书采用传真或函电方式表达委托意向,提出委托要求。投资者采用电话委托、传真委托等方式必须在证券经纪商处开设委托专户。