管制协调,control coordination
1)control coordination管制协调

1.Co-ordinating Committee on Land Use Planning and Control Relating to Potentially Hazardous Installations [CCPHI]潜在危险设施土地使用规划和管制协调委员会
2.Co-ordinating Committee on Potentially Hazardous Installations潜在危险设施土地使用策划和管制协调委员会
3.Inter-agency meeting on Coordination on Matters of International Drug Abuse Control国际药物滥用管制协调事项机构间会议
4.Coordinator of All UN Drug Control-Related Activities联合国药物管制活动协调员
5.International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods协调统一货物边境管制国际公约
6.Management: coordinated activities to direct and control an organization管理: 指挥和控制组织的协调的活动
7.ACC Subcommittee on Drug Contro行政协调会药物管制小组委员会
8.Research on Coordination of Supply Chain in Civil Aerospace Industry;民用航空制造业供应链协调管理研究
9.The Research on "City Governing County" Reform and Coordinated of Urban and Rural;“市管县”体制改革与城乡协调发展研究
10.The Key Points,Mechanism and Effect in China s Financial Regulation Coordination;我国金融监管协调的重点、机制和效应
11.Study on Coordination Mechanism of Purchasing and Supply Management in Colleges and Universities;浅谈高校采购与供应管理的协调机制
12.Some Thoughts about Building New-style Financial Regulation & Coordination System;对建立新型金融监管协调机制的思考
13.On Harmonization of Environmental Regulation and International Competitiveness of Industry;论环境管制与产业国际竞争力的协调
14.On the Coordinate Mechanism of Relationship Between Financial Globalization and Financial Supervision;金融全球化与金融监管协调机制研究
15.The Introduction and Application of the MACS Smart Header Pressure Coordinated Control SystemMACS智能母管协调控制系统及应用
16.Application of CCS Technology on the Oven Header Pressure to Stable Operation协调控制技术在焦炉集气管压力调节中的应用
17.The Exploratory Study of Moderation and Operation Mechanism of Scientific Research Management and Course Construction Management in Colleges and Universities;高校科研管理学科建设管理的协调与运作机制
18.Non-profit Organization s Coordination Failure and Governance Mechanism;非营利组织的协调失灵及其特殊管制机制研究

coordination and management mechanism协调管理机制
1.Study on the coordination and management mechanism of the construction project;建设项目协调管理机制研究
3)Coordination mechanism of supervision监管协调制度
4)Coordinating System监管协调机制
5)Drug Control Coordination Mechanism药物管制协调机制
6)control management and coordinate三控制二管理一协调

电信网协调管理电信网协调管理  电信网协调管理处理公用电信网与专用电信网关系的一系列活动。中国除公用电信网外,还有许多专用电信网。从通达范围讲,有长途专用电信网,如军队电信网、铁道电信网、电力电信网等;有地区性专用电信网,如大型厂矿企业、单位在一定区域内建立的电信网。协调公用电信网与专用电信网的关系,就是从国家全局利益出发,根据各地的实际情况,研究确定联网原则方案,协调双方认识和经济利益关系,签订联网协议,在协议中应明确联网方式,双方的责任和义务,以保证通信畅通。电信行业管理部门要监督检查联网后的通信情况和协议的执行情况。