延误时间指数,index of delay time
1)index of delay time延误时间指数
1.Firstly o ptimizing function is made to minimize total delay of all approaches of all phas es.以各相各进口道上总的延误时间最少为目标建立优化函数 ,以饱和度限制及最小绿灯时间要求为约束条件建立非线性规划模型 ,采用遗传算法对模型进行求解以得到最优配时方案。

1.operating delay操作延迟;操作延迟时间;操作延误;操作延误时间;运算延迟
2.Due to your excessive delay in delivery, we notify you of our cancellation of contract .由于贵公司交货延误时间太长,我们已取消了订货合同,特此通知。
3.delay allowance延误外加时间;容许延迟;过程空裕;时延容许量
4.We arrived late because the bad traffic delayed us.交通不便延误了时间所以我们来迟了。
5.The taxI amdelayed in the rush hour traffic.出租车因高峰期交通拥挤而延误了时间。
6.Teams that are late for their starting time will forfeit the round.延误启动时间的队伍,取消其本轮比赛资格。
7.Operations performed out of sequence can cause delays and extracosts.不按顺序的操作可能导致时间延误和成本增加。
8.Surgical exploration was immediately performed in all patients when testicular torsion was suspected.?丸切除率过高的主要原因是病人延误就诊时间。
9.We have been put to considerable inconvenience by the long delay in delivery.长时间的延误交货已给我方带来很大的不便。
10.Modeling of Flight Delays Chain Reaction Based on Timed Petri Net;基于时间Petri网的航班延误链式反应模型构建
11.Measurement Time-Delay Error Compensation in Rapid Transfer Alignment快速传递对准中时间延迟误差补偿方法
12.Set out at once, Don't lose time.赶快出发,不要延误时日。
13.prolongation of delay迟延接续时间的延长
14.time-delay analyzer(延迟) 时间分析器
15.Long holdup was expected as the air- traffic controller went on strike.由于空中交通管制人员罢工,可能会出现长时间的延误。
16.Heavy snowfall last winter caused long delays at Heathrow airport.去年冬天的一场大雪,导致希思罗机场航班长时间延误。
17.Adaptive time delay estimation based on least mean square Sigmoid error with the presence of impulsive noisesα稳定噪声下最小均方Sigmoid误差自适应时间延迟估计
18.The single journey time on a bus route is25 mins, and5 mins is allowed in the schedule before the next journey to recover from any late running.巴士完成一次线路所用时间为25分钟,在下一班出发前允许有5分钟的时间以弥补可能的延误。

1.Firstly o ptimizing function is made to minimize total delay of all approaches of all phas es.以各相各进口道上总的延误时间最少为目标建立优化函数 ,以饱和度限制及最小绿灯时间要求为约束条件建立非线性规划模型 ,采用遗传算法对模型进行求解以得到最优配时方案。
3)Delay time of customer延误时间
1.The stable equilibrium condition of the system, the length of queue and the delay time of customer are all developed.研究了M/G/1(1)排队模型中,系统的稳态平衡条件,系统的队长,顾客的延误时间等排队指标。
4)exponential time delay指数特性时间延迟
5)pre-hospital-transferring delaying time院前延误时间
6)error latency错误延迟时间
