RNAV进近程序,RNAV approach procedure
1)RNAV approach procedureRNAV进近程序
1.In order to calculate RNAV approach procedure waypoints WGS-84 coordinates and track guiding parameters,the calculating method of extrapolating waypoints coordinates according to runway threshold WGS-84 coordinates is brought forward in this article.为准确计算基于WGS-84坐标的RNAV进近程序航路点坐标和航迹引导参数,提供精密RNAV导航数据,降低RNAV进近系统误差,提出了实测跑道入口WGS-84坐标,然后沿跑道中线外推各航路点WGS-84坐标的计算方法。

1.Track Guiding Parameters Calculating of RNAV Approach Procedure Based on Gauss Mean Argument基于Gauss平均引数的RNAV进近程序航迹引导参数计算
2.To obtain access to(data or processes).接近,进入获得接触(数据或程序)的途径
3.Follow the missed approach procedure climbing to XXm and contact tower on118.1.按照失去进近程序爬高至….米,在118.1联系塔台。
4.May I make a following visual step down procedure approach for R/W 31?我可以做一个按目视进近程序向13号跑道降落吗?
5.The Economical Change and Order Generation in China s Modernization Process;中国现代化进程中的经济变迁与秩序生成——近代以后中国二元社会秩序生成的考察
6.programmed learning( self-instruction using a programmed course )程序学习(按程序教程循序渐进的自学方式).
7.software priority interrupt程序优先级中断-由程序进行中断
8.Collision Subroutine Improved about KIVA-3V;KIVA-3V程序中碰撞子程序的改进
9.Agreement on Import License Procedures进口许可证程序协定
10.user-accessible programmability由使用者进行程序更改
11.binary internal translator二进制内部翻译程序
12.macroassembler binary magnetic tape宏汇编程序二进制磁带
13.take its course按照正常的程序进行
14.relocatable binary可再定位的二进制 -程序
15.octal program updating system八进制的程序更新系统
16.(d) proceedings can take place in public;(d)诉讼程序可公开进行;
17.Regular procedures would take their course.程序将按常规进行。
18.It's clear that multicore machines will be mainstream in the very near future and that programs will have to change to take full advantage of them.清楚地是,在非常近的未来多核机器将成为主流,程序将不得不进行改变以充分利用它们。

approach procedural separation进近程序间隔
1.The purpose of this paper is just to establish a safety assessment model for approach procedural separation.空中交通的飞行冲突问题日益严重,笔者认为对空中飞行碰撞风险问题研究非常必要,旨在建立进近程序间隔评估模型。
3)types of approach procedure进近程序模式
1.Then a mathematical model is set up to describe types of approach procedure, proportion of aircraft types and sped of aircraft, and flight capacity, the last of which can in turn provide theoretical basis for TMA capacity management.分析了在程序管制条件下,不同进进程序模式(直线进近或推测航迹程序、基线转弯程序、直角航线进近)影响飞行间隔的因素,并在此基础上,建立起进近程序模式、机型比例及飞机速度与飞行容量关系的数学模型,从而达到量化机场飞行容量的目的,为终端区的容量管理提供理论依据。
4)IAP Instrument Approach Procedure仪表进近程序
5)SLAP Standard Instrument Approach Procedure标准仪表进近程序
6)final approach sequence进近序列
