机场伪装,camouflage for aerodrome
1)camouflage for aerodrome机场伪装
1.By the MADM,the problem of the prioritizing for the schemes of camouflage for aerodrome is solved.运用多属性决策的方法,解决了机场伪装工程方案排序问题。

1.The Prioritizing Research on the Schemes of Camouflage for Aerodrome Based on the MADM基于多属性决策的机场伪装工程方案排序
2.Application Research on Multi-frequency Pseudo-random Astatic Rotary Magnetic Radiator多频伪随机无定向旋转磁场辐射装置的应用研究
3.a converted cruiser改装[伪装]巡洋舰
4.The Mask of Visual Anthropology: The Performance of the Media Violence影视人类学的伪装:一场媒介暴力的表演
5.Disguised as a cargo ship,and using a secret Imperial code,伪装成运货机,并使用保密的帝国军密码
6.Study of the Cheat Phenomenon and the Prevention System in the Human Quality Evaluation;人员素质测评中的伪装现象及其防范机制研究
7.under [ behind ] the camouflage of在...的掩盖[伪装]下
8.One who simulates, pretends, or alleges falsely; a hypocrite or dissembler.伪装者,冒充者假装,伪装或错误地宣称的人;伪君子或伪装者
9.Development of Pseudorandom Circumrotatory ELF-EMF Rodent Control System极低频伪随机无定向旋转磁场驱灭鼠系统研制
10.A Study of the Quantitative Evaluation Model for Armoring Target Camouflage under Helicopter Attacking;直升机攻击条件下装甲目标伪装效能评估模型研究
11.To stand a chance In there you'd need to dress up as a high-ranking officer of some kind.要有站在那边的机会,你必须要伪装成高阶的军官。
12.I keep a wary eye on the freshness date and examine the tamper-proof packaging.我会用机警的眼光查看商品的保鲜期以及包装袋上的防伪标记。
13.Comparison and Study of Pseudo Zn-Al Alloy, Metal Aluminum and Inorganic Zinc-rich Coating Systems锌铝伪合金、金属铝和无机富锌涂装体系比较研究
14.We soon penetrated his disguise.我们很快看穿他的伪装。
15.She posed as the Czar's daughter.他伪装成了沙皇的女儿。
16.camouflage net, of twine, cordage or rope伪装网,捻线、绳或索制成
17.alkyd enamel for camouflage伪装用醇酸树脂搪瓷
18.the mimic coloring of zebras用斑马的颜色来伪装

camouflaged airfield伪装机场
3)camouflage scene伪装场景
1.Synthesis of virtual camouflage scene in visual band;可见光波段虚拟伪装场景的创建
4)disguise scenc伪装现场
5)camouflage host computer伪装主机
6)aircraft camouflage飞机伪装

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