冲突探测与解脱(CDR),conflict detection and resolution(CDR)
1)conflict detection and resolution(CDR)冲突探测与解脱(CDR)
2)conflict resolution冲突解脱
1.Optimal conflict resolution method based on inner-point restriction;采用内点约束的最优冲突解脱方法
2.In order to assure flight security, the research on the technologies and arithmetic of conflict detect and conflict resolution is the key to improve flight security and benefit.讨论机载防撞系统对两架飞机间冲突的决策咨询,建立了冲突解脱模型,详细的描述了垂直机动决策咨询生成算法以及选择和处理逻辑。
3.In order to resolve the conflict quickly,accurately and humanely,an improved conflict resolution algorithm based upon genetic algorithm was proposed.对自由飞行中飞行冲突解脱问题进行研究,提出一种改进的能够快速准确进行航路规划的遗传算法。

1.Conflict resolution based on an improved genetic algorithm改进的遗传算法在飞行冲突解脱中的应用
2.Air Traffic Conflict Resolution based on Multi-Agent System基于Multi-Agent系统的空中交通冲突的解脱
3.Research on Technologies of the Conflict Detection and Resolution Among Multi-aircraft in Free Flight Airspace;自由飞行空域中多机冲突探测与解脱技术研究
4.Application of Multi-agent System in Flight Conflict Detection and ResolutionMulti-Agent系统在飞行冲突探测与解脱中的应用
5.Resolve synchronization conflicts by using the Conflict Resolver.使用“冲突解决器”解决同步冲突问题
6.conflicts and frictions that have still to be resolved仍须解决的冲突和摩擦.
7.Division of Conflict Management, Prevention and Settlement处理、预防和解决冲突司
8.non-judicial conflict resolution procedures非司法的冲突解决程序
9.What are the conflicts and how are they resolved, or not resolved?冲突以及冲突是如何解决或未被解决的?
10.Conflicts occurred while synchronizing the data. Do you want to run the Conflict Viewer to view and resolve the conflicts ?同步数据时,发生了冲突。是否要运行“冲突浏览器”以查看并解决冲突?
11.Transformation·Conflicts·Resolution: The Research on Mediating Mechanism of Labor Conflicts;转型·冲突·化解:劳资冲突的协调机制研究
12.On Settlement of China s Interstate Conflict of Laws by the Law of Interstate conflict of Laws;区际冲突法与我国区际法律冲突的解决
13.A settlement or compromise of conflicting opinions和解,妥协两种冲突观点的和解或妥协
14.The resolver information should be specified while using the '%s' resolver.使用 ''%1!'' 冲突解决程序时,应指定冲突解决程序信息。
15.The supplied resolver information does not specify a valid column name to be used for conflict resolution by '%s'.所提供的冲突解决程序信息未指定 ''%1!'' 要用于冲突解决的有效列名。
16.The '%1' resolver only resolves update conflicts on articles that track changes at the column level.“%1”冲突解决程序只解决跟踪列级更改的项目上的更新冲突。
17.The datatype of the column used for resolution is not supported by this resolver本冲突解决程序不支持用于冲突解决的列的数据类型。
18.The Study of Contention Resolution Methods in Optical Burst Switching Network;光突发交换网络中冲突解决方法的研究

conflict resolution冲突解脱
1.Optimal conflict resolution method based on inner-point restriction;采用内点约束的最优冲突解脱方法
2.In order to assure flight security, the research on the technologies and arithmetic of conflict detect and conflict resolution is the key to improve flight security and benefit.讨论机载防撞系统对两架飞机间冲突的决策咨询,建立了冲突解脱模型,详细的描述了垂直机动决策咨询生成算法以及选择和处理逻辑。
3.In order to resolve the conflict quickly,accurately and humanely,an improved conflict resolution algorithm based upon genetic algorithm was proposed.对自由飞行中飞行冲突解脱问题进行研究,提出一种改进的能够快速准确进行航路规划的遗传算法。
3)conflict detection and resolution冲突检测与解决
4)collision detection and resolve冲突检测与消解
1.Based on characteristic of operation conflict in collaborative graphics editing systems,employing the mechanism of message driving,with synchronization mechanism,collision detection and resolve mechanism,making system satisfy with consistency of shared object,responsiveness and causal ordering,consistency of operation intention in collabor.根据协同图形编辑系统中操作冲突的特点,使用消息驱动机制,配合同步机制和冲突检测与消解机制,使得系统既能保持共享对象的一致性,又满足了实时协同设计中的响应性、因果顺序一致性,并最大限度地保持了用户的操作目的。
5)conflict detection冲突探测
1.Air traffic control conflict detection algorithm based on Brownian motion;基于布朗运动的空中交通短期冲突探测
2.Conflict Detection in FKAOS;FKAOS中目标冲突探测
3.Research on taxi trajectory prediction based on conflict detection in surface management system;SMS中基于冲突探测的滑行道轨迹预测算法研究
6)conflict detect冲突探测
1.The technologies of conflict detect andconflict resolution is the key to improve flight security and benefit.在自由飞行中,为了保证飞行安全,任何两架飞行器之间的距离不能小于给定的安全间隔,冲突探测与解脱技术将是提高飞行安全与效益的关键。
2.In order to assure flight security, the research on the technologies and arithmetic of conflict detect and conflict resolution is the key to improve flight security and benefit.为满足空中交通流量增长的要求,保证飞行安全和通畅,对冲突探测与解脱技术等咨询算法的研究将是提高飞行安全与效益的一项关键技术。

解脱  印度唯心主义哲学派别通用的术语。解脱是对轮回而言。按印度唯心主义哲学,轮回意即六道流转的继续。解脱即烦恼业因的终止,是破除业力的桎梏、结束轮回转生后的一种超验境界。就历史而言,解脱思想的出现似比轮回观念早些。在轮回的观念尚未形成时,人们只是例行地举行祭祀,敬神积福,祈求死后升天,不再降生人间。解脱仅仅意味着肉体消亡,灵魂升天。在《梨俱吠陀》中,已多处表示了这种一般意义的"解脱"。    到奥义书时期,解脱被赋予了哲学的奥义。解脱并不限于死后升天,而且还有现实的意义,即于今生遁迹兰若,断绝尘缘,加持瑜伽。瑜伽是达到解脱的方法,一般有三种:智瑜伽、行瑜伽、信瑜伽。解脱既指死后肉体的消亡,亦指生前精神的升华。佛典有所谓两种涅槃:有余涅槃和无余涅槃。前者谓寿尽前精神升华所得的解脱,后者谓寿尽时肉体消亡所得的解脱。业力-轮回、苦行-解脱,这一套来世论-解脱论,为具有唯物主义思想的学派所否定,但为印度所有唯心主义哲学流派所接受。它在今天的印度意识形态领域中仍有相当大的影响。