团队人误,team error
1)team error团队人误
1.Identifying and preventing team errors is one of the important means to control safety risk in complex social-technical system.复杂社会技术系统通常以团队方式运行,认识与预防团队人误是控制安全风险的重要途径。

1.Analysis of Team Errors in Air Traffic Control空中交通管制团队人误的分类及致因研究
2.Team Personality Composition and Team Effectiveness:The Mediating Effects of Team Process;团队人格组成、团队过程对团队有效性的作用
3.The Effect of Personality Composition on Team Processes and Team Effectiveness;团队人格特质组合对团队效能的影响
4.On Vitals of Top Management Team: Team Leadership--A Case Study of Five-person Top Management Team in Fosun Corporation;论企业高管团队的利器——团队领导力——以复星集团的五人团队为例
5.The winning team is the one with the most bout victories.团体赛中,以获胜人数最多之团队为优胜队。
6.Pioneer Figure and Innovation Team-Inspiration of Wangzhibiao Team;领军人物与创新团队—王智彪团队的启示
7.The Training of Team Spirit and Shaping of Team Leader;团队精神的培养和团队领军人物的塑造
8.On the Relation Between Touring Enterprise's Team Personality Traits and Team Performance旅游企业团队人格特质与团队绩效关系研究
9.It should be crystal clear and well-understood by all the team memebers.责任应该清晰无比,所有团队成员明白无误。
10.Visit in small groups. Split larger parties into groups of 4-6.以小团队前往。分散大团体,四至六人一组。
11.Team sports can cultivate people's team spirit and sense of collective honor.团体运动能培养人们的团队精神和集体荣誉感。
12.Achieve unity between the army and the people and bring the army's militant spirit into play.军队和人民团结一致,发扬军队的积极性。
13.The Construction of Teacher s Innovative Teams in Universities under the Strategy of "Talent Oriented";“人才强校”战略下的高校师资队伍创新团队建设
14.A Study on Team Building in Team-based and Individual-based Reward Systems;基于团队绩效和基于个人绩效两种报酬方式下的团队建设研究
15.Impact of the goal orientation in a team on individual and team innovation:A multilevel framework;团队中的目标取向对个人与团队创新的影响——多层次研究框架
16.Treating with good will those who have erred will win general approval and unite people.好意对待犯错误的人,可以得人心,可以团结人。
17.The Overcoming of Top Manager s Faults during Crisis Issue Diagnosis--the Construction of Crisis Management Team;高层领导者危机诊断失误及其克服——危机管理团队(CMT)的建构
18.Analyzes of Team Cooperation Team Competition and Team Efficiency对团队合作团队竞争团队效率的探讨

Artificial Group人工团队
1.The Research of Building Artificial Group Based on Agent;基于Agent的人工团队组织构建研究
3)robot team机器人团队
1.The paper,using Markov course and evolution calculation theory for reference,researches the difference between team and organization in conception and the formation mechanism of robot team from cooperative entity layer and ability layer.借鉴Markov过程和进化计算,从协作主体层和能力层研究了机器人团队和组织的区别及团队的形成机制。
4)human resourses team人力资源团队
1.After analyzing the disadvantage for the growth of corporation caused by the concentrate distribution of control rights,it emphasizes on the dispersive distribution of the control rights as well as the effect on improving the quality of human resourses team in the corporation by dispersive supply of corresponding management resou.从企业控制权分配的一般理论出发,阐述控制权的集中配置和分散配置两种模式,在分析控制权集中分配对企业成长的弊端后,着重阐述控制权分散配置及对应的经营资源的分散供给对改进人力资源团队的质量的作用,在此基础上提出企业人力资源团队组建的重要意义。
5)core leader of team团队领军人物
6)Skilled Worker Team技术工人团队
1.Research of the System of Skilled Worker Team s Performance Appraisal of HT Company;HT公司技术工人团队绩效考评体系研究

人工受精与人工授精人工受精与人工授精artificial fertilization and artificial insemination 我国学者把“人工受精”与“人工授精”两名词区别开来:前者指人工体外受精而言,后者指把精液注入到妇女的阴道或宫颈管、宫腔内,使精、卵在体内相遇。人卵体外受精与胚胎移植后出生的婴儿俗称试管婴儿。