空间对接,space docking
1)space docking空间对接
1.Transformation of MoS_2 during sintering process of space docking friction material;MoS_2在空间对接摩擦材料烧结过程中的行为变化
2.Stability analysis of the whole dynamics simulation system of space docking;空间对接整体动力学仿真系统稳定性分析
3.Space docking mechanism is an important portion to realize the space docking between aircrafts.空间对接机构是实现载人航天器空间交会对接的关键系统。

1.To couple(two or more spacecraft, for example) in space.使空间对接使(两艘太空船)空间对接
2."To couple (two or more spacecraft, for example) in space."使(两艘太空船)空间对接.
3.Gravity balance technique of active docking ring for spacecraft docking test table空间对接缓冲试验台对接环重力平衡技术
4.Study on Synchronization of Space Docking Mechanism's Docking Lock空间对接机构对接锁系同步性仿真研究
5.The Research on Space Docking Control of Six Degree of Freedom Parallel Robot;6-DOF并联机器人空间对接基础控制研究
6.Quota,exceed,hard limit,exceeding,storage allocation对方邮箱空间不够,无法接收新邮件
7.Directly facing customers resulting in large independent expansion space直接面对客户、自主发展空间大
8.On the Space Dimension of Coherence of Markets in Pan-Zhujiang River Valley;论泛珠三角区域市场对接的空间维度
9.Thermal Analysis of Docking Mechanism at the Tail of Space Laboratory During Orbit Changing空间实验室尾部对接机构变轨期间热分析研究
10.near in space or time.在空间或者时间上接近。
11.Automatic RDV Test of ETS-7日本工程试验卫星7的空间自动交会对接试验
12.The Research on Laser Searching and Tracking of Bidirectional RVD;双向空间交会对接激光搜索跟踪技术研究
13.Research and Implementation of Vision-Based Measurement Method for Space Rendezvous and Docking;空间交会对接视觉测量方法研究与实现
14.Spatial Effect Analysis of FDI to Energy Intensity of China;外商直接投资对我国能源强度的空间效应分析
15.Numerical Simulation of Spacecraft Docking Dynamics in the Process of Capture;空间飞行器对接过程的动力学建模和仿真计算
16.Adapting to Local Contemporary Art and Integrating to Global Art Market: Development of Hangzhou Hollow Art Space适应本土当代艺术,对接全球艺术市场——杭州空谷艺术空间的发展
17.The Effects on Aluminium Alloy Welded Joint Properties of Space Thermal Cycling and Atomic Oxygen空间热循环及原子氧对铝合金焊接接头性能的影响
18.Space corps should be composed of space-to-space, space-to-ground and ground-to-space units.空间部队应该有空间对空间,空间对地面,地面对空间部队组成。

Space Cabin Docking空间舱对接
3)on-orbit docking dynamics空间对接动力学
4)docking work space对接工作空间
1.Two planning methods have been used to calculate the docking work space, and two poses for docking have been compared, the result indicates that a side of the triangle wheel touchdown is easier for automatic docking.对可重构星球探测机器人在运动模式下完成对接的两种姿态进行了比较,分别用一般方法和改进后的规划方法计算出了对接工作空间,比较结果说明,机器人在运动模式下三角边着地有利于完成自动对接。
5)Space Rendezvous and Docking空间交会对接
1.In this paper, the application of laser radar in space rendezvous and docking is introduced, The principle of how alaser radar works as a rendezvous detector, and the way it is implementde in detecting range,speed and angle are discussed.介绍了激光雷达在空间交会对接中的应用,讨论了激光雷达作为一种交会敏感器的基本原理及其被用于测距、测速、测角和姿态测量的具体实现方
6)rendezvous and docking空间交会对接
1.and has set up the precise model of relative movement between two spacecraft in space rendezvous and docking.本文较详细地分析了航天器在空间所受的各种摄动力,得出了航天器空间轨道的精确计算模型,进而建立了空间交会对接中二航天器相对运动的精确计算模型。
2.There are many ways to realize Rendezvous and Docking.实现空间交会对接有多种途径,采用激光搜索跟踪方法,可以完成航天器之间的激光导航和激光通信,包括语音通信和数据交换,同时,追踪器对目标器的主动激光雷达功能还可提供彼此之间的相对距离、速度等数据。
