相对轨道,Relative orbit
1)Relative orbit相对轨道
1.Study on perturbations in the relative orbit of satellite formation flying;卫星编队飞行相对轨道的摄动研究综述
2.J_2 perturbation effect on relative orbital configuration of satellites in formation flying;J_2摄动对编队飞行卫星相对轨道构形的影响
3.J2 perturbation makes the relative orbit drift in the in-track direction, nutation or procession.详细分析了J2摄动对编队卫星相对轨道构形的影响。

1.Several Relative Formation of Spacecrafts Flight in Highly Elliptic Orbits Based on Relative Orbit Elements基于相对轨道根数的几种大椭圆轨道编队构形
2.Autonomous Determination of Relative Orbit for Satellites Formation Flying Using Fault Tolerant UKF确定编队卫星相对轨道的容错UKF方法
3.Study on Relative Orbit Determination Method of Satellites Formation with Short-arc编队卫星短弧段相对轨道确定方法研究
4.Relative Orbit Determination of Satellite Formation Flying Based on Least Squares基于最小二乘的编队飞行卫星相对轨道确定
5.Autonomous Relative Orbit Determination for Satellite Formation Flying卫星编队飞行的相对轨道自主确定研究
6.Relative Spacecraft Orbit Determination with Incomplete Relative Measurements相对测量信息不全的航天器相对轨道确定方法研究
7.The major semiaxis a and p of the relative orbital motion are known.我们知道其相对轨道运动的主要半长轴a和周期p。
8.25Hz Phase Detacting Track Circuit对25Hz微电子相敏轨道电路的几点认识
9.Relative motion equation for perturbed ellipitical reference orbit formation摄动椭圆参考轨道编队相对运动方程
10.Similarity Orbits and Unitary Orbits in the Calkin AlgebraCalkin代数中的相似轨道和酉轨道
11.(astronomy) a point where an orbit crosses a plane.行星的轨道与黄道相交的完全相对的两点中任何一点。
12.Either of two diametrically opposite points at which the orbit of a planet intersects the ecliptic.交点行星的轨道与黄道相交的完全相对的两点中任何一点
13.Electronic spin is not the relativistic effect of the orbital angular momentum电子自旋不是轨道角动量的相对论效应
14.Interaction between Girder and Rail of Rail Transit Viaduct with U-shape Girder;轨道交通槽型梁桥梁轨相互作用研究
15.Applications of Nilsson and Axial Relativistic Mean-field Plus Nearest-Orbit Pairing Interaction Model to Well-deformed Nuclei;Nilsson及轴对称相对论平均场加邻近轨道对力模型对大形变核的应用
16.geostationary transfer orbit对地静止转移轨道(转移轨道)
17.The moon travels in an elliptical orbit in relation to the equator, swinging back and forth over the northern and southern hemispheres.月球在与赤道相对的椭圆形轨道上运行,往返于南北半球的上空。
18.a circular orbit around the Earth having a period of 24 hours; a satellite in such an orbit will be stationary relative to the Earth.一个周期为小时的绕地球的圆形轨道;与地球相对静止的人造卫星的轨道。

relative orbit dynamics相对轨道动力学
3)relative orbit elements相对轨道要素
1.First, the influence of J2 perturbation to relative orbit elements of satellites formation was analysed.首先,分析J2摄动对编队卫星相对轨道要素的影响,即J2摄动使相对升交点赤经、近地点辐角和平近点角产生长期漂移。
2.This paper first presents a relative motion dynamics model for two spacecraft based on relative orbit elements, with a certain precision requirement, as a starting point for further related computation and research.首先基于相对轨道要素建立了满足一定精度要求的两飞行器相对运动动力学模型。
4)relative orbit control相对轨道控制
5)Relative orbit determination相对轨道确定
6)relative orbit design相对轨道设计

轨道保持(见航天器轨道控制)轨道保持(见航天器轨道控制)orbit keeping  guidQo baoehi轨道保持(o rbit keePing)见航天器轨道控制。