控制效率,Control efficiency
1)Control efficiency控制效率
1.The calculating results show that the control efficiency is variant when mass moves in different ways in whole reentry flighting phase.通过建立变质心再入飞行器的线性化方程,研究了质量块在飞行器内部不同方向上移动与可建立配平攻角之间的关系,并通过仿真计算可知再入飞行器再入的不同阶段质量块沿不同方向移动时的控制效率是有所差别的。

1.A Study on Division of Labor,Allocation of Control Power and Efficiency of Internal Control分工、控制权配置与内部控制效率研究
2.Property Rights System and the Internal Control Efficiency of State - owned Enterprises;产权制度与国有企业的内部控制效率
3.A Consideration of Both the Leniency-Severity Policy and Crime Control;宽严相济政策对犯罪控制效率的兼顾
4.Research on the Control Power Arrangement and Control Efficiency Improvement Mechanism of Firms;企业控制权安排及控制权效率改进机制研究
5.Institutional analysis of ultimate controlling shareholder and governance efficiency;终极控制股东与治理效率的制度分析
6.Evaluation on the Performance of the Active Platform Against Microvibration and its Efficiency on Control Force压电堆作动器微振动控制平台控制效果评估与控制力效率分析
7.Conformation and Efficiency of Chinese Market for Corporate Control;中国公司控制权市场形态与效率分析
8.Design of High Efficiency Step-Down DC/DC Converter;高效率降压型DC/DC控制器的设计
9.Analysis on the Reason and Welfere of Retailer Teminal Control;零售商终端控制的形成及其效率研究
10.The Research of Regulation Mechanism for Integron Capturing Gene Cassettes;整合子捕获基因盒效率调控机制研究
11.Ownership Structure,Benefits of Control,Merger and Acquisition Efficiency;股权特征、控制权收益与企业并购效率
13.Neural-fuzzy Based Efficiency Optimization基于神经网络—模糊控制的效率优化
14.Asynchronous Motor Maximum-Efficiency Control by Adjusting Ratio of Active Power to Reactive Power基于功率匹配的异步电机最大效率控制
15.Optimization and control of induction machine's efficiency and power factor based on VVCF变压恒频感应电机效率功率因数优化控制
16.Utility-based power and data rate control for wireless ad-hoc networks基于效用的无线自组织网功率与数据速率控制
17.Division of Labor, Allocation of Residual Control Rights and Economic Efficiency--Systemic analysis of economic efficiency;分工、剩余控制权配置与经济效率——经济效率的制度解析
18.On Fixed Number of Staffs Quota Efficiency Management and Artificial Cost Control Effect of Problems;“双定”效率管理及人工成本控制效应问题初探

Efficiency control效率控制
3)Efficacy rate/ local control rate有效率/控制率
4)efficiency optimization control最大效率控制
1.On the basic of study efficiency optimization control strategy of induction motor.在分析感应电机最大效率控制策略的基础上,提出了一种以定子电流励磁分量为控制变量,采用混合搜索模型来获得系统的最大效率运行点的方法。
2.According to the essential trait of electric drive systems in electric vehicles (EVs),it is built that the simulation model of induction motor drive system of EVs in efficiency optimization control (EOC),which suits different motors for simulation and research concerning the running condition of EVs.从电动车电驱动系统的基本特性出发 ,建立了电动车工况下最大效率控制的感应电机驱动系统仿真模型 ,通过实例在考虑饱和非线性的条件下进行了最大效率控制的仿真计算。
5)efficiency optimal control效率最优控制
6)efficiency optimization control效率优化控制
1.This paper overviews various efficiency optimization control strategies on variable speed induction motor drives presented recently years.总结近年来变频调速异步电动机效率优化控制策略的研究现状,包括基于模型的最优励磁控制、最小输入功率在线搜索法和最小定子电流控制等,分析了各种效率优化控制策略的性能和优缺点,指出变频调速异步电机效率优化研究的发展方向,并给出考虑电机动态响应的效率优化控制研究结果。
2.Passivity-based efficiency optimization control for induction motor based on minimum magnetic energy;本文借鉴互联和阻尼分配的基于无源性控制器设计的基本思想和设计方法,依据最小磁场能量原则,设计了一种新的转矩跟踪效率优化控制器。

配置效率和生产效率  在经济学上,经济发展的动力,或者说效率的来源,分为两类:一类是配置效率,二是生产效率。所谓配置效率,是指给定资源和技术的条件下,怎么样使资源从边际生产率低的地方流向边际生产率高的地方,从而使得资源和利用更合理、社会总价值达到最大;而生产效率是指如何通过技术进步提高每一种资源的生产率,也就是把社会的生产可行性边界向外移。