缠绕角,winding angle
1)winding angle缠绕角
1.The effects of winding angle on the strength of fiber-winding composite pipe with ends under internal pressure(the ratio of hoop stress to axial stress is 2∶1) were investigated based on Hoffman failure criterion here.基于Hoffman复合材料失效准则,考察了缠绕角对两端封闭的纤维缠绕复合材料内压管道(环向/轴向应力比为2∶1)强度的影响。
2.The changes of the winding angles of composite materials and the temperature during curing process were considered.根据圆筒的弹性力学理论,建立了带金属内衬的纤维增强复合材料身管的热残余应力模型,考虑了复合材料加工固化过程中的温度和缠绕角度等参数的变化。
3.Though analys of wound tube stress and test result, it is found that wound tubes with different winding angles have different mechanical performance.通过分析缠绕管的受力状态及试验结果,说明不同缠绕角度的缠绕管,机械性能不同。

1.Stress equilibrium factor and the cylinder wound angle of the filament-wound case纤维缠绕壳体的应力平衡系数和圆筒缠绕角
2.Calculation of the Wrap Angle of the Corrugated Paper around The Corrugating Roll瓦楞原纸缠绕瓦楞辊顶端包角的计算
3.A winding of one thing about another.缠绕用一物缠绕另一物
4.Correction Method of Deflection Angle of Hoisting Rope in Winding Hoister Installation提升绳偏角在缠绕式提升机安装中的校正方法
5.To become twisted, interlaced, or interwoven.使缠绕、交织或缠结的
6.The stems twined around the tree trunk.(草)茎缠绕着树干。
7.To twist or entwine into a wreath.缠绕成环状使缠绕或编织成环
8.To twist or become twisted together.使麻烦使缠绕或缠绕在一起
9.A cloth band or scarf wrapped around the crown of a hat or sun helmet.头巾缠绕在礼帽或遮阳帽帽冠周围的布条或三角巾
10.A circle of lotus flower pattern on the backs of mouth.通体五彩装饰,里口缠枝莲纹一周,外口绘折线三角纹,颈部缠枝宝相花环绕,下接蕉叶纹一周。
11.twined or twisted together.缠绕或者绞结在一起。
12.Spiral wound gaskets for pipe flanges管法兰用缠绕式垫片
13.Specification and symbol of spiral wound gasketsGB/T4622.1-1993缠绕式垫片分类
14.The vines winds around [round] a pole.葡萄藤缠绕在柱子上。
15.The fence post was twined By vines.葡萄藤缠绕着离笆柱子
16.transformer coil winding paper变压器线圈缠绕用纸
17.spiral-wound fission counter螺旋缠绕裂变计数器
18.alternative wrap around guided-bend test交变缠绕定向弯曲试验

wound angle缠绕倾角
1.Based on optimal design method in strength,the best wound angle was been determined,and a reinforcement of the vessel strength on circular and axial position was gained.推导出了新型绕丝式超高压容器环向和轴向极限载荷的计算公式,根据等强度优化设计的观点,确定了使容器的环向和轴向能够达到等强度设计的最佳缠绕倾角。
3)angle wrapping角缠绕
4)two-angle winding双角缠绕
6)biaxial winding双角缠绕,双轴缠绕

定风波 商角调 商角调 西江客舍【诗文】:恨行云、特地高寒,牢笼好梦不定。婉娩年华,凄凉客况,泥酒浑成病。画阑深,碧窗静。一树瑶花可怜影。低映。怕月明照见,青禽相并。素衾自冷。又寒香、枕上薰愁醒。甚银床霜冻,山童未起,谁汲墙阴井。玉笙残,锦书迥。应是多情道薄*。争肯。便等闲孤负,西湖春兴。【注释】:【出处】: