热疏导,heat leading
1)heat leading热疏导
1.This article analyzes the temperature characteristic of the semiconductor devices,puts forward the design of a kind of heat leading circuit which can measure the temperature of the chip and lead the heat itself,so it enhances the integration and the cooling efficiency of the high power circuit system.论文分析了半导体器件的温度特性,提出了一种通过电路自身的特性来测量基片温度,并利用电路结构进行散热的热疏导电路结构,提高了大功率电路系统的集成度及散热效率。
1.Psychological characteristic and guidance of 60 senile patients with maxillofacial trauma;60例老年颌面外伤患者的心理特点及疏导
2.Communication and guidance: the only way out for building the socialist harmony society;沟通和疏导:建设社会主义和谐社会的必由之路——兼论党的治国策略的转变
3.Study of the Sports News Comment on Network and Its Guidance;网络体育新闻评论及其疏导研究

1.Traffic was diverted around the scene of the accident.疏导交通绕过出事现场
2.To provide with an artificial waterway or waterways.疏导提供一条或多条人工水道
3.The engineers channeled the water off without difficulty.工程师们毫不费力地就把水疏导走了。
4.Otherwise, inundation would ensue to our dismay.若不疏导,只能眼巴巴看着它泛滥。
5.The Ministry of Communications sent 300 more traffic police to direct the traffic.交通部增派300名交警疏导交通。
6.But persuasion includes application of the law.疏导,也包括运用法律的手段。
7.Research on Traffic Grooming Algorithms in Optical WDM Mesh Networks;网状WDM光网络中业务量疏导算法研究
8.Research on Traffic Grooming Algoirthms for WDM Mesh Networks;WDM网状网中的业务量疏导算法研究
9.Intelligent Grooming of Traffic in SONET/WDM Ring Networks;SONET/WDM光环网中业务流量的智能疏导
10.Reconfigurable Grooming of Dynamic Traffic in WDM Optical Networks;WDM光网络动态业务流量的可重构疏导
11.The Intelligent Analysis in the Problem of Grooming of Traffics in WDM Tree Networks;WDM光树网流量疏导问题的智能化分析
12.Research on College Students Psychological Stress and Guidance Countermeasures;当代大学生心理压力及疏导对策研究
13.Survivability for Traffic Grooming in Heterogenous WDM Networks;异构WDM网络中流量疏导的生存性研究
14.Awareness of Focusing on Human Concern and the Psychotherapy;对注重“人文关怀”与“心理疏导”的认识
15.On the Language Style of Giving Instructive Education;浅谈对学生进行疏导教育的语言形式
16.Probing into the Design of the Education Mode of Psychological Guidance on College Students;大学生心理疏导教育模式的设计研究
17.Psychological Counseling for College Students Disappointed in Love;对失恋大学生异常心理的疏导与调适
18.A strategic approach to the mental health of high school students in class performance;学生课堂回答中不良心理及疏导策略

1.Psychological characteristic and guidance of 60 senile patients with maxillofacial trauma;60例老年颌面外伤患者的心理特点及疏导
2.Communication and guidance: the only way out for building the socialist harmony society;沟通和疏导:建设社会主义和谐社会的必由之路——兼论党的治国策略的转变
3.Study of the Sports News Comment on Network and Its Guidance;网络体育新闻评论及其疏导研究
1.This article,by doing investigation,obtains the negative employment states of mentality and its main behaviors among medical graduates,analyzes the causes of this phenomenon,and then tries to find out the methods and channels to help medical graduates to relieve negative employment states of mentality.通过调查获取医学毕业生的消极就业心理现状及其主要表现,分析消极就业心理的成因,从而探索疏导医学毕业生消极就业心理的方法和途径。
1.On the nomal mental problems and leading for college students;当前大学生常见心理问题及教育疏导方法
1.Resolve the Problem:the Important Way of Public Opinion Persuasion of the Neighborhood Committee;解决居民实际问题:居委会舆情疏导的重要方式
2.The paper explains the meaning of frustration and frustration feeling points out the classification of the teenager s frustration mind and analyses the reason why the teenager have frustration mind and the persuasion method .解释了挫折、挫折感的概念,指出了青少年挫折心理的表现,分析了青少年产生挫折心理的原因以及疏导解决的具体方法。
1.We should help them to ease their facing pressure as to strengthen the education and training of these students.五年制高职护理专业的学生存在学习、人际关系、恋爱、实习就业诸多方面的压力,应在对其进行管理的同时,从生活、学习、思想、行为上对其所面临的压力进行疏导,从而加强高职护理学生的教育和培养。

疏导疏导dredge  疏导(d redge)思想教育、心理咨询和治疗过程中的一种谈话力一式,指咨询员通过疏通和引导的方法帮助来访者解决心理问题的过程。疏通,指启开言路,让来访者畅所欲言地、具体真实地讲出自己的心理问题及感受;引导,指循循善诱,因势利导,针对来访者的心理问题和人格特点,用其乐意接受的形式和方法,指导他们克服困难,提高心理健康水平。来访者倾诉其内心苦闷和心理问题之后,咨询员不是作直接的解释、指导,而是引导他去进一步思考,这些问题是如何产生的?与哪一些因素有密切关系?从中去找出因果联系。其后,引导他去找寻脱离困境,解决这些心理问题的方法。疏导也是许多心理疗法赖以奏效的一个重要机制。 (朱永新赵耕派撰张嘉玲审)