茶叶渣,tea dregs
1)tea dregs茶叶渣
1.Adsorption characteristics to cadmium ion by tea dregs at different concentrations, amounts, times, pH and temperatures conditions in aqueous solution were studied.研究了茶叶渣在不同浓度、茶渣量、时间、pH、温度条件下对镉离子的吸附特性,作出了吸附速率曲线和吸附等温线,并求出了Freundlich方程中的吸附参数。
2.In this paper,Adsorption characteristics to copper ion by tea dregs at different ion concentrations,amounts,times,pH and temperatures conditions in aquequs solution were studied.考察了茶叶渣在离子浓度、茶渣量、时间、pH和温度等不同条件下对铜离子的吸附特性,作出吸附率曲线。

1.Study on Adsorption of Lead(Ⅱ)and Cadmium(Ⅱ)from Waste Water with Waste Tea废弃茶叶渣对废水中铅(Ⅱ)和镉(Ⅱ)的吸附研究
2.Through the open doorway the bar squirted out whiffs of ginger, teadust, biscuitmush.从酒店那敞着的门口冒出一股股姜麦酒、茶叶渣和糊状饼干气味。
3.Extraction of Tea Protein and Effect of Tea Residues on Ganoderma Lucidum Liquid Submerged Fermentation;茶叶蛋白的分离提取及茶渣对灵芝发酵影响的研究
4.Study on the Process of "Organic-inorganic Compound Fertilizer" Made from Tea Residue and Effect of the Fertilizer on Tea Quality and Soil Environment;“茶渣有机—无机复合肥”研制及对茶叶品质和土壤环境的影响
5.Effects of biogas residue on improving yield of tea and its quality茶园施用沼渣等有机肥对茶叶产量和品质的影响
6.the same tradition exists in some Arab countries with coffee grounds.在一些阿拉伯国家存在着相同的传统,不是用茶叶,而是用咖啡渣。
7.Put another pinch of tea in the pot.往茶 里再捏点茶叶.
8.an electrostatic stalk extractor(茶叶)静电拣梗机
9.I like the flavor of longjing tea best.在所以茶叶中, 我最喜欢龙井茶的茶香。
10.In private homes, however, tea is frequently made with loose tea instead of tea bags.不过,在家里用茶叶泡茶,而不用袋泡茶.
11.Promoting Tea Sustainable Development by Carrying out GAP in Guizhou实施茶叶GAP促进贵州茶叶可持续发展
12.When I go into a tea shop buy tea, I sniff up the fragrant smell of the tea first.我去茶叶店买茶时,我先吸几下茶叶的香味。
13.A grade of black tea consisting of the leaves around the buds.香红茶,白毫(茶)一种由芽旁叶子组成的高级红茶
14.the subject has to drink a cup of tea, made with leaves, not tea bags,受试验者要喝一杯茶,用茶叶而不是茶袋沏,
15.tea caddy of porcelain or china茶叶罐,瓷或白坯瓷制
16.We have nm short of tea.我们的茶叶不够了。
17.a packet of biscuits, cigarettes, tea, etc一小包饼乾、 香烟、 茶叶等.
18.the master of a large tea plantation.大茶叶种植园的主人

waste tea茶渣
1.The experiment showed that the waste tea had fine adsorption effects on 30 mg·L-1 and 50 mg·L-1 lead ion, and the adsorption rate could reach 81%.采用普通室内吸附实验方法,考察了铅离子原始浓度、加入茶渣量、废水的温度、pH及浸泡时间等对吸附的影响,在研究废水的pH、温度和浸泡时间这3种影响因素时,采用了正交实验法,得出茶叶渣对铅离子最佳的吸附条件。
3)tea leaf茶叶
1.Research of monolithic processor control system in electric tea leaf frying pan;茶叶电炒锅单片机控制系统的研制
2.Automatic detection of overlapped tea leaf sprouts重叠条件下茶叶嫩芽的自动检测方法
3.After 18 tea leaf producing factories were investigated,the results showed that the tea leaf of goodgrade in the factories would alleviate the lead contamination in the tea leaf,while the commer tea leaf producing process can significantly increased the lead contamination in tea lead.通过对18个茶叶生产厂家的分析调查发现,精制茶的生产工艺对茶叶的铅含量在总体上有降低作用,而粗制茶的加工工艺却有增加的趋势,因此茶叶生产工艺对茶叶的铅含量影响很大。
1.Functional properties of protein from tea and its application in meat products;茶叶蛋白质功能性质及其在肉制品中的应用研究
2.Isolation of Methylated Catechins from Tea and Their Aanalysis by High Performance Liquid Chromatography;茶叶中甲基化儿茶素的分离、纯化和高效液相色谱法分析
3.Determination of 33 pesticides in tea by accelerated solvent extraction-gel permeation and solid-phase extraction purification-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry;加速溶剂萃取/凝胶渗透色谱-固相萃取净化/气相色谱-质谱法测定茶叶中残留的33种农药
5)tea leaves茶叶
1.Comparison of different techniques for extraction tea-polyphenols from tea leaves;不同提取方法测定新鲜茶叶中茶多酚含量的比较研究
2.Determination of manganese in tea leaves by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry;茶叶及浸泡液中锰含量的测定
3.Determination of Calcium in Tea Leaves by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry;原子吸收光谱法测定茶叶中钙
6)Camellia sinensis茶叶
1.Effects of Different Culture Conditions on Cell Growth and Theanine Biosynthesis in Suspension Cells of Camellia sinensis (Theaceae);不同培养条件对悬浮培养茶叶细胞生长及茶氨酸合成的影响
2.Isolation and identification of chemical constituents of n-butanol extracts from leaves of Camellia sinensis(L.) O.Ktze;茶叶正丁醇萃取物化学成分的分离与鉴定
