1.Effects of steaming conditions and stretching velocities on tensile properties of wool yarns;汽蒸条件和拉伸速度对羊毛纱拉伸性能的影响
2.Effects of the Steaming and Drying Temperature on Deresination of Pinus massoniana Lumber;汽蒸及干燥温度对马尾松锯材脱脂的影响
3.The Effects of Steaming and Press Temperature upon Resin Distribution of Pinus massoniana Lumber;汽蒸及热压温度对马尾松材树脂分布影响
1.Foam technology for improving development effect of intermission steam flooding;泡沫改善间歇蒸汽驱开发效果
2.Application of rotary steam tube dryer in drying pyrite concentrate;蒸汽管回转干燥机在硫精砂干燥中的应用
3.System of Steam Network Collecting Data Online and Simulated and Optimized by Computer;蒸汽管网实时数据采集与计算机模拟优化系统

1.steam-electric generating station蒸汽发电厂,蒸汽电站
2.The engine has got up steam蒸汽机积聚了蒸汽
3.internal admission(蒸汽机) 内进汽
4.evaporation-type steam jet refrigeration machine蒸发式蒸汽喷射制冷机
5.cooker, steam-heated, non-domestic蒸汽加热蒸煮器,非家用
6.The expansion of the steam in the cylinder causes some of the steam to condense. (=When the steam expands in the cylinder some of the steam condenses.)蒸汽在汽缸中膨胀时,部分蒸汽冷凝。
7.Relating to or resembling vapor.(似)蒸汽的与蒸汽有关的或与蒸汽相似的
8.vaporous clouds of mist, smoke, steam雾、 烟、 蒸汽的弥漫.
9.a steam (hand) pile driver蒸汽(手工)打桩机
10.electric [steam] traction电力 [蒸汽] 牵引 (力)
11.a steam [water] turbine蒸汽 [水力] 涡轮机.
12.Steam cylinder oiGB/T447-1994蒸汽汽缸油
13.SR cylinder oil直接蒸汽拔头汽缸油
14.the whistle of a steam engine蒸汽发动机的汽笛声.
15.automatic steam injection system自动蒸汽喷射系统蒸汽源连接
16.To convert or be converted into vapor.使蒸发,使汽化转化或被转化为蒸汽
17.The purpose of superheating the steam is to ensure that it is fairly dry.过热蒸汽是为了保证蒸汽相当干燥。
18.Errors Caused by Vapor State in Steam Flow Measurement蒸汽状态给蒸汽流量计量带来的误差

1.Foam technology for improving development effect of intermission steam flooding;泡沫改善间歇蒸汽驱开发效果
2.Application of rotary steam tube dryer in drying pyrite concentrate;蒸汽管回转干燥机在硫精砂干燥中的应用
3.System of Steam Network Collecting Data Online and Simulated and Optimized by Computer;蒸汽管网实时数据采集与计算机模拟优化系统
1.R&D of vacuum vapor treatment system真空蒸汽处理系统的研制
2.The process,equipment design and operation of a 120 kt/a sulphuric acid and 150 kt/a saturated vapor sulphur-burning sulphuric acid system in Yancheng Qingsong Sulphuric Acid-Energy Co.介绍盐城庆松硫能有限公司12万t/a硫酸和15万t/a饱和蒸汽硫磺制酸系统的工艺流程、设备结构及生产运行情况等。
3.This article introduces the common problem of the structure of vapor pipeline and crude oil pipeline's overhead arm of crude oil pontoon, and the structure's specific demands and the advantages and disadvantages of new and old structure.20世纪 60年代以来 ,我国沿长江炼油厂原油趸船的蒸汽管线、原油管线跨舱臂结构常出现的问题 ,包括易渗漏、垫片易损坏、补偿性差、内应力大等。
1.Through regulating and optimizing condensating and cooling process of coking gas and developing waste heat utilization object of gas the vapour consumption of lithium bromide refrigerator was decreased,the comprehensive utilization of resources and the aim of saving energy resources and decreasing consumption were achieved in the coking plant of Jinan iron and steel group.济钢焦化厂通过调整优化焦炉煤气冷凝冷却工艺以及开发煤气废热利用项目 ,降低了溴化锂制冷机的蒸汽消耗 ,实现了资源的综合利用 ,达到了节能降耗的目
2.The weld defects and thermal stress result in failure of vapour wax-removal loop-pipe used in floating roof tank.浮顶罐蒸汽除蜡装置失效的原因是施工焊接缺陷和热应力破坏。
3.The transmiting hot oil is substituted for vapour for refining benzene production processing andtransmiting hot oil furnace preressing in the coking plant of Laiwu iron and steel general works.莱钢焦化厂以导热油代替蒸汽用于精苯生产及导热油炉工艺,经合理设定各项操作参数,提高了精苯加工能力,解决了蒸汽压力不足影响精苯生产的难题。
6)steam distillation蒸汽蒸馏
1.Effect of steam distillation of crude oil on steam drive;原油蒸汽蒸馏作用对蒸汽驱开发效果的影响
2.) Benh, by putting emphasis in comparison with the extraction rate andcomponents of volatile oil between steam distillation and superciticol CO2 (SC-CO2) extraction.本文介绍了两种提取罗勒干叶中挥发油的中试工艺,重点进行了蒸汽蒸馏和SC-CO2提取法出油率和成分的比较研究。
