1.Influence of Y_2O_3 Addition on Properties of Sialon Bonded SiC Material;氧化钇对赛隆结合碳化硅制品性能的影响
2.β-Sialon/Corundum Composite Refractories by Nitridation Sintering Process;β-赛隆(Sialon)/刚玉复相耐火材料研究
3.Assessment and Prediction of Thermodynamic Property of Compounds in Sialon System;赛隆(Sialon)体系热力学性质评估与预报

1.Councilman Theron, you found yourself needed for once.赛隆议员,你终于发现自己派上用场了。
2.Our primary objective is a vessel named Resurrection by the Cylons.我们的主要目标 是一艘被赛隆命名为复活的船
3.Even here, Theron has eyes and ears which fuel Sparta with doubt and fear.即使在这里也有赛隆的耳目让斯巴达满城风雨。
4.Silicon Aluminum Oxynitride/Corundum/Graphite/BN omposite Refractories赛隆/刚玉/石墨/氮化硼复相耐火材料研究
5.Study on Synthesizing Sialon from Solid Waste Including Fly Ashes;利用粉煤灰等固体废弃物制取赛隆的研究
6.Lieutenant Thrace has sent me detailed recon information on the Cylon fleet.色雷斯中尉把对赛隆舰队侦查结果 的详细资料发给了我
7."I enjoy this kind of race, it was incredible," Alonso said afterwards.“我享受这样的比赛,太不可思议了”阿隆索赛后说。
8.In order to show its grandness, the Hong Kong Derby specially issued this commemorative envelope.香港赛马会为示隆重, 特别发行纪念封。
9.O Lympic Ring for The1992 O lympics Games Barcelona,Spain.1992年奥运会巴塞隆那比赛场馆,西班牙
10.The Malaysian city of Kuala Lumpur was where the motoring action started from in the third round of the 1997 Asia-Pacific Auto Rally.1997年亚太汽车拉力赛第3轮比赛在马来西亚吉隆坡市拉开帷幕。
11.After the game, Sloan was asked about the ejections and what led up to them.赛后,史隆被问及他的出场对球队的影响。
12.Just after the first round of the race, Hamilton shot past Alonso.比赛最后一圈时,汉密尔顿突然超过了阿隆索。
13.Eighteen finalists for Miss Malaysia Tourism pose for a group photo at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur.十八名马来西亚观光小姐决赛者在吉隆坡一家旅馆合照。
14.To prepare(a trail)for skiers, as by packing down new snow or leveling moguls.准备(滑雪)赛道为滑雪者准备(雪道),如铺设新雪或制造隆起点
15.Banner of Peace" international contest of paintings and banner paintings was held in our school.中俄"和平的旗帜"国际儿童绘旗比赛及画展在巴蜀园隆重举行。
16.Takes pole and victory in Hungary, lapping Schumacher in the process.在匈牙利,阿隆索取得杆位和胜利,在比赛中还套了舒马赫的圈。
17.Zusammen mit der Mannschaft haben wir uns anschlie?end das L?nderspiel Schweiz gegen die Ukraine in K?ln angeschaut.然后我和全队一起看了瑞士和乌克兰在科隆进行的比赛。
18.Q: Who do you fear more at the start of the season, Alonso or your teammate Massa ?在赛季初你觉得谁对你的威胁更大,阿隆索还是队友马萨?

5)SiAlON bonded corundum赛隆结合刚玉
1.Current situations of research and application of SiAlON bonded corundum composite refractories;赛隆结合刚玉复相材料的研究进展及应用现状
6)Sialon bonded corundum bricks赛隆结合刚玉砖
1.Sialon bonded corundum bricks are produced using silicon, alumina and brown fused corundum as main starting materials in a flowing nitrogen atmosphere.以工业硅粉、氧化铝和棕刚玉为主要原料 ,在氮化炉内烧成 ,生产了赛隆结合刚玉砖 ,其指标和性能达到和超过法国某公司同类产品 ,满足了武钢 1号高炉使用要
