1.The Usage of the Inner Cylinder Directly-Flowing Evaporator in Sugar Manufacturing;内筒式直流蒸发罐在制糖工业中的应用
2.Inhibition of Scaling in Multple Effect Evaporator with Chemicals;化学法控制多效蒸发罐的结垢
3.Scale Removal by Drying Evaporators with Steam;应用蒸汽烘罐法清除蒸发罐积垢

1.The Research of Evaporator Sugar-site Manufacturing Processes Affect the Overall Quality制糖蒸发罐现场制造工艺对总体质量的影响
2.Preliminary Discussion on the Troubleshooting of Effect V Evaporator Tube Plug浅谈制盐V效蒸发罐结垢堵管的原因及防治
3.steam generator water tank filler蒸汽发生器水罐进水口
4.steam generator water tank drain蒸汽发生器水罐放水口
5.Cause,Calculations and Countermeasures of Formation of the Loss Due to Oil Vaporization from Oil Tank油品储罐的蒸发损耗成因、计算及对策
6.Experiment and theory of evaporation rate in cryogenic cylinder of LNG vehicle车载LNG储罐蒸发率的理论与试验
7.Study on the Concentrating Process of Bittern in Evaporator关于制盐废液直接进罐蒸发工艺的研究
8.Canned steamed porkGB/T13512-1992清蒸猪肉罐头
9.Canned steamed beefGB/T13514-1992清蒸牛肉罐头
10.steam flow closure蒸汽喷射排气封罐机
11.An Analysis of the Influence of the Pretreatment Method of Canister upon the Test Result of Fuel Evaporation of Motorcycles炭罐预处理方法对摩托车燃油蒸发排放测试结果的影响分析
12.Heat transfer calculation of insulation space around spherical LNG tank filled with boil-off gas用蒸发气充填液化天然气球形储罐隔热层的传热计算
13.whiskey distilled in Scotland; especially whiskey made from malted barley in a pot still.苏格兰地区蒸馏制成的威士忌;尤其是用罐式蒸馏器中的发芽大麦制成的威士忌。
14.The canister is filled with activated charcoal.蒸气回收罐中充满了活性炭。
15.The canister vapor-vent value is operated by vacuum.活性炭罐蒸气排泄阀是由真空控制的。
16.Study of the Processing Technology of Flexible Canned Semi-dry Steaming Tilapia半干蒸煮罗非鱼软罐头加工技术研究
17.flash separate tank application in JingBian gas field闪蒸分液罐在靖边气田集气站的应用
18.Application of MATLAB in Analysis of Vapor Cloud Explosion (VCE) in TankMATLAB在储罐区蒸气云爆炸分析中的运用

liquid level of evaporator蒸发罐液位
1.Discussion on Corrosion of the Evaporator EV-301;关于对EV-301蒸发罐腐蚀的初步探讨
4)anesthetic vaporizer麻醉蒸发罐
5)precision vaporizer精密蒸发罐
6)evaporator load蒸发罐负荷
