1.Design of Compression Mould with Multi-cavity, Vertical Parting and Secondary Ejector Pins;垂直分型二级推件多型腔压模设计
2.Multi-cavity injection mold is used widely in practice, and filling balance is recognized as the most important problem in multi-cavity molding.多型腔注射模在实际生产中有着广泛应用,充填平衡是保证多型腔模塑制品质量均匀一致的关键。
3.A method for automatical balancing multi-cavity injection molds is presented with the aid of flow simulation.给出一种基于流动模拟的多型腔注塑模流动平衡计算方法 ,在流道和型腔布置确定后 ,根据流动模拟的结果 ,通过迭代调整流道和浇口尺寸 ,自动实现非平衡布置多型腔注塑模的流动平衡。

1.The Design and CAE Analysis in Multy-carities Injection Moding Feed System多型腔注塑模浇注系统设计及CAE分析
2.Pro/E-based rapid development of multi-cavity box基于Pro/E的多型腔抽拉屉注射模快速设计
3.Optimization of Processing Parameters in Multi-Cavity Injection Molding Based on Volumetric Shrinkage基于制品体收缩率的多型腔注塑模工艺参数优化
4.How long does the casting stay in the mold before shake?落砂前铸件在型腔里停留多长时间?
5.Establishment of animal model for the anesthesia accidental death case;利多卡因蛛网膜下腔麻醉致死的动物模型
6.Clinical Observation of Laparoscopic Renal Cyst Decotrication for Patients with Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease腹腔镜手术治疗成人型多囊肾的临床效果观察
7.Effects of Collybia Albuminsa Polysaccharide by Celiac Injection on reducing Lipid in experimental Hyperlipidemia Mice高血脂症小鼠模型腹腔注射鸡枞多糖的研究
8.Research of generative algorithm on paths of arbitrary multi-island shaped cavity numerical controlled machining任意多岛型腔数控加工路径生成算法研究
9.The Optimization of Novel Cascaded Coupled Multi-Active Regions Large Optical Cavity Semiconductor Lasers;新型多有源区隧道级联耦合大光腔半导体激光器的优化设计
10.Primary study on forensic application of oral mucosa exfoliative cells DNA polymorphism;口腔粘膜脱落细胞DNA多态性分型检测在法医学应用的初步研究
11.Experimental Study on Evaluating the Rat Model of Cerebral Palsy Induced by Prenatal Exposure to Lipopolysaccharide Followed Perinatal Hypoxic Insults腹腔注射脂多糖联合缺氧在脑瘫模型评价的实验研究
12.Periventricular leukomalacia were induced by prenatal exposure to lipopolysaccharide followed perinatal hypoxic results: an animal model for perinatally acquired encephalopathy应用孕鼠腹腔注射脂多糖合并缺氧的方法制作脑瘫动物模型
13.Observation on the therapeutic effect of BCG-PSN and triamcinolone acetonide on ulcerative oral lichen planus卡介菌多糖核酸与曲安奈德治疗溃疡型口腔扁平苔藓疗效比较
14.Primary Clinical Study on A New Multifunctional Chest Drainage System in 2232 Sets一种新型多功能胸腔引流系统2232套的初步临床应用
15.Laparoscopy in the Treatment of Non-Abdomenal Cryptorchidis;腹腔镜治疗非腹腔型隐睾的临床研究
16.Design Theory of Self-image Cavity of Laser Beam Coherent Combination相干组束自成像腔腔型设计理论研究
17.bellows extension皮腔延长度,多指近摄
18.A Comparison of the Properties of Magnetron Type Cavity and Empty Type Cavity in Small-scaled Hydrogen Maser小型氢频标磁控管微波腔与空型腔性能的比较

mult-cavity profile多腔型材
3)multi-cavity injection mold多型腔注射模
1.A methodology for automatically balancing multi-cavity injection mold was developed with the objective of filling all cavities at the same time and getting a balanced flow patterm.以所有型腔同时充满获得平衡的流动模式为目标,提出了一个自动平衡多型腔注射模的算法。
4)multipoint cavities cooling treatment型腔多点冷却
1.This article described the modification treatment of A356 alloy in strontium(Sr),the mechanical properties of A356 were brightly improved by the technical treatment of compound purified technique and multipoint cavities cooling treatment,the perfect production techniques were used to produce A356 alloy complex components,it was valuable for material engineer.叙述了金属锶对A356合金的变质处理,采用复合净化工艺,型腔多点冷却等技术措施,明显提高A356铝合金的力学性能。
1.Analysis of Equivalent Circuit for Radial Coupling Multi-cavity Resonators;多腔径向耦合输出系统的等效电路分析

型腔分型面及浇注系统一、 分型面:分开模具能取出塑件的面,称作分型面,其它的面称作分离面或称分模面,注射模只有一个分型面。分型面的方向尽量采用与注塑机开模是垂直方向,形状有平面,斜面,曲面。选择分型面的位置时,〈1〉 分型面一般不取在装饰外表面或带圆弧的转角处〈2〉 使塑件留在动模一边,利于脱模〈3〉 将同心度要求高的同心部分放于分型面的同一侧,以保征同心度〈4〉 轴芯机构要考虑轴芯距离〈5〉 分型面作为主要排气面时,分型面设于料流的末端。一般在分型面凹模一侧开设一条深 0.025 ~ 0.1mm 宽1.5~6 mm的排气槽。亦可以利用顶杆,型腔,型芯镶块排气 二、 浇注系统浇注系统是指模具中从注射机喷嘴接触处到型腔为止的塑料熔体的流动通道。作用:〈1〉输送流体 〈2〉传递压力〈一〉 浇注系统的组成及设计原则1、 组成:由主流道,分流道,内浇口,冷料穴等结构组成。2、 浇注系统的设计原则:〈1〉 考虑塑料的流动性,保征流体流动顺利,快,不紊乱。〈2〉 避免熔体正面冲出小直径型芯或脆弱的金属镶件。〈3〉 一模多腔时,防止大小相差悬殊的制件放一模内。〈4〉 进料口的位置和形状要结合塑件的形状和技术要求确定。〈5〉 流道的进程要短,以减少成型周期及减少废料。 〈二〉 主流道设计指喷嘴口起折分流道入口处止的一段,与喷嘴在一轴线上,料流方向不改变。(1) 便于流道凝料从主流道衬套中拔出,主流道设计成圆锥形 。7-15 锥角 =2°~ 4°粗糙度Ra≤0.63 与喷嘴对接处设计成半球形凹坑,球半径略大于喷嘴头半经。(2) 主流道要求耐高温和摩擦,要求设计成可拆卸的衬套,以便选 用优质材料单独加工和热处理。(3) 衬套大端高出定模端面 5~10mm ,并与注射机定模板的定位孔成间隙配合,起定位隙作用。(4) 主流道衬套与塑料接触面较大时,由于腔体内反压力的作用使衬套易从模具中退出,可设计定住 。(5) 直角式注射机中,主流道设计在分型面上,不需沿轴线上拔出凝料可设计成粗的圆柱形。〈三〉 分流道设计指塑料熔体从主流道进入多腔模各个型腔的通道,对熔体流动起分流转向作用,要求熔体压力和热量在分流道中损失小。(1)分流道的截面形式:a、 图形断面:比表面积小(流道表面积与其体积之比),热损失小,但加工制造难,直径 5~10mmb、 梯形:加工较方便,其中h/D = 2/3 ~ 4/5 边斜度 5~15°c、 u形:加工方便,h/R=5/4d、 半圆形:h/R=0.9(2) 分流道的断面尺寸要视塑件的大小,品种注射速度及分流道的长度而定。