1.An Assessment of the Environmental Fates of Mirex and Chlordecone Using EQC Model;应用EQC模型评估灭蚁灵和十氯酮的环境归趋
2.Study on Culling a Chemical to Replace Mirex to Control Coptotermes Suzhouensis;防治苏州乳白蚁的灭蚁灵替代药剂筛选研究
3.ASE-GC-MS Mirex Determination in Plastics from Electrical and Electronic ProductsASE-GC-MS测定电子电气产品塑料部件中的灭蚁灵

1.Contrast of the new termite pesticide Yikexing to Mirex at Daquan reservoir白蚁新药“蚁克星”与“灭蚁灵”在大泉水库的灭杀效果对比试验
2.Study on Culling a Chemical to Replace Mirex to Control Coptotermes Suzhouensis;防治苏州乳白蚁的灭蚁灵替代药剂筛选研究
3.ASE-GC-MS Mirex Determination in Plastics from Electrical and Electronic ProductsASE-GC-MS测定电子电气产品塑料部件中的灭蚁灵
4.This spray will exterminate the termites.这种喷剂能消灭白蚁。
5.He had the intelligence to put the fire out with a fire extinguisher.他机灵地用灭火器灭火。
6.Death, the destroyer死神, 生灵之毁灭者.
7.Some people believe that the spirit is immortal.有人相信灵魂不灭。
8.exterminate all the inhabitants of the village灭绝村中所有的生灵
9.he believed his soul would be instantly destroyed if he did such a thing他相信他的灵魂立刻就会遭到毁灭的,
10.perhaps even his new soul within him, also.也许他的新灵魂也在他的心里毁灭。
11.Hope is the last thing extinguished in the heart of man.希望原是人类心灵中最后破灭的东西。
12.extinct primates; lower Pliocene.上新世后期已灭绝的灵长类。
13.Turin Winter Olympics in 2006------An Ever BurningFlane.都灵冬季奥运会------永不熄灭的火焰。
14.Dru-gs used were chiefly carbazone and metronidazole, the efficacy of latter was ashigh as 92.68%.卡巴胂疗效为85%; 灭滴灵达92.7%。
15.The Concept on the Self of Buddhism and Its Critique on Immortal Soul;佛教的自我观及对灵魂不灭论的批判
16.The Thought of Mao Zedong Is the Inspiration of the Times;毛泽东思想是永不磨灭的时代的灵魂
17.Indescribably Free and Perishable--A discussion o n the Buddha s mind and the meditativeintention in Wang Wei s later poems;空灵与寂灭——谈王维晚期诗的佛心禅意
18.small Australian marsupial having long snout and strong claws for feeding on termites; nearly extinct.澳大利亚小型有袋动物,鼻子长,爪有力,以白蚁为食;几乎灭绝。

termite control drug灭蚁药物
1.[Objective]To explore the level of liver function damage in workers exposed to the termite control drugs.[目的]探讨职业性接触氯丹、含砷化合物灭蚁药物对作业人员肝功能水平的影响。
2.[Objective]To explore the damage of kidney function in workers exposed to the termite control drugs Chlordane and arsenic compound.[目的]探讨职业性接触含氯丹、砷化合物的灭蚁药物对作业人员肾功能的影响。
3)kill ants and prevent seepage灭蚁防渗
4)kill termite ring method灭蚁环法
1.This paper reported the control effect with some new technologies of "affusing pesticide and covering film method" , "diatomite handling method" and "kill termite ring method" for controlling Odontotermes formosanus and Reticulitermes chinensis which damage the garden trees.本文首次报道了灌药盖膜法、硅藻土处理法、灭蚁环法新技术对园林树木上黑翅土白蚁、黑胸散白蚁的防治效果。
5)Effects on killing termite灭蚁效果

灭蚁灵国标编号 61876 CAS号 2385-85-5 分子式 C10Cl12分子量 545.59白色无味结晶体,挥发性很小;沸点 485℃/分解;熔点 485℃;溶解性:不溶于水,溶于苯类溶剂,溶于苯(12.2%)、四氯化碳(7.2%)、二甲苯(14.3%);密度:相对密度(空气=1)18.8;稳定性:稳定,与硫酸、硝酸和盐酸不起作用;危险标记 15(有害品,远离食品);主要用途:用作杀蚁剂 2.对环境的影响:一、健康危害侵入途径:吸入、食入、经皮吸收。健康危害:本品为中等毒杀蚊剂。吸入、摄入或经皮肤吸收后会中毒。实验、资料报道,本品有致癌、致畸、致突变作用。二、毒理学资料及环境行为毒性:对人畜毒性较低。急性毒性:LD50 312mg/kg(大鼠经口);800mg/kg(兔经皮)对生物具有较高毒性,对胎产仔数有影响,对胎儿内环境稳定,肌肉骨骼系统有影响,致癌性判定,动物为阳性反应,人类为可疑反应。危险特性:不易燃烧。受高热分解,放出有毒的烟气。燃烧(分解)产物:一氧化碳、二氧化碳、氯化氢。3.现场应急监测方法: 4.实验室监测方法:气相色谱法《水和有害废物的监测分析方法》周文敏等编译气相色谱法(油、蛋、酒、苹果、粮食)《农药残留量气相色谱法》国家商检局编5.环境标准:前西德(1978)农作物产品最高残留值0.01mg/kg6.应急处理处置方法:一、泄漏处置隔离泄漏污染区,周围设警告标志,建议应急处理人员戴自给式呼吸器,穿化学防护服。有要直接接触泄漏物,小心扫起,置于袋中转移至安全场所。被污染地面肥皂或洗涤剂刷洗,经稀释的污水放入废水系统。如大量泄漏,收集回收或无害处理后废弃。二、防护措施呼吸系统防护:高浓度环境中,应该佩戴防毒面具。紧急事态抢救或逃生时,佩戴自给式呼吸器。眼睛防护:戴化学安全防护眼镜。防护服:穿相应的防护服。手防护:戴防化学品手套。其它:工作现场禁止吸烟、进食和饮水。工作后,淋浴更衣。保持良好的卫生习惯。实行就业前和定期的体检。三、急救措施皮肤接触:用肥皂水及清水彻底冲洗。就医。眼睛接触:拉开眼睑,用流动清水冲洗15分钟。就医。吸入:脱离现场至空气新鲜处。就医。食入:误服者,饮适量温水,催吐。就医。灭火方法:泡沫、干粉、砂土。