1.The complexes were characterized by FTIR and element analysis,and their crystallization,moisture-absorption and disintegration were also investigated.利用红外光谱和元素分析表征复合物结构,考察复合物的结晶性、吸湿性及压片后的崩解性
2.METHODS The granularity ,fluidity ,swelling capacity and disintegration of MCC were determined and compared.方法 测定并比较各种微晶纤维素的粒径、流动性、溶胀性、崩解性等性能 ,并以马来酸氯苯那敏为模型药物 ,湿法制粒压片 ,考察片剂的崩解度。
3.By the field tests as well as tests conducted on the self-developed disintegration instrument,the disintegration of loess is studied.通过自行研制的大试块黄土崩解仪,结合原位崩解试验,对黄土的崩解性进行试验研究。

1.Study on Disintegrative Properties of Water-disintegrable Polystyrene遇水崩解型聚苯乙烯崩解性能的研究
2.Research on Slaking Properties of Red Beds Soft Rock and Dynamic Deformation Properties of Embankment;红层软岩崩解性及其路基动力变形特性研究
3.The Preparation and Performance of Water-Destructible PS/PAANa Blends and Its Application in Foam;水崩解性聚苯乙烯/聚丙烯酸钠共混物的制备、性能及其发泡研究
4.Water Absorbability of Excipients Commonly Used in Dispersible Tablets and Influence on Dispersible Tablets of TCM分散片常用辅料吸水性对中药分散片崩解性能的影响
5.This regional bloc has fallen apart.这一地区性集团已土崩瓦解。
6.A Study on Disintegration Behavior of Granite Residual Soil in Guangzhou广州地区花岗岩残积土崩解特性研究
7.The Synthesis and Properties of Water-Disintegrable Polystyrene;遇水崩解型聚苯乙烯的制备及其性能研究
8.Study of the Properties of Purified Bentonites Used as Dieintegrants in Tablets;纯化膨润土作为片剂崩解剂的性能研究
9.Bioequivalence of cefixime orally disintegrating tablets in healthy volunteers头孢克肟口腔崩解片在健康人体的生物等效性
10.Bioequivalence and relative bioavailability of granisetron hydrochloride orally disintegrating tablet in healthy volunteers盐酸格拉司琼口腔崩解片生物等效性评价
11.Experimental study on block disintegration difference of physicochemical soft rock物化型软岩块体崩解特性差异的试验研究
12.Bioequivalence of Orally Disintegrating Tablets of Amlodipine Besylate苯磺酸氨氯地平口腔崩解片的生物等效性研究
13.The Blood Rotundine Determination and Its Bioequivalence Studies of Orally-Disintegrating and Conventional Tablets in Chinese Healthy Volunteers;罗通定HPLC血浓度测定、罗通定口崩片崩解特性及人体生物等效性评价
14.Disintegration Behavior of Residual Soil and Nonlinear Time Series Analysis for Its Slope Displacement;残积土的崩解特性及其土坡位移的非线性时序分析
15.Investigation of water uptake and disintegrative effect of purified bentonite纯化膨润土吸水特性及其作为片剂崩解剂的性能考察
16.regulate menstruation By eliminating stagnation of qi, warm the uterus and stop metrorrhagia解郁调经,暖宫止崩
17.Description: Progressive disintegration of the asphalt pavement surface by loss of both binder and aggregates.描述:沥青路面表层由于粘结剂和集料的损失而引起的渐进性崩解。
18.Quality Standard Establishment and Stability Inspection of Ibuprofen Orally Disintegrating Tablets;布洛芬口腔崩解片质量标准的建立及稳定性考察

1.Study on the disintegrability and the suspension stability of 80% phosethyl-Al water dispersible granules;80%乙磷铝WDG崩解性和悬浮稳定性的研究
2.The morphological structure, swellability, hygroscopicity and disintegrability of trial-preparation andimported crosslinked polyvinylpyrrolidone(Kollidon CL and Polyplasdone XL) were compared.比较了交联聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVPP)自制品和进口品(Kollidon CL和Polyplasdone XL)的表面形态、溶胀性、吸湿性和崩解性
3)Water-destructible Property水崩解性
1.Study on Water-destructible Property of PS/PAANa Blend;苯乙烯/聚丙烯酸钠原位聚合物的水崩解性研究
4)properties of enduring collapse耐崩解性
1.On the basis of field survey of slate phyllite and siltstone along Wu-Guang Railway, the mineral components and the properties of enduring collapse are discussed.针对武广客运铁路专线沿线遇到的大量软质千枚状板岩和泥质粉砂岩,在分析风化软岩基本矿物成分、耐崩解性的基础上,结合风化软岩岩块力学强度和击实试验结果,初步判定了风化软岩填筑路基的可行性,同时提出了软岩填筑路基可行性的初步判定方法。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-