1.Synergistic Effects and Preliminary Application of the Coal/oil Coprocessing煤与石油重油共处理协同效应的初步分析
2.Under experimental conditions, only coprocessing of coal with SLH slurry, which has low.研究了兖州煤与 5种渣油共处理所得沥青的性质及其影响因素 。
3.The reaction methane and conditions on the coprocessing of coal with waste plas- tics were investigated in a small reactor.在 50 mL-的小型反应器内,考察了煤和废塑料共处理的反应规律及工艺条件。

1.The Experiences and Lessons of the CCP Dealing with The Communist International;中共处理与共产国际关系的经验教训及影响
2.private communal sewage treatment plant私人共用污水处理设施
3.Public Finance and Enterprises Management Branch公共财政和企业管理处
4.transactions of professional or public interest.专业或公共利益的处理。
5.shared logic word processing equipment共享逻辑字词处理设备
6.Blends of PVC and lignin treated with emulsion of ethyl acrylate-maleic anhydride copolymerEA-MA共聚乳液处理木质素与PVC的共混
7.Surface Compound Treatment of C-N Multi-elements and RE-B-C-N Multi-elements Deep-penetrating碳氮共渗-深层稀土硼碳氮共渗复合处理
8.Total time (in ms) spent processing notifications.处理通知总共所用的时间(毫秒)。
9.Total time (in ms) spent in a handler.处理程序总共所用的时间(毫秒)。
10.Concurrent processing: The execution of two programs simultaneously.共行处理:同时执行两个程式的情况。
11.The procedural code that changes a set of shared resources is called critical section.处理元去存取共用资源的那段程式码。
12.group processing几家银行共同使用电子数据处理
13.There are 345 garbage treatment plants of various kinds being investigated and 107 ones being monitored.共调查各类垃圾处理场345座,监测107座。
14.Physicals changes have nothing in common with chemical changes物理变化和化学变化没有共同之处。
15.he had a special antenna for public relations.他处理公共关系有一种特殊的敏感。
16.They cope with problems of daily life together,他们共同处理日常生活中的问题,
17.Study on Multi-element Penetration and Heat-treatment of Copper and Brass;纯铜、黄铜多元共渗及热处理工艺研究
18.The Research on Some Methods Used in Data Processing of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging;功能磁共振数据处理的几种方法研究

1.The heavy product produced by co-processing of coal and FCC slurry was studied as high grade paving asphalt modifier.依据美国ASTM D5710-95和英国BSI BS 3690对Trinidad湖沥青(TLA)的评价标准,以及中华人民共和国行业标准JTG F40-2004《公路改性沥青路面施工技术规范》对改性沥青混合料和SBS类(I类)改性沥青储存稳定性的技术要求,对比同样试验条件下TLA改性沥青的特性,评价了煤与FCC油浆共处理所得重质产物对道路石油沥青的改性作用。
2.The co-processing reaction of coal and catalytic residue(CCR),especially the heavy toluene soluble fractions(HTSF) produced were studied in a autoclave when the ratio of coal to CCR is 1∶1.本实验以煤和石油渣油(1∶1)为主要原料,进行共处理反应研究。
1.The Analysis of Asphalt Properties Produced by Coprocessing Coal and Catalytic Cracking Resid;煤与催化裂化油浆共处理反应沥青性质分析
2.The coprocessing reaction of coal and catalytic residue(CCR),especially the asphalt produced were studied in 1 L autoclave when the ratio of coal to CCR is 1/1.用 1 L反应器在煤油比为 1∶ 1 ,在 40 0℃~ 45 0℃的温度范围内 ,研究了温度对共处理反应及沥青性质的影响 。
4)Eutectoid treatment共析处理
5)concurrent processing共行处理
1.In this thesis, the reaction conditions of co-processing Shenfu coal and Shenli Vacuum Resid (SVR) were studied.煤油共处理可使煤得到洁净利用、减少环境污染、同时提质渣油,使煤和渣油转化为轻质油品。

水泥窑中废物共燃烧处理分子式:CAS号:性质:生产水泥的水泥窑与焚烧处理固体废物的回转窑在结构上是基本相同的,在燃烧温度和停留时间等条件上也可满足废物焚烧的要求,因此对于废溶剂、蒸馏残液等一些具有高热值的特殊废物,在符合水泥窑所要求的废物接受标准下[(热值104.6~167.4MJ/kg(25 000~40 000kcal/kg)、闪点接近重质燃料油、pH值6~9、含水量不大于10%、固体含量不大于5%、氯和硫含量分别小于2%、多环芳烃和多氯联苯分别小于50×10-6)],可在水泥窑中于生产水泥的同时进行焚烧处理。虽然水泥窑不具有烟气处理设备,但焚烧符合上述标准的废物,其烟气排放物一般不会超过水泥生产的正常指标。废物焚烧产生的酸性气体可被水泥生产的碱性环境吸收、中和,而灰则被结合在水泥熟料中。含重金属或会形成固体焚烧残渣的废物,不允许在水泥窑中进行焚烧处理。水泥窑中废物共焚烧处理已在许多工业发达国家实现商业化运作,但必须严格进行环境管理。