1.Study and application of anti-caking method for powdered MAP produced by pressure neutralizing-spraying autothermal process;加压中和—喷雾自热法干燥粉状磷酸一铵抗结块方法的研究与应用
2.The contrast of two processes for production of powdered AP by "slurryconcentration method;两种料浆法粉状磷铵流程比较
3.In this Paper, the Process of making powdered coating for inner wall from powerded Starch adhesive are described.介绍了用淀粉做基料制备内墙用粉状涂料。

1.Having a mealy or powdery texture.有粉状或面粉状结构的
2.chocolate in cake [ powder ]块状[粉状]巧克力
3.extruding machine for mineral pastes or powders糊状或粉状矿物挤棒机
4.powdered cellulose; powdery snow; pulverized sugar is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding.粉状的纤维素;粉状的雪;粉状的糖是将粒状的糖碾磨而成的。
5.CSM [corn, soya, milk]玉米、大豆粉及乾酪混制成之粉状食品
6.Powder for cleaning teeth.洗牙粉用来清洗牙齿的粉状
7.Confection, or powdered sugar is pulverized sucrose.蜜饯或糖粉是粉状的蔗糖
8.A device for sifting or scattering a powdered substance.喷粉机用来筛或撒粉状物质的器具
9.a powdery deposit on a surface.物体表面的粉状沉积物。
10.free flowing dynamite粉状狄那米特硝甘炸药
11.Coffee beans must be ground to (into) flour咖啡豆须磨成粉状
12.It is suitable for the quantitative packaging powder-grain mixture material: Feed, Cornmeal, Bean Dregs, Rapeseed Dregs, Cottonseed Dregs.各类颗粒饲料,粉皮混合饲料,柱状饲料,粉状饲料。
13.Suitable for the automatic packing of milk powder, rice flour, milk tea powder, protein, amylum, sauce and such kind of powder materials.适用于奶粉、面粉、奶茶粉、蛋白粉、淀粉、调味料等粉状物料的自动送料提升。
14.milk (excl. whey), in powder granules粉状或粒状奶(不包括乳精)
15.briquetting machine for mineral materials in powder or paste form粉状或糊状矿物的压坯机
16.Flake silver powdersGB/T1773-1995片状银粉
17.pyrenoid-like body淀粉[蛋白]核状体
18.A pastel paste or crayon.制彩色粉笔的糊状物或彩色粉笔

droplet particle粉状粉粒
3)powdered starch粉状淀粉
4)powdered ore矿粉,粉状矿

RM(I)粉状硅酸钠分子式:Na2O·nSiO2 CAS号:性质:白色或略带浅灰色粉末或呈小颗粒状。在空气中极易吸湿结块。能快速溶于水。水溶液呈碱性。粘接性强。分散性好。耐低温性好(-40℃性能不变)。由水玻璃溶液浓缩一定浓度后,经喷雾干燥制得。用作粘接剂,炉窑喷补剂,洗涤剂除油污助剂,石油开采和隧道堵孔剂,加固剂。其他用途与一般水玻璃。