1.Life cycle analysis of effect of cullet reutilization on environment;碎玻璃的回收利用对环境影响的生命周期评价
2.In this paper, author has analyzed the positive and negative effect of cullet, and has put forward noticeable problem on cullet recycle so as to improve recycle ratio of cullet.本文通过对碎玻璃正反两方面作用的分析,提出了碎玻璃再利用应注意的问题,从而更好的提高碎玻璃的回收利用率。
3.The preparation of glassceramics from waste cullet and crystallizable glass by sintering process is studied by DTA XRD SEM.结果表明适当比例高软化点易析晶玻璃粉末可以改善碎玻璃的烧结及析晶性能,同时能显著提高硬度及抗冲击强度等机械性能。

1.glass melted from cullet用碎玻璃熔制的玻璃
2.shatterproof glass for car windscreens用作汽车挡风玻璃的防碎玻璃.
3.cut his foot on the Broken glass碎玻璃把他的脚扎破了
4.break glass call point打碎玻璃形火灾报警盒
5.Mind you do not step on the break glass!小心别踩碎玻璃上!
6.Mind you don't step on the broken glass!小心别踩在碎玻璃上!
7.The big plate-glass window had been hurled in fragments and splinters across the room.大玻璃窗被炸成了碎玻璃和碎片,散落在屋子里。
8.Bolipingguan production sales; Broken glass and old gunnysack recovery.玻璃瓶罐的生产销售;碎玻璃和废旧麻袋的回收。
9.Tough glass is needed for windscreens.挡风玻璃需要用不易碎的玻璃.
10.shatterproof automobile windows.不会碎的汽车车窗玻璃。
11.There was a crash and tinkle of breaking glass.豁浪! 玻璃窗打碎了!
12.They broke the window.他们把玻璃窗打碎了。
13.You can crack this toughened glass, but you can't break it.这种韧化玻璃只裂不碎.
14.This glass dish is very fragile.这玻璃碟子十分易碎。
15.combined glass break detector复合式玻璃破碎检测器
16.The glass slivered when it fell.玻璃杯掉在地上摔碎了.
17.The windscreen cracked but didnot splinter.挡风玻璃裂了, 但没碎.
18.The floor was covered with splinters of glass.地板上布满了玻璃碎片。

safe glass不碎玻璃
3)fragile glass易碎玻璃
1.The dynamical differences between strong glass and fragile glass are analysed and discussed.利用分子动力学模拟数据 ,给出了二氧化硅玻璃和氟锆硼玻璃的速度自相关函数 ,递归函数和红外振动频率等方面的结果 ,分析和讨论了刚性玻璃和易碎玻璃的分子动力学差别。
4)fragmentation test玻璃碎片
1.To apply the computer technology to the digital images which are obtained after the fragmentation test can save manpower and improve detection efficiency.将数字图像处理技术应用于玻璃碎片的检测和识别中,主要是为了得到玻璃碎片的形状、尺寸和数量。
5)broken glasses玻璃碎屑
1.Study of the laser Reman spectra to determine the identity of bits of broken glasses;玻璃碎屑同一性认定的激光拉曼光谱研究
6)glass breakage玻璃破碎

碎碎1.细细;零星。 2.象声词。形容轻微的声音。