1.Sludge energy recovery as well as agglomeration and combustion performances in FB are analyzed.在综述国内污泥处理现状的基础上 ,结合一系列污泥在流化床中的能量利用、结团特性及燃烧过程等基础及中试研究结果 ,研究开发出污泥流化床焚烧新技术。
2.The effect of operating temperature,sludge moisture and particle's size on sludge agglomeration have been studied also in the meantime,combustion process of sludge particle in FB is analyzed.研究了高水分、低热值的造纸污泥在流化床中焚烧的两个重要问题:结团和污染特性。
1.Analysing the factors adversely influencing the unity of the leading group;影响领导班子团结的因素分析
2.New period faces a lot of new problems as a computer laboratory of the university, the article made a brief discussion on the analysis from the four aspects of consciousnesses, such as the unity, respect work, being realistic, innovation.新时期作为高校的计算机实验室,面临着许多新问题,笔者从团结、敬业、求实、创新四个方面,对当好计算机实验室主任作了一些探析。
3.Samaranch has made the Olympic members into one harmonious Olympic big family by mens of strengthening IOC’ unity,modifying the Olympic Charter,clear up the resistance to the Olympic games from the political factor.萨马兰奇通过加强国际奥委会的团结,改革《奥林匹克宪章》,消除政治抵制,增强了国际奥委会的凝聚力,使奥林匹克成为一个和谐的、团结向上的大家庭。

1.Grupo Unido de Mocambique莫桑比克团结党(团结党)
2.Movimiento Solidaridad Nacional民族团结运动(团结运动)
3.Confederation d'Unite Democratique民主团结联盟(团结联盟)
4.then I organize one successful team around me.再组织一个团结的团队。
5.96 Union is strength.96团结就是力量。
6.3. Upholding the spirit of solidarity.三、弘扬团结精神。
7.United or combined into one body; collective.团结或连结为一体的.
8.U is for unite, united we stand, divided we fall.U代表团结团结而存,分裂而亡。
9.First of all, we should unite with the scores of Communist Parties and with the Soviet Union.首先是要团结几十个共产党,团结苏联。
10.Government of Unity and National Reconciliation团结与民族和解政府(团结政府)
11.Arab Women's Solidarity Associatio阿拉伯妇女团结协会(妇女团结协会)
12.We must unite with the masses; The more of the masses we unite with, the better.团结广大人民,团结得越多越好。
13.Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization亚非人民团结组织(亚非团结组织)
14.Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America亚非拉人民团结组织(亚非拉团结组织)
15.Care must be taken to unite with all those that can be united with.必须注意团结一切可以团结的人。
16.Solidarity means strength; solidarity means victory.团结就是力量,团结就是胜利。
17.Resistencia Unida Angolana (Angolan United Resistance)安哥拉团结抵抗运动(团结抵抗运动)
18.United National People's Party全国团结人民党(团结人民党)

1.Analysing the factors adversely influencing the unity of the leading group;影响领导班子团结的因素分析
2.New period faces a lot of new problems as a computer laboratory of the university, the article made a brief discussion on the analysis from the four aspects of consciousnesses, such as the unity, respect work, being realistic, innovation.新时期作为高校的计算机实验室,面临着许多新问题,笔者从团结、敬业、求实、创新四个方面,对当好计算机实验室主任作了一些探析。
3.Samaranch has made the Olympic members into one harmonious Olympic big family by mens of strengthening IOC’ unity,modifying the Olympic Charter,clear up the resistance to the Olympic games from the political factor.萨马兰奇通过加强国际奥委会的团结,改革《奥林匹克宪章》,消除政治抵制,增强了国际奥委会的凝聚力,使奥林匹克成为一个和谐的、团结向上的大家庭。
1.Study about Channel Power and Relationship Quality,Solidarity in Marketing Channels:the Mediation effect of Relationship Quality渠道权力与关系质量、团结的研究——关系质量的中介作用
2.As a result it is also the very justice which includes the acceptance of the other, and thus is called the other of justice, namely solidarity by Habermas.哈贝马斯的正义是包容他者的正义,其自身包含了正义的他者——团结。
3.Under the leadership of the CCP,to insist on and develop the solidarity and unification of the working class and trade union in China is the characteristic and advantage of trade union in China.在中国共产党的领导下,坚持和发展中国工人阶级队伍的和工会组织的团结统一,发挥工人阶级的整体力量,是中国工会的特点和优势,是中国工人运动、工会事业的发展规律,是在新的历史起点上,坚定不移地走中国特色社会主义工会发展道路的基本保证。
1.During the new democratic revolution and socialism construction,Mao Ze-dong esteems and unites intellectuals very much.知识分子的问题,是我国革命和建设事业中的一个重大问题,无论是在新民主主义革命时期,还是在社会主义建设时期,毛泽东同志都非常尊重和团结知识分子。
6)αparticle structureα结团结构
