火灾预防,Fire prevention
1)Fire prevention火灾预防
1.Fire prevention work in the dialectical thinking;火灾预防工作中的辩证思维

1.CHAPTER TWO FIRE PREVENTION             第二章 火灾预防
2.Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act联邦火灾预防与控制条例
3.Presidential Commission on Fire Prevention and Control总统授权的火灾预防与控制委员会
4.The Study of Forest Fire Prevention at Bijie Prefecture of Guizhou Province贵州省毕节试验区森林火灾预防研究
5.Applied Research on Modern Fire-preventing Technology of Fire Precautions in Lo gistical Areas现代防火技术在物流园区预防火灾中的应用
6.Everything shall be do In order to prepare against fire应该尽一切可能预防火灾
7.an official who is responsible for the prevention and investigation of fires.一位负责预防和调查火灾的官员。
8.the department of local government responsible for preventing and extinguishing fires.负责预防和扑灭火灾的地方政府部门。
9.Everything should be done in order to prepare against fire.应该尽一切可能预防火灾。
10.An insurance company gives surety against loss by fire.保险公司给予担保预防火灾的损失。
11.Causes and Prevention of Collapse from Building Fires;建筑火灾坍塌事故的成因及预防对策
12.Discussion and Prevention of Fire Caused by Earth Fault接地故障引发火灾的原因探析及预防
13.The Fire Risk Assessment of Gas Pipelines and Protective Measures燃气管道火灾危险性评价及预防对策
14.Fire risk factor analysis and working recommendations of city某城市火灾危险因素分析及预防对策
15.Bazaar Fire Risk and Protection.Countermeasures集贸市场火灾的危险性及其预防对策
16.Discussion of on fire characteristics of the high-rise and prevention measure浅谈高层建筑的火灾特点及预防对策
17.Current Situation of Forest Fire and Countermeasures in Hangzhou杭州市森林火灾现状分析及预防对策
18.University Library Fire Defense and Its Emergency Program高校图书馆的火灾防范——及应急预案

fire preventing预防火灾;防火的
3)fire prevention火灾预防<林>
4)fire loss prevention火灾损失的预防
5)fire loss prevention预防火灾损失
6)fire prevention and countermeasure火灾预防及对策

船舶火灾预防船舶火灾预防  【船舶火灾预防】船舶结构、设计、建造方面的防火要求。即根据我国《钢质海船建造规范》和《国际海上人命安全公约》及现行的其他有关规定采取预防措施,船方不得擅自变动。船舶防火还要根据不同性质的船舶建立完善的、有针对性的防火用火制度。大型船舶应设专职防火人员,负责巡查火灾危险场所,管理明火作业。船舶内使用的电炉、电灶等电加热设备应有防火措施和专人看管,不允许乱拉乱接电线和未经许可接用电器。船舶的机炉舱要做到“三清二洁”,即清除油污、清油棉沙、消除积炭灰尘,机器仪表设备清洁、舱壁和花铁板面清洁。禁止能引起机炉舱起火、爆炸的一切危险作业。机炉舱管泵渗漏,可采用化学粘合方法修补,严禁动火。