产学研合作教育,cooperative education
1)cooperative education产学研合作教育
1.Exploration and practice on cooperative education of the social work speciality;社会工作专业产学研合作教育的探索和实践
2.The Study of the Cooperative Education Statute;产学研合作教育法规的研究
3.In 1991, shanghai association of cooperative education was established.从1991年在上海成立产学研合作教育协会,到1997年国家教委在全国28所学校立项试验至今,产学研合作教育成效显著。

1.Consideration and Practice on Cooperation Educationof Production-study-research Research on Cooperation Education in ZhuZhou Institute of Technology;产学研合作教育的实践与思考——株洲工学院产学研合作教育的探索
2.Toward Establishing an Integrated Learning-research-production Educational System in the Higher Vocational College;高职学院产学研合作教育体制的创建
3.On cooperation education of productivity, study and research and personality cultivation of college students;论产学研合作教育与大学生人格培养
4.Cooperative Education of Production,Education and Academy and Student's Entrepreneurial Ability Cultivation产学研合作教育与学生创业能力培养
5.Investigation and practice of the education mode of Production-Learning-Research cooperation;产学研合作教育模式研究和实践探索
6.Construction of Education Base in the Education Model of the Combination of Industry,Academic Studies and Scientific Research;产学研合作教育模式中的教育基地建设
7.The innovation of education principle on the "2+1" pattern of cooperative education;“2+1”产学研合作教育模式的教育理念创新
8.University and Research Institute Development Trends of advanced vocational ed;高等职业教育发展的方向:产学研合作教育
9.Construction of Education Mode for Cooperation of Production-Study-Research in Higher Vocational Education;高等职业教育产学研合作教育模式的构建
10.Research on the Talent Development Mode of UEICE;产学研合作教育人才培养模式的探索
11.Analysis China s long-term mechanism of IUR cooperative education;我国产学研合作教育的长效机制分析
12.The development countermeasures of cooperation education of production,learning and research in our country;浅谈我国产学研合作教育的发展对策
13.On the development of the cooperative education of teaching research and production to cultivate innovative talents;开展产学研合作教育 培养创新人才
14.Exploring on Fostering Innovational Talents by the Industry-University-Research Cooperative Education产学研合作教育培养创新人才的探索
15.Problems and Treatments in the Process of the Combination of Industry,Academic Studies and Scientific Research;产学研合作教育教学运行中存在的问题及对策
16.Implementing the Cooperative Education of Industry, School and Research to Construct the Teaching Pattern of Multiple Certificate System;实施产学研合作教育 构建多证制教学模式
17.Study on Functions of Enterprises in Practicing-learning Combined Education in Vocational Education;职业教育产学合作中企业作用的研究
18.Analysis and Inspiration of Teaching-Research-Industry Integration Education Model of Foreign Universities国外大学学、研、产合作教育分析及启示

teaching-research-industry integration education学、研、产合作教育
3)cooperative educational mode of combining learning with research and production产学研合作教育模式
4)production education research cooperation产学研联合教育
5)enterprise-school cooperative Education产学合作教育
1.Only in that way,can the enterprise-school cooperative Education be accelerated to develop deeply,successively and healthily.高职院校和企业只有通过优势互补、互惠互利基础上的良性互动与合作,才能促使产学合作教育向纵深方向持续、健康地发展。
6)"2121"teaching-manufacturing-combinatioh education"2121"产学合作教育

法国储蓄合作社和信贷合作社集团法国储蓄合作社和信贷合作社集团  【法国储蓄合作杜和信贷合作社集团】集团中有:(l)向所有公寓住宅建筑商以及取得住宅者提供必需的信贷援助的专门机构—住宅信贷组织。(2)从事研究和为促进旅游和社会业余娱乐事业提供资金的业余娱乐装备合作同盟。(3)为各类职业合作社提供担保基金,以便进行风险上的互助的职业装备合作社。