2)Polluter Pays Principle (PPP)污染者付清理费原则 PPP

1.Polluter Pays Principle (PPP)污染者付清理费原则
2.Pay clean-up expenses incurred in eliminating the pollution, compensate for the losses and be liable to a fine.支付清除污染费,赔偿损失,并处以罚款。
3.taking into account the approach that the polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of pollution, with due regard to the public interest and without distorting international trade and investment.考虑原则上应由污染者承担污染造成的费用,适当照顾公众利益,同时不误导国际贸易与投资。
4.Polluter Pay Principle Should be Established for Controlling Foreign Pollution Transition;控制外国污染转移应确立污染者自负原则
5.A polluter then would pay for all the resources which he consumes.这样,污染者就要为他所消费的资源付款。
6.order the violator to remedy the pollution damage within a definite time, pay a pollutant discharge fee, pay the cost for eliminating the pollution and compensate for the losses sustained by the state责令限其治理,缴纳排污费,支付消除污染费用,赔偿国家损失
7.Pay clean-up expenses incurred in eliminating the pollution and compensate the injured party for the losses arising therefrom,支付清除污染费,向受害方赔偿由此所造成的损失,
8.OECD Principles Concerning Transfrontier Pollution经合组织越界污染原则
9.Diagnostic criteria and principle of treatment for chronic methyl?mercury poisoning caused by water pollution.水体污染慢性甲基汞中毒诊断标准及处理原则.
10."may order those units that have violated these Provisions and caused pollution damage to remedy the situation within a prescribed period of time, pay the expenses for eliminating the pollution and compensate for the losses thus incurred."可以责令其限期治理,支付消除污染费用,赔偿损失。
11.A "pure" effluent charge system requires payment of a fee or tax on each unit of pollution released into the air or water.“纯粹”排污收费制度要求付款和缴税,按照释放到空气或者水中污染物的量缴纳。
12.emission control散发污染物管理规则
13.Management of Cleaning Pollutants from Ships船舶污染物清除管理
14.People without insurance have to pay for their own repair.未投保者需自付修理费。
15.People without insurance had to pay for their own repairs.未投保者需自付修理费.
16.Cost of Cleaning Pollutants from Ships船舶污染物清除费用计算
17.Clean-up Expense Report on Marine Pollution by Ship船舶污染清除费用报告书
18.On the Basic Principles of Prevention and Control Act on Soil Pollution;略论我国土壤污染防治法的基本原则

Polluter Pays Principle (PPP)污染者付清理费原则 PPP
4)polluter pays principle污染者支付原则
1.According to the polluter pays principle and coupling with the approach of product charge, the paper analyzes the policy impact, makes a preliminary remarks on the implementation result of the ban, points out the outstanding questions such as lack of the corporate social responsibility and effective substitutions for plastic bags, in particular.文章根据污染者支付原则,结合产品收费等环境经济手段分析了"限塑令"的政策效应,并对其阶段性实施效果进行了初步评价,指出了法令执行过程中反映出的企业社会责任缺失、缺少有效替代品等主要问题,在此基础上提出了建立政府、企业和公众多方合作机制等相关建议措施,以实现提高公众环保意识、建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的良好政策初衷。
5)""polluter pays" principle"污染者自付的原则
6)the Polluter Pays Principle污染者负担费用原则
