1.In this exhibition,it was first time to set up "Changchun-Jilin-Tumen Guide Area" in Jilin Province and it was a new model of opening to outside.在此次"东北亚经济合作论坛——金融合作与投资发展论坛"上,首次公布建立吉林省"长吉图开放带动先导区",此举将创立我国内地对外开放新模式。
1.This paper analyzes the impact of the spatial structure change in both Northeast China di-mension and Jiling province dimension on the Changchun-Jilin Spatial Coordination Area.从东北、吉林省两个区域层面,透视了东北、吉林省区域空间演变对长吉空间协调区域的影响作用,由此分析了长吉空间协调演化机制,以及通过国内主要欠发地区的区域协调实例的对比分析,重点阐述了长吉空间协调发展的态势与功能趋向。
3)Poems by Li Changji李长吉诗
1.Preface to Commentaries on Collections of the Poems by Li Changji;李长吉诗非“无理”、“少理”、“无补于用”,实乃辞理兼胜、理在言外。
4)emperor's son-in-law Changji驸马长吉
5)Jilin Province and Changchun City吉林长春

1.Geological Characteristics of Lanjia Gold Deposit and Its Metallogenetic Prognosis in Changchun Jilin Province;吉林长春兰家金矿床地质特征及成矿预测
2.Les_é tats_ en_ chiffres__ Ré publique_ d' Albanie Pré sente de donné es gé né rales et statistiques sur le pays, emblè mes et cartes.吉林长春鲜花婚庆礼品商城中国北方鲜花、品商务网站,各种配送方式和支付方式。
3.The enemy force defending the city of Kirin fled towards Changchun.吉林守敌弃城逃往长春。
4.I'm from Changchun, Jinlin Province. Which city do you come from?周奔驰:吉林省长春市。你是哪个城市的?
5.The Forecast Analysis of Changchun-Jilin Highway Traffic Volume;长春—吉林高速公路交通量预测分析
6.The Group of Cities and Towns Research with Economic Area of Chang Chun-Ji Lin;长春—吉林经济带组团式城镇群研究
7.The Traveling Region Cooperation between Jilin and Changchun under the Government s Effect;长春-吉林旅游区域合作与政府作用
8.The design of embankment on the soft ground of both expressway from Siping to Changchun and Jilin to Changchun四平至长春、吉林至长春高速公路软土基路堤处治设计
9.Guo Jixun. 1995. Botany. Jilin Education Publishing House, Changchun.郭继勋(副主编).1995.植物学.吉林教育出版社,长春.
10.On the Localization of the Marketing Channels of Jilin Mobile ChangChun Branch;吉林移动长春分公司属地化渠道模式分析
12.Study on the Comparison of Economic Function Evolvement between Changchun and Jilin Since 19901990年以来长春、吉林城市经济功能演变比较研究
13.On the Problems, Causes and Solutions of Land-losing Farmers’ Appealing to the Higher Authorities for Help:A Case Study of Three Cities: Changchun, Jilin, and Yanji;失地农民上访:问题、成因与对策——以长春、吉林、延吉三市为例
14.Wang Deli. 1994. Introduction to Plant Ecological Field. Jilin Science &Technology Press, Changchun.王德利.1994.植物生态场导论.吉林科学技术出版社,长春.
15.Guo Jixun. 1994. Decomposer subsystem of Aneuroleoidium chinense grassland. Jilin University Publishing House, Changchun.郭继勋.羊草草原分解者亚系统.1994.吉林大学出版社,长春.
16.Design of Public Transport Mode for Intercity Passenger Trains between Changchun and Jilin;长春—吉林城际铁路客运列车公交化方案的基本构想
17.Integration Relation of Cities Group and Its Adjustment Mechanism for Old Industrial Base in Northeast China:A Case of Changchun and Jilin;东北城市组群整合关系及其调控机制——以长春市、吉林市为例
18.A Study on the Formation and Evolution of Economic Zone the Case of "Chang chun-Jilin"Economic Zone;经济带的形成与演进研究——以长春-吉林经济带为例

1.This paper analyzes the impact of the spatial structure change in both Northeast China di-mension and Jiling province dimension on the Changchun-Jilin Spatial Coordination Area.从东北、吉林省两个区域层面,透视了东北、吉林省区域空间演变对长吉空间协调区域的影响作用,由此分析了长吉空间协调演化机制,以及通过国内主要欠发地区的区域协调实例的对比分析,重点阐述了长吉空间协调发展的态势与功能趋向。
3)Poems by Li Changji李长吉诗
1.Preface to Commentaries on Collections of the Poems by Li Changji;李长吉诗非“无理”、“少理”、“无补于用”,实乃辞理兼胜、理在言外。
4)emperor's son-in-law Changji驸马长吉
5)Jilin Province and Changchun City吉林长春
6)the Jilin-Changchun Railway吉长铁路
1.The struggle for the title of the Jilin-Changchun Railway is not only a problem of important influence in modern Northeast Chinese history but also one classic case in the campaign of maintaining the railway right in modern Chinese age.吉长铁路护路斗争既是近代东北史中一个影响很大的问题,也是近代中国维护路权运动中的典型案例。
