1.On the responsibility for injury accidents in physical education;学校体育伤害事故的责任界定

1.The Responsibility Judgment and the Judgment Principle in the Auditing for Quitting of a Person in Charge of an Enterprise;企业负责人离任审计中的责任界定与评价原则
2.Analysis of Responsibility Confines for Injury Accidents in Physical Education Teaching;试析体育教学中伤害事故的责任界定
3.The Research on How to Divide Audit Responsibility of Our County;我国注册会计师审计责任界定问题研究
4.The Reflection of the Evaluation of Defining the Township Party and Administration Leaders Economic Responsibilities;乡镇党政领导干部经济责任界定评价的思考
5.Reflection on the Definition of Legal Responsibility of Contemporary Folk Audit;新时期民间审计法律责任界定的再思考
6.Moral Responsibility in a Determined World先定世界中的道德责任
7.Clarifying the responsibilities of financial supervision and that of auditing supervision;财务监督责任和审计监督责任的界定
8.How Distinguish Auditing Responsibility and Audited Unts Accounting Responsibility;审计责任与被审计单位会计责任的界定
9.On the Definition and Characters of the Criminal Liability of Economic Crime;论经济犯罪刑事责任的界定及其特征
10.Discussion about the Definition of Product Range in Product Liability Law in China;试论我国产品责任法产品范围的界定
11.The Background and Limitation of Enterprise Society Responsibility in China;中国企业社会责任的界定及履行基础
12.To Define Audit Supposing,Auditting Criterion and Auditting Responsibility;审计假设、审计准则与审计责任的界定
13.The Definition and Constitutive Requirements of the Legal Liabilities in Administrative Monopoly;行政垄断法律责任的界定及构成要件
14.Research on the Definition and Implementation Mechanism of Corporate Social Responsibility公司社会责任的界定与实现机制研究
15.The Definition of State-owned Enterprise Leader`s Economic Responsibility in His Term of Service;国有企业领导人员任期经济责任的界定
16.On the Direct Responsible Personnel in Unit Crime;单位犯罪中直接责任人刑事责任的根据及其界定
17.Difining the Responsibility and Duty between Owner and Manager of State Enterprise国有企业所有者与经营者责任和义务的界定
18.Which document first defined the responsibilities of federal and provincial government?哪一份文件首先界定联邦及省政府的责任?

definition of the economic responsibility经济责任界定
1.The definition of the economic responsibility should be objective, impartial and clear.经济责任界定评价是经济责任审计的关键环节。
3)definition of audit responsibilities审计责任界定
4)Responsibility Domain责任边界
5)responsibility dividing line责任界限
6)responsibility determination责任认定
1.With the help of assisting decision,the system studied in this paper combines rule inference and case-based inference to make up for their deficiencies,giving full play to the advantages of CBR and RBR and effectively promoting accident treatment,so as to be open,fair and convenient in the responsibility determination of traffic accidents.文章研究的系统运用辅助决策支持,在事故责任认定中将规则推理与案例推理结合,弥补各自的不足,充分发挥CBR和RBR各自优势,有效促进了事故的处理,从而实现交通事故责任认定工作的公开、公平、便民。

产权界定 产权界定——  产权界定是指国家依法划分财产所有权和经营权等产权归属,明确各类产权形式权利的财产范围和管理权限的一种法律行为。