1.Evaluation of Ecological Security of the Area Agricultural Sustainable Development——A Case Study of Hongsibu in NingXia区域农业可持续发展的生态安全评价——以宁夏红寺堡移民区为例

1.Research on the Impact of the Migration about Ningxia Hongsibu Land Utility System;宁夏红寺堡土地利用系统移民效益评估研究
2.Strategy of Sustainable Development on Hongsipu New Oasis;关于红寺堡新绿洲可持续发展战略的思考
3.The Discussion on Land Investigation Database Construction in Hongsibao Village红寺堡农村土地调查数据库建设及技术探讨
4.Study on development mode of combining agriculture with forestry and animal husbandry in Hongsibao,Ningxia;宁夏红寺堡移民开发区农林牧结合型农业发展模式研究
5.The Empirical Analysis about Evolution of Industrial Structure of Ningxia Immigrating Area--The Investigation Based on Immigrating Area of Hongsibu;宁夏移民区产业结构演进的实证分析——基于对红寺堡移民区的调查
6.An Empirical Analysis of Development Benefit of Agricultural Migrants --Based on the Survey of Hongsipu irrigation Area of Ningxia;农业移民开发效益实证分析——基于对宁夏红寺堡灌区的调查
7.Evaluation of Ecological Security of the Area Agricultural Sustainable Development--A Case Study of Hongsibu in NingXia区域农业可持续发展的生态安全评价——以宁夏红寺堡移民区为例
8.The Red Mosque: Chinese and English versions of the story from Islamabad with audio and links to all the vocabulary used.红色清真寺:从伊斯兰堡报道,中英双言包括口音和生词定义。
9.A standoff follows a bloody encounter between Pakistani security forces and militant Islamic students at the Red Mosque in Islamabad.巴基斯坦警方与武装的伊斯兰教学生在伊斯兰堡红色清真寺发生流血冲突之后,局势一度缓和。
10.these temples were mindlessly destroyed by the Red Guards.这些寺庙被愚昧无知的红卫兵捣毁了。
11.Watch as fire smolders at the bullet-ridden Red Mosque complex.现在,大火正在红色清真寺内燃烧。
12.Hagia Sophia served as model for several of the great Turkish mosques of Constantinople.圣索菲娅成为了几个君士坦丁堡的土耳其伟大清真寺的典型。
13.The Potala Palace, an integration of palace, castle and monastery mingled with Chinese and Tibetan styles, is the largest and best-kept palace compound in Tibet.布达拉宫集宫殿、城堡、寺院藏汉建筑风格于一体,是西藏地区现存最大最完整的宫堡式建筑群;
14.The Reds took the fortifications by assault, put their astonished enemy on the run红军攻占了这些堡垒,敌人仓惶奔逃。
15.Chateau Mouton-Rothschild摩登·罗氏察德堡红葡萄酒
16.Chateau Lafite-Rothschild拉妃特·罗氏察德堡红葡萄酒
17.Remind you of a mosque, redbaked bricks, the minarets.红砖和 尖塔都会使你联想到伊斯兰教的礼拜寺。
18.Geological Characteristics and Prospecting Direction of Yangtingsi Rutile Deposit in Daixian County of Shanxi Province山西代县羊廷寺金红石矿地质特征及找矿方向

irrigation area of Hongsipu红寺堡灌区
1.Thoughts on the development and construction of the irrigation area of Hongsipu;对红寺堡灌区开发建设的几点思考
3)Hongsipu newly-built irrigating area红寺堡新灌区
4)Hongsibu immigrating area红寺堡移民区
5)Hongsibao development zone红寺堡开发区
1.For mastering the land use status of Hongsibao development zone and providing decision making foundation for reasonable land utilizing and promoting sustainable development.为了掌握红寺堡开发区土地利用现状,合理利用土地,为促进可持续发展提供决策依据,我们利用RS,GPS和GIS等技术对红寺堡开发区土地利用现状进行了调查。
1.Study on development mode of combining agriculture with forestry and animal husbandry in Hongsibao,Ningxia;宁夏红寺堡移民开发区农林牧结合型农业发展模式研究

阿哥拉红堡阿哥拉红堡,靠在圣河——雅沐娜河西岸,有着四百多年的历史、高达20多米的城墙的雄伟建筑。是以前统一印度的蒙末尔王朝皇帝的宫殿,全部用红色沙石筑成,上面布满了精美的艺术雕刻至今清晰可见,它标志着蒙兀儿朝代的兴盛发达。法地普尔西格里法地布尔古城、西格里陵墓距亚格拉不远,便是法地布尔西格fatehpursikri)的废墟遗址。当爱克巴皇帝(emperor akbar)厌倦了阿格拉,便特别到此兴建新的首都,但只经过短14年便因水源不足而再度迁都回阿哥拉。到了今天,法地布尔西格里的护城墙、城门及皇宫依然保存良好。皇宫庭院中安放了印度圣人salim chishti的陵墓,西格里陵墓以云石建成,四周则围以精雕细镂的云石屏风。远看仿似一颗宝石镶嵌于粉红色砂岩的庭院之中。