1.This article argues that one promising regulatory tool that EU could utilize is greater reliance on information disclosure requirements, particularly spotlighting the compliance records of regulated entities.文章着重阐述了欧盟环保执法过程中使用的一种有效的监管工具:即在依赖信息披露制度基础上,"暴光"主体的违反环境相关法律的纪录。

1.Here's a pretty how-d'ye-do about this, when the facts become known.事实暴光后,会有一场好戏的。
2.Color Film Exposure in CRT Image RecordersCRT屏幕摄影机中的彩色底片暴光原理
3.The story blew their cover; The double agent was blown by the other side.报纸对不合格的药品进行了暴光
4.all the reports were out in the open; the facts had been brought to the surface.贪污案件的暴光让许多人名誉扫地。
5.Spotlighting: Analysis on the New Mode of EU Environmental Law Enforcement暴光制度——欧盟环保执法新模式评析
6.Talking from"Puguang"(暴光) and"Puguang"(曝光)--On Some Rules in the Development of Word Meaning从“暴光”和“曝光”谈起——兼论词义发展的一些规律
7.Don' t expose it to the sunlight.不要把它暴露在阳光下。
8.Electrical conductivity affected by exposure to light.光电导性,光电导率受光暴露影响的电传导
9.Method for outdoor exposure testing of photodegradable plasticsGB/T17603-1998光解性塑料户外暴露试验方法
10.The storm gave way to bright sunshine.暴风雨过后出现了灿烂的阳光.
11.a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun.由于暴露于阳光下而使皮肤变黑。
12.dermatitis caused exposure to sunlight.由于暴露与阳光下而导致的皮炎。
13.Do lights blink during lightning storms?* 在雷暴期间,灯光是否会闪烁不定?
14.suffering from overexposure to direct sunlight.因为过度暴露于直射阳光而患
15.To be exposed to or revealed by radiation.暴露于射线被辐射发现或曝光
16.The storm ended and the moon shone on the rough water.暴风雨过去了,月光撒在汹涌的海面上。
17.Don’t expose undeveloped film to light.不要把未冲洗的胶卷暴露在光照下。
18.New it has been exposed to the light of day现在它已经暴露在光天化日之下了。

Sunlight exposure日光暴露
4)dark exposure暗暴光
5)line exposal行暴光
6)sun exposure光暴露
