西部大开发,western development
1)western development西部大开发
1.The Strategic Direction of Mining Industry of Wuhai City in Western Development;西部大开发中乌海市矿业经济的战略定向
2.Strategic Thought of Realization of Wuhai Mining Industrialization in Western Development;西部大开发实现乌海矿业产业化的战略构想
3.Emphasizing Ecoenvironemental Protection and Construction in the Western Development;西部大开发要重视生态环境保护和建设

1.-- The program for developing the western region made a good start.——西部大开发开局良好。
2.2.Actualizing west exploitation and strengthening the middle and west devel opm ent;实施西部大开发、加强中西部发展;
3.The development of western part higher education in the west area exploitaion;从西部大开发看西部高等教育的发展
4.Development of western regions and the study of west agricultural development problem;西部大开发与西部农业发展问题研究
5.The West Development and the Realization of the Concerted Growth of both the East and the West;西部大开发与东西部协调发展的实现
6.The Urban and Rural Development under the Western Area Development Strategy;西部大开发与西部地区城乡发展战略
7.Information on Development of the West西部大开发有关情况
8.Implementing the strategy for the development of the western regions.28、实施西部大开发战略。
9.Participating in and Supporting the Development of the Western Region参加和支援西部大开发
10.For the development of Western China, technology and education is given a priority.西部大开发,科教要先行。
11.On Legislation of the West Development in Large-scale Development Phase;论大规模开发阶段的西部大开发立法
12.The Evolution of Western Industrial Structure During Western Development in the Past Five Years;西部大开发5年西部产业结构的演变
14.Viewing the Devotional Value of the People in the Western Regions from the Perspective of West Development;从西部大开发看西部人的信仰价值观
15.A Preliminary Discussion on the Western Development and Western Railway Construction;刍议西部大开发与西部铁路通路建设
16.Westem Region Development: a Call for the Change of Thinking;西部大开发:西部人的思想观念要先行
17.China Drawing the Inspiration From West Development in American;美国西部开发对我国西部大开发的启示
18.The Grand Development of the West of China:a Rare Opportunity for the East, the Central as well as the West;西部大开发:东部、中部、西部都是难得的机遇

west development西部大开发
1.On the West Development and the Reform and Development of Higher Education;论西部大开发与高等教育改革和发展
2.Comparative analysis of water strategies for West Developments in China and USA;中美西部大开发的水战略比较研究
3.The importance of water reuse in the west development;浅析水资源再生利用在西部大开发战略中的重要性
3)the western development西部大开发
1.From "National Regional Autonomy " and "the Rich First Pushing Those Being Rich Later" to "the Western Development"——Inheriting and Innovation on the National Viewpoints by the Three Generation Leading Nucleues of CPC;从“民族区域自治”、“先富带动后富”到“西部大开发”——党的三代领导核心民族观的继承与创新
2.The economical analysis of the Western Development of China;西部大开发的经济学思考
3.The constrction of capable men for the western development;论西部大开发的人才建设
4)West China development西部大开发
1.Environment Protection in West China Development;浅议西部大开发中的环境保护及措施
2.West China Development: An Attempt in Balance and Coordination;西部大开发:平衡协调论的一次伟大尝试
3.Recognition and Study on the Islamic Realistic Problem in West China Development;重视研究西部大开发中的伊斯兰教现实问题
5)Development of western China西部大开发
1.Control of desertification disaster in the development of western China;我国西部大开发中的沙漠化灾害防治研究
2.Starting with the needs of law in the Development of Western China, this paper makes an analysis of environment rights legislation, environment rights subject, the characteristics of environment rights, and etc.本文从西部大开发的法律需求出发,分析了环境权立法、环境权主体、环境权特性等问题,提出在我国环境法体系中应明确设置环境权,并体现具有民族特点的环境权内容和精神。
3.This paper deals with the problems of bring up the mining right market in development of western China, give play to mining pillar status in western China, realize the strategic objective of development of western China.文章论述在西部大开发中 ,要积极培育矿业权市场 ,以更好发挥矿业在西部各省 (区 )中的支柱地位 ,才能更好实现西部大开发的战略目标。
6)Development of the West Regions西部大开发
1.System Innovation:the Crux of Development of the West Regions;体制创新:西部大开发的关键
2.A simple Analysis of the Development of the West Regions and the Backwardness in Education;浅谈西部大开发与教育滞后问题
3.A Positive Analysis of a Growth Pole in the Development of the West Regions ——The Relationship between the Building of Yangling Industrial Sample of Advanced Agriculture Technology and Development of the West Regions;西部大开发中一个“增长极”的实证分析——杨凌示范区建设与西部大开发的关系
