非正规就业,informal employment
1)informal employment非正规就业
1.Female migrant workers in the informal employment;非正规就业中的女性农民工
2.Approach and Predicament Analyze of Chinese College Students Informal Employment;大学生非正规就业途径与困境分析
3.The Influence on Economic Development in China by Informal Employment;非正规就业对我国经济发展影响的研究

1.On the abnormal employment;试论非正规就业——兼谈我国妇女的非正规就业
2.Irregular employment: effective ways of disadvantaged groups obtaining employment;非正规就业:弱势群体就业的有效途径
3.Irregular Employment-an Effective Way of Employment for the Weak People;非正规就业——弱势群体就业的有效途径
4.Informal Employment and Informal Economy in the Economic Transformation in the Process of Urbanization in China(1990-2004);我国转型期城镇非正规就业与非正规经济(1990—2004)
5.Analysis on the Employment in the Non-State-Owned Sectors;我国高校毕业生非正规就业问题探析
6.Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing非正规就业妇女:全球化和组织化
7.The Institutional Supply and Demand Analysis on Stimulating the Development of Informal Employment;促进非正规就业发展的制度供求分析
8.Research on Current Status and Development of Wuxi Informal Employment;无锡市非正规就业的现状与发展研究
9.An Analysis of Economics on Informal Employment of Migrant Workers in Urban;农民工城镇非正规就业的经济学分析
10.Informal Employment:Social Recognition from the Theoretical Perspective a Theoretical Perspective;非正规就业:理论层面上的社会承认
11.The Government-led Informal Employment Organization(IEO):Informal Employment in Shanghai and the Shanghai Model;完善非正规就业“上海模式”的思考
12.Floating Population,Informal Employment and Development of Large Cities;流动人口、非正规就业与大城市发展
13.Research on non-regular employment "strong"weak group;大学生非正规就业“强”弱势群体研究
14.Non-regular Employment--Ponder and Suggestion of Rights and Interests Problem about Household Management Service Person;非正规就业——家政服务员权益问题研究
15.Main Features of the Development of Irregular Employment in Shanxi;浅析山西非正规就业发展的主要特征
16.A Development of Informal Employment and a Change of Trade Union Movement;非正规就业的发展与工会运动的变革
17.The Study of Low-ranking Informal Employers in Small Cities;小城市非正规就业中低端就业者之研究
18.Irregular employment as an effective approach for the vulnerable group of the undergraduates;非正规就业——大学生弱势群体就业的有效途径

irregular employment非正规就业
1.Situation of labor relations in Liaoning irregular employment with economics in transition;辽宁经济转型期非正规就业中劳动关系运行态势
2.The phenomenon of irregular employment is a problem which has confused the studies of the labor market in China.非正规就业现象一直是困扰中国劳动力市场研究的突出问题。
3.With the establishment of marketing,irregular nationalization and opening economy,the patterns of our irregular employment is logging very much,which causes the increase of our unemployment.非正规就业在现实经济中已经大量存在,在缓解就业压力方面发挥了较大作用。
3)non-regular employment非正规就业
1.Research on non-regular employment "strong"weak group;大学生非正规就业“强”弱势群体研究
2.“Temporary hire” is a form of employment which belongs to non-regular employment with flexible working hours and payment.“临聘”属于非正规就业,工作时间灵活,劳动报酬具有弹性。
4)non-formal employment非正规就业
1."Shanghai model" reflects the trend of prosperity of non-formal employment,which plays an important role in tackling social unemployment issue.中国非正规就业面临缺乏法律保障和制度支撑、非正规就业劳动关系和劳动制度不规范、城乡劳动力市场的分割成为非正规部门劳动力市场发展的体制性障碍等问题。
2.After lost land,farmers had to transfer to urban for employment,a large number of land-lost farmers lied in the state of non-formal employment in the process of transformation from farmers to workers,there was a gradual marginal-ization trends,and formed a "Chengzhongcun" phenomenon in cities,which has attracted wide attention.农民在失去土地以后,不得不转移到城市就业,大量的失地农民在农转工的过程中,处于非正规就业状态,出现了被逐步边缘化的趋向,并在城市中形成了"城中村"现象,这种现象目前已经引起了各界的广泛关注。
5)urban informal employment城镇非正规就业
1.Scale estimate on urban informal employment of China;我国城镇非正规就业的规模估算
6)informal employee非正规就业群体
1.Therefore the social protection to the informal employee should be paid attention to to relieve the pressure of employment in our country.因此,对非正规就业群体的社会保护应成为社会关注的对象,从而缓解我国就业压力。

非农数据即非农业就业人数  就业报告(TheEmploymentReport),包括与就业相关的信息,分别由两个独立的调查得出,即企业调查和家庭调查。  其中,企业调查提供有关非农业部门的就业情况,平均每小时工作和总小时指数;家庭调查提供有关劳动力、家庭就业和失业率的情况。非农业就业衡量在所有非农工业中有收入人员的数字,如制造业和服务业。  就业报告通常被誉为外汇市场能够做出反应的所有经济指标中的%26ldquo;皇冠上的宝石%26rdquo;,它是市场最为敏感的月度经济指标,投资者通常能从中看到众多市场敏感的信息,其中外汇市场特别重视的是随季节性调整的每月就业人数的变化情况。比如,强劲的非农就业情况表明了一个健康的经济状况,并可能预示着更高的利率,而潜在的高利率促使外汇市场更多地推动该国货币价值,反之亦然。