环境税,environmental tax
1)environmental tax环境税
1.An analysis on functions of perfection of environmental taxation in western ecological environment;完善环境税制对西部生态环境的作用分析
2.On China s necessity of collecting environmental taxes;刍议我国开征环境税的必要性
3.Exploration on the establishment of environmental tax revenue system in China;我国环境税收制度构建的探讨

1.On the Environmental Tax in China--Protecting Environment with Tax Method;论中国的环境税——税收手段治理环境
2.The Issues of Environment and the Construction of an Environmental Taxation System in China;环境问题与我国环境税收体系的构建
3.On the Coordination between Trade and Environment: Optimizing Research on Environmental Taxation;贸易与环境的协调:环境税择优研究
4.On Environmental Taxes and the Achievement of Equitable Benefit-sharing;实现环境利益公平分享的环境税机理
5.Prediction of Energy Consumption and Emission under Environmental Taxes in China;环境税下我国能源消费及环境排放预测
6.Analysis of Environmental Protection Policy and Relative Advantages of Environmental Tax;环境保护政策分析:兼论环境税的相对优势
7.An analysis on functions of perfection of environmental taxation in western ecological environment;完善环境税制对西部生态环境的作用分析
8.Re source Saving Type and Environment Amity Type Society and Green Environment Tax;资源节约型、环境友好型社会与绿色环境税
9.Environmental tax: the effective path to solve the problem of city environment;环境税收:解决城市环境问题的有效途径
10.Strategic Environmental Policy:A Comparative Analysis of Environment Tax and Abatement Subsidy策略性环境政策:环境税和减排补贴的比较分析
11.On the Double Dividend Effect of Environmental Tax and the Policy Preference to China s Environmental Tax System Construction;论环境税“双盈”效应与中国环境税制建设的政策取向
12.Review on the Construction of Pollution Tax System based on the International Practice of Environment Tax System;从环境税制国际实践看我国污染税制度建设
13.Analysis of the Double Dividend Effect on Environmental Tax and Revelation on Tax Reform of China;环境税双赢效应分析及其对我国税改的启示
14.Orientation of the Resources and the Environment Tax under the Condition of the Green Tax System构建绿色税制条件下资源环境税的现实取向
15.Tax Propaganda and Tax Circumstances--Consideration to the Tax Awareness;税收环境与税收宣传——兼谈纳税意识
16.Talking about the Tax Planning of Enterprise Income Tax under the Environment of New Tax Law新税法环境下的企业所得税税收筹划
17.levy on environmentally harmful consumption对环境有害消费征税
18.To Build up and Improve The System of Tax Agent,and Promote The Environment of Tax Harmoniously;健全税务代理制度建设和谐税收环境

environment tax环境税
1.Environment Tax and Adjustment of Environmental Tax System;环境税与环保税制体系的调整
2.In order to effectively solve the problem, experts puts forward the proposals for improving environment conservation by environment taxation.为了有效地解决环境问题 ,部分专家提出了利用环境税加强环境保护的建议。
3.This paper discusses the present situation of air pollution and proposes the idea of protecting air environment through levy environment tax based on the reference to it in other countries.从大气污染现状出发,结合国外环境税在这一领域的运用,提出依靠环境税保护大气环境的思路,是实现环境与经济协调发展的必然趋势。
3)environmental taxes环境税
1.Prediction of Energy Consumption and Emission under Environmental Taxes in China;环境税下我国能源消费及环境排放预测
2.Reference and Research on the OECD Countries Legal System of Environmental Taxes in Economic Globalization;经济全球化下OECD国家环境税收法律制度借鉴研究
3.The paper introduces the background of environmental taxes and the significances of collecting them, and constructs the concrete measures to environmental reforms and its developing tendency.环境税的产生有其特定的背景,环境税的征收意义重大。
4)environmental taxation环境税
1.Effect of environmental taxation in units economic load dispatch;火电机组经济负荷分配中环境税的影响
2.It reaches that the government’s environmental taxation policy affects the profit of the enterprises and then decides the approaches of the internalization of environmental cost.研究发现,政府环境税收政策的实施对企业利润的影响决定了环境成本内部化的途径。
3.This study analyzes the root of environmental problems from the economic perspective,and elaborates the basic principles of environmental taxation and the theory how to solve the environthental probleins.文章从经济学视角分析了环境问题存在的根源,并对环境税的作用机理进行了详细解析,最后就我国环境税制建设提出了几点思考。
5)environment tax system环境税制
1.The current environment tax system in our country is still not perfect, because of lacking the strict law the environment on the meaning tax law grows, basic top is "a leg walk".我国现行环境税制体系尚不完善,由于缺乏严格法律意义上的环境税种,基本上是“一条腿走路”。
2.In order to solve it,the western countries are the first to put forward the environment tax theory and practise it and China also begins to prepare for the establishment of environment tax system.在现代社会,环境问题随着社会经济的发展而逐渐凸显,为了解决环境问题,西方国家率先实行了环境税制度,我国也开始进行环境税设立的准备工作。
6)Conditions of tax dodging偷税环境
