经济制度,economic system
1)economic system经济制度
1.Some problems of perfecting the basic economic system;完善基本经济制度需要深入探讨的几个问题
2.In addition,the significance of applying the law of real right in maintaining socialist basic economic system,consolidating victory achievements of reform and opening-up,deepening reform and opening-up and other aspects are discussed.阐述了建立物权法对于构建和谐社会的重要性,介绍了我国制定物权法的原则,并论述了物权法在维护社会主义基本经济制度、确认和巩固改革开放胜利成果、推动改革开放深入进行等方面的重要意义。
3.Any kind of economic system or economic action should provide more interests needs for the social members because the basic moral principle or the first principle of the social economic system and economic action is to satisfy the interests needs of the social members into full play.任何一种经济制度或经济行为都要为社会成员提供尽可能多的利益需要 ,因为社会经济制度和经济行为的根本道德性原则或第一原则就是最大限度地满足社会成员的利益需要。

1.economic system经济体制,经济制度
2.Economic Analysis on Economic System and Economic and Measures......;经济制度与经济手段的经济理论分析
3.Intensify Economic Structural Reform and Perfect Socialist Market Economy System;深化经济体制改革 完善基本经济制度
4.The economies of Japan and China日本和中国的经济制度.
5.The Influence of Neo-Economy upon WesternEconomic Thecries and System;略论新经济对西方经济理论和经济制度的影响
6.Deng Xiaoping s Theory of Institutional Economics and Economic System Changes of Our Country;邓小平制度经济理论与我国经济制度变迁
7.Institutional Economics Analysis on the Motivation of China's Economics System Vicissitude中国经济制度变迁动因的制度经济学分析
8.On the Changes of Economic System under the Economic Globalization;论经济全球化背景下的经济制度变迁
9.Chief element of economic development: market economy system;市场经济制度:经济发展的首要因素
10.The Contemporary Economic Law System of Foreign Countries当代外国经济法律制度
11.Law Systems of Contemporary Western Economy当代西方经济法律制度
12.Navigation Regime of Exclusive Economic Zone专属经济区航行制度
13.New Institutional Economics, Economics restored to Classical Political Economics;新制度经济学:经济学向古典政治经济学的复归
14.The Comparison between Chinese Economic Consideration System of Divorce and Economic Aid System of Divorce;我国离婚经济补偿制度与经济帮助制度之比较
15.Comparison of Marxism Institutional Economics and Neoinstitutional Economics;马克思制度经济学与新制度经济学之比较
16.Institutional Economics Analysis of Chinese Private Economic Development;中国私营经济发展的制度经济学分析
17.Economic Rule Lawsuit Available and Economic Public Welfare Lawsuit System;经济法的可诉性与经济公益诉讼制度
18.Analysis of Regional Economic Integration Based on the New Institutional Economics;区域经济一体化的新制度经济学分析

Economic Institution经济制度
1.An Empirical Study of the Economic Institution and the Efficiency of Economic Growth;经济制度和我国经济增长效率的实证研究
2.The formalized definiton and essential features of the economic institution: systems economics viewpoint;经济制度的形式化定义及其基本特征:系统经济学观点
3.The change of economic institution should be established on the basis of the spontaneous order formed from the cultural evolution and the man-made rules.经济制度的变迁也应建立在由文化演化所形成的自发秩序和人为设计的规则基础之上,如此所架构的经济制度可以持久、有效地发挥作用。
3)economy system经济制度
1.Researches on the Ethic of the Contemporary Chinese Economy System;当代中国经济制度伦理研究
2.The amendment of present constitution is mainly the change in economy system.宪法修改的主要内容是经济制度;经济制度变化的基本原因,应然是资本短缺这一经济现象寻求宪法支持的结果。
4)economic institutions经济制度
1.The existing economic institutions offer certain incentives and restricts to human economic behaviors.经济制度是人们从事经济活动的行为准则和规范,包括传统、习俗、信仰、道德、法律、政策等。
5)system economy制度经济
6)institutional economics制度经济学
1.Institutional economics analysis on the“Bribes”;“红包”现象的制度经济学分析
2.Analysis institutional economics of returning cultivated land to forest;退耕还林的制度经济学分析
3.Study on Institutional Economics of Public Fishery Resource Management;渔业公共资源管理的制度经济学探讨

经济制度  见社会经济结构。