价值定位,value orientation
1)value orientation价值定位
1.Value orientation of League Organizations in non - public - owned units;非公经济组织中共青团的价值定位
2.A study of value orientation of higher vocational education;高等职业教育价值定位的研究
3.Through the introduction of the layout and architectural design of Hefei Lotus Garden, the article is to embody the design theory of the value of ecology, human nature and value orientation and simultaneously emphasizes the Fifth Elevation, the com- fort of living space and the importance of health.文章通过对合肥市芙蓉花园规划和建筑设计的介绍,意在体现居住小区的生态观、人性观、价值定位观等设计理念,同时强调第五立面、居住空间舒适性、健康性和重要性。

1.An Analysis on Value Orientation and Value Choices of Public Policy公共政策价值定位和价值抉择的解析与研究
2.Value of the Traditional Sports in New Age新时期发展民族传统体育的价值定位
3.The Inprovement of Superficies System in China and Its Legislative Effects;地上权制度在我国的演进和价值定位
4.On the Value Orientation of Judicial Psychological and Physiological Testing Technique;论司法心理生理测试技术的价值定位
5.Construction of a Harmonious Society and the Value Orientation of Public Policy;构建和谐社会与公共政策的价值定位
6.Value Orientation of Adult Education under the Idea of Life-long Education;终身教育理念下成人教育的价值定位
7.On Value Orientation between "the Human-oriented Idea" and "the Idea of Governing by Law";“以人为本”与“依法治国”的价值定位
8.On Higher Vocational College s Campus Culture Value Orientation and Construction;高职院校校园文化的价值定位和构建
9.On Chinese Realistic Moral Value Orientation and Principle;现实道德建设的价值定位与原则探析
10.Evaluation & Reform of China s Environmental Tax System;环境税收制度的价值定位及改革方向
11.Orientation of city developing value about "great Dalian"construction;论“大大连”建设的城市发展价值定位
12.Value Location and Mode of the Public Participation in the Administrative Legislation;公众参与行政立法的价值定位和模式
13.Value orientation of the law for Intelligem Property Right--Innovation;试论知识产权法的价值定位——创新
14.Debating the Value of Credibility in Economy Markets;论诚信在市场经济中的资本价值定位
15.The Analysis on the Value-oriented of Jiang Zemin s Ideology and Political Work;江泽民的思想政治工作价值定位论析
16.Discuss the Orientation Theory of Value of Jiang Zemin s Ideological Political Education;论江泽民思想政治教育价值定位理论
17.On Value Positioning of Bankruptcy Law and Perfection of Relevant Systems;论破产法的价值定位及相关制度完善
18.The Original Meaning of Rural Education Value and Re-positioned Value of "Three Jiao";农村教育价值之本真与"三教"价值的重新定位

value location价值定位
1.How to solve international product liability conflict,on the one hand,it is necessary to make economics analysis to doctrine of product liability fixation;on the other hand it is necessary to make a proper value location toward legal application principle of product liability.如何解决国际间的产品责任冲突,一方面有必要对产品责任的归责原则进行经济学的分析,另一方面也应该对产品责任法律适用原则有一个恰当的价值定位
2.This paper discusses the value location of the concept of rule by law in the contemporary college moral education from the unique visual angle——the concept of rule by law.从“法治理念”这一独特视角,从德育工作者和当代大学生两个层面来探讨“法治理念”在当代大学生德育工作中的价值定位
3.We draw some inspiration from the life value location of the Confucian Lide,Ligong,Liyan and measure standard.儒家立德、立功、立言的人生价值定位及其衡量标准 ,对我们有一定的启发 ,其人生坐标定位、分层次的价值评价标准等 ,对我们今天的社会生活都有参考意义。
1.Rethinking of value of scientific and technical journals under market economy;对市场经济条件下科技期刊价值定位的重新思考
2.The paper mainly discusses value of traditional sports,such as value of succession and health-preserving,national psychology,value of ego-development and promoting unity of China,value of development of the Olympics etc.民族传统体育是中华民族一笔宝贵的财富,笔者从民族传统体育传承价值、健身价值、民族心理素质、自我发展社会价值、增进民族团结的社会价值、完善和发展奥林匹克运动价值等几个方面进行价值定位,从而进一步确立民族传统体育的特殊性和重要性。
4)value position价值定位
5)Localization value定位价值
6)the coordinate of value location价值定位坐标

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分